public interface MainMapper {
@Select("SELECT * FROM tb_users WHERE TRUNC(create_time) = TRUNC(SYSDATE)")
List<TbUsers> selUsersToday();
List<TbUsers> selUsersYesterday();
List<TbUsers> selUsersYearWeek();
List<TbUsers> selUsersMonth();
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE configuration
PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Config 3.0//EN"
<!-- 配置分页插件 -->
<plugin interceptor="com.github.pagehelper.PageHelper">
<!-- 设置数据库类型 Oracle,Mysql,MariaDB,SQLite,Hsqldb,PostgreSQL六种数据库-->
<property name="dialect" value="Oracle"/>
create table TB_ROLES
role_id NUMBER(20) not null,
role_name VARCHAR2(50) not null,
role_remark VARCHAR2(100)
tablespace WMS
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 8K
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
comment on column TB_ROLES.role_id
is '角色编号';
comment on column TB_ROLES.role_name
is '角色名';
alter table TB_ROLES
add constraint PK_ROLEID primary key (ROLE_ID)
using index
tablespace WMS
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 1M
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
create table TB_ADMIN
id NUMBER(20) not null,
username VARCHAR2(50) not null,
password VARCHAR2(50) not null,
salt VARCHAR2(5),
fullname VARCHAR2(50) not null,
e_mail VARCHAR2(100),
sex VARCHAR2(1) not null,
birthday VARCHAR2(50) not null,
address VARCHAR2(100) not null,
phone VARCHAR2(20) not null,
role_id NUMBER(20)
tablespace WMS
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 8K
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
comment on column TB_ADMIN.id
is '管理员ID';
comment on column TB_ADMIN.username
is '用户名';
comment on column TB_ADMIN.password
is '密码';
comment on column TB_ADMIN.fullname
is '全名';
comment on column TB_ADMIN.sex
is '性别,0:女,1:男,2:保密';
comment on column TB_ADMIN.address
is '地址';
comment on column TB_ADMIN.phone
is '手机号';
comment on column TB_ADMIN.role_id
is '角色编号';
alter table TB_ADMIN
add constraint PK_ADMINID primary key (ID)
using index
tablespace WMS
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 1M
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
alter table TB_ADMIN
add constraint F_ROLEID foreign key (ROLE_ID)
references TB_ROLES (ROLE_ID) on delete cascade;
create table TB_LOG
id NUMBER(20) not null,
username VARCHAR2(50) not null,
operation VARCHAR2(50) not null,
method VARCHAR2(100),
params VARCHAR2(500),
ip VARCHAR2(64),
create_time VARCHAR2(50) not null
tablespace WMS
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 8K
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
comment on column TB_LOG.operation
is '操作';
comment on column TB_LOG.method
is '执行方法';
comment on column TB_LOG.params
is '请求参数';
comment on column TB_LOG.ip
is 'ip';
comment on column TB_LOG.create_time
is '操作时间';
alter table TB_LOG
add constraint PK_LOGID primary key (ID)
using index
tablespace WMS
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 1M
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
create table TB_MENUS
menu_id NUMBER(20) not null,
title VARCHAR2(20) not null,
icon VARCHAR2(20),
href VARCHAR2(100),
perms VARCHAR2(500),
spread VARCHAR2(10) not null,
parent_id NUMBER(20) not null,
sorting NUMBER(20)
tablespace WMS
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 8K
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
comment on column TB_MENUS.menu_id
is '菜单编号';
comment on column TB_MENUS.title
is '菜单名';
comment on column TB_MENUS.icon
is '图标';
comment on column TB_MENUS.href
is '资源地址';
comment on column TB_MENUS.perms
is '权限';
comment on column TB_MENUS.spread
is 'true:展开,false:不展开';
comment on column TB_MENUS.parent_id
is '父节点';
alter table TB_MENUS
add constraint PK_MENUID primary key (MENU_ID)
using index
tablespace WMS
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 1M
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
create table TB_ROLES_MENUS
menu_id NUMBER(20) not null,
role_id NUMBER(20) not null
tablespace WMS
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 8K
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
alter table TB_ROLES_MENUS
add constraint PK_RMID primary key (ROLE_ID, MENU_ID)
using index
tablespace WMS
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 1M
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
alter table TB_ROLES_MENUS
add constraint F_MID foreign key (MENU_ID)
references TB_MENUS (MENU_ID) on delete cascade;
alter table TB_ROLES_MENUS
add constraint F_RID foreign key (ROLE_ID)
references TB_ROLES (ROLE_ID) on delete cascade;
create table TB_USERS
userid NUMBER(20) not null,
e_mail VARCHAR2(50) not null,
nickname VARCHAR2(50) not null,
password VARCHAR2(50) not null,
sex VARCHAR2(1) not null,
birthday VARCHAR2(50) not null,
address VARCHAR2(100) not null,
phone VARCHAR2(20),
e_code VARCHAR2(50) not null,
status VARCHAR2(1),
create_time DATE not null
tablespace WMS
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 8K
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
comment on column TB_USERS.nickname
is '昵称:唯一';
comment on column TB_USERS.sex
is '0:女,1:男,2:保密';
comment on column TB_USERS.status
