You must figure out how much money is necessary to avoid your future risks and live your family with peace and harmony. Know the number and then work on it. But don’t ever believe that money can make all your problems disappear. Of course, not. Money can help you make difficult situations comparatively easier. Not more than that.
But if you talk about money all the time, you are narrowing your thoughts and missing other things around you. You are creating a bubble where you only care about numbers. It’s a sign that you are making yourself unhappy.
Don’t you see that even people with good money don’t always talk about it? They talk about new ideas, innovation, books, and all. If you don’t believe me, observe people like Bill Gates, Elon Musk, or Warren Buffett. Do they talk about money all the time?
Life becomes more meaningful when you connect yourself to the thoughts of the thinkers who worked for greater humanity. When you start discussing their ideas and actions, you gradually develop your consciousness and become more aware of the world you live in.
What you can do
Leave your money-talks aside and start exploring the world of ideas, thoughts, and philosophies. Spend time with good books, music, and movies, talk about them with friends and family. Share your learnings with your business partners or colleagues. Make a new world where money matters the least.