英英释义:(of a person, place, or thing) possess ( a feature that is a source of pride)
例句:Phenomenal English boasts arguably the most driven English learners.
arguably : as can be shown by argument. used when giving your opinion to say that there are good reasons why something might be true. (probably, maybe, possibly, most likely)
" boast" 是“拥有、有”, 只不过这里有一种自豪的意味,可以翻译为“ 以。。。引以为傲”。它是及物动词,后面可以直接接宾语(boast还有一个意思是“自夸”,做这个意思,后面一般要加“ about / of”)
这个词给我们的启发是,学英语有时要避免简单地逐字翻译,不要过于依赖英汉、汉英词典,比如在汉英字典中查“有” 是不太可能查到boast,但boast在一些语境中可以表示“有”,而且比常见的have更准确。
比如:Peking and Tsinghua University boast the most talented students and best faculty members in China. 北大和清华有全国最聪明的学生和最强的师资。
又比如:Shenzhen boasts a large number of fast growing technology companies. 深圳汇集了大量高速增长的科技公司。
再比如:Japan boasts the most Nobel laureates in Asia. 日本的诺贝尔获奖者人数居亚洲第一。
《经济学人》中两个使用了boast的句子,在介绍Instagram的用户数时, 是这样写的:
~The photo-sharing app has grown snappily and now boasts 1bn monthly users.
Snappily : quickly made or done. (quickly)
~ San Francisco boasts a recycling rate of 80%, one of the highest of any rich-world city. (这里的boast可以翻译为:“高达”)
The coffee shop boasts the best latte in the town. 这家咖啡馆有这个城市最好的拿铁咖啡
~ 场景:中国拥有全世界最发达的高铁技术
~ 造句:China boasts the most developed railway high-speed technology in the world.