is '0:未激活,1:正常,2:禁用';
alter table TB_USERS
add constraint PK_UID primary key (USERID)
using index
tablespace WMS
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 1M
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
create table TB_JOBS
job_id VARCHAR2(50) not null,
job_name VARCHAR2(50),
job_group_name VARCHAR2(50),
trigger_name VARCHAR2(50),
trigger_group_name VARCHAR2(50),
cron VARCHAR2(50),
class_name VARCHAR2(50),
status VARCHAR2(2)
tablespace WMS
pctfree 10
initrans 1
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 8K
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
comment on column LKM.TB_JOBS.job_id
is '任务编号';
comment on column LKM.TB_JOBS.job_name
is '任务名称';
comment on column LKM.TB_JOBS.job_group_name
is '任务分组代码';
comment on column LKM.TB_JOBS.trigger_name
is '触发器名称';
comment on column LKM.TB_JOBS.trigger_group_name
is '触发器分组代码';
comment on column LKM.TB_JOBS.cron
is '时间表达式';
comment on column LKM.TB_JOBS.class_name
is '任务类';
comment on column LKM.TB_JOBS.status
is '状态,0:启用,1:停用';
alter table TB_JOBS
add constraint PK_JOB_ID primary key (JOB_ID)
using index
tablespace WMS
pctfree 10
initrans 2
maxtrans 255
initial 64K
next 1M
minextents 1
maxextents unlimited
create sequence SEQ_TB_ADMIN
minvalue 1
maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999
start with 40
increment by 1
cache 20;
create sequence SEQ_TB_LOG
minvalue 1
maxvalue 99999999999999999999999999
start with 61
increment by 1
cache 20;
create sequence SEQ_TB_MENU
minvalue 1
maxvalue 99999999999999999999999999
start with 71
increment by 1
cache 20;
create sequence SEQ_TB_ROLES
minvalue 1
maxvalue 999999999999999999999999999
start with 81
increment by 1
cache 20;
create sequence SEQ_TB_USERS
minvalue 1
maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999
start with 21
increment by 1
cache 20;
create sequence SEQ_TB_JOBS
minvalue 1
maxvalue 9999999999999999999999999999
start with 25
increment by 1
cache 20;
insert into TB_ROLES (role_id, role_name, role_remark)values (1, '超级管理员', '超级管理员');
insert into TB_ROLES (role_id, role_name, role_remark)values (61, 'ccccc', 'bbbbbb');
insert into TB_ADMIN (id, username, password, salt, fullname, e_mail, sex, birthday, address, phone, role_id)values (1, 'admin', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', null, 'admin', 'isduxd@163.com', '1', '1994-11-08', '北京市通州区科创十四街', '17693109997', 1);
insert into TB_ADMIN (id, username, password, salt, fullname, e_mail, sex, birthday, address, phone, role_id)values (18, 'test', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', null, 'test', 'test@test.com', '1', '2018-02-25', '甘肃省兰州市榆中县和平镇', '17601038192', null);
insert into TB_ADMIN (id, username, password, salt, fullname, e_mail, sex, birthday, address, phone, role_id)values (19, 'zgh.zhang', '5917270981938dc69698032acdccbe36', null, '张国辉', 'zgh.zhang@lokomo.cn', '1', '2019-04-29', 'aaaa', '15552298054', 61);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (2, '系统管理', '', null, null, 'false', 0, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (4, '账户管理', '', 'sys/adminList', null, 'false', 2, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (3, '角色管理', '', 'sys/roleList', null, 'false', 2, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (9, '用户管理', '', null, null, 'false', 0, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (10, '添加用户', '', 'user/addUser', null, 'false', 9, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (11, '管理用户', '', 'user/userList', null, 'false', 9, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (14, '系统日志', '', null, null, 'false', 0, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (15, '日志管理', '', 'log/logList', null, 'false', 14, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (43, 'SQL监控', '', null, null, 'false', 0, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (44, 'SQL监控', '', 'sys/druid', null, 'false', 43, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (46, '菜单管理', '', 'sys/menuList', null, 'false', 2, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (16, '查看', null, null, 'sys:role:list', 'false', 3, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (17, '新增', null, null, 'sys:role:save', 'false', 3, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (18, '修改', null, null, 'sys:role:update', 'false', 3, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (19, '删除', null, null, 'sys:role:delete', 'false', 3, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (20, '查看', null, null, 'sys:admin:list', 'false', 4, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (21, '新增', null, null, 'sys:admin:save', 'false', 4, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (22, '修改', null, null, 'sys:admin:update', 'false', 4, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (23, '删除', null, null, 'sys:admin:delete', 'false', 4, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (33, '新增', null, null, 'user:user:save', 'false', 10, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (34, '查看', null, null, 'user:user:list', 'false', 11, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (35, '新增', null, null, 'user:user:save', 'false', 11, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (36, '修改', null, null, 'user:user:update', 'false', 11, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (37, '删除', null, null, 'user:user:delete', 'false', 11, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (42, '查看', null, null, 'log:log:list', 'false', 15, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (45, '查看', null, null, 'sys:druid:list', 'false', 44, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (47, '查看', null, null, 'sys:menu:list', 'false', 46, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (48, '新增', null, null, 'sys:menu:save', 'false', 46, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (49, '修改', null, null, 'sys:menu:update', 'false', 46, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (50, '删除', null, null, 'sys:menu:delete', 'false', 46, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (1, '后台首页', '', 'page/main.html', null, 'false', 0, 9999);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (59, '任务调度', '', 'job/jobList', null, 'false', 2, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (60, '查看', null, null, 'job:job:list', 'false', 59, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (61, '新增', null, null, 'job:job:save', 'false', 59, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (62, '修改', null, null, 'job:job:update', 'false', 59, null);
insert into TB_MENUS (menu_id, title, icon, href, perms, spread, parent_id, sorting)values (63, '删除', null, null, 'job:job:delete', 'false', 59, null);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (1, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (2, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (3, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (4, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (9, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (10, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (11, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (14, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (15, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (16, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (17, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (18, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (19, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (20, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (21, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (22, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (23, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (33, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (34, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (35, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (36, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (37, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (42, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (43, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (44, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (45, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (46, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (47, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (48, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (49, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (50, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (1, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (2, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (3, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (4, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (9, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (10, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (11, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (16, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (17, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (18, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (19, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (20, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (21, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (22, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (23, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (33, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (34, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (35, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (36, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (37, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (46, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (47, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (48, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (49, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (50, 61);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (59, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (60, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (61, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (62, 1);
insert into TB_ROLES_MENUS (menu_id, role_id)values (63, 1);