“The only way you can say ‘Fuck you’ to fate is by saying it’s not going to affect how I live.......Take risks and face your fate with dignity" ” - Nassim Taleb
对命运说“去你妈的"唯一方式就是说“这影响不了我怎样活"......—N T
The real world has really fascinated me, then the artistic expression comes. I can't draw, I can't paint, I can't dance, but I can write. I write as I choose rather than deadlines or academic disciplines, therefore I am authentic and passionate.
I take risks in life, sometimes aggressively, I resist, I struggle. I line up with people who have the same mindset as me. The result is that luck favors me enormously.
By Aristotle, the definition of a free man is one who is free with his opinions, which is also the side effect of being free with his time. I am actually enjoying my unemployment, to quote a poem by an illustration artist to demonstrate the point:
My Job
Who said I am unemployed?
I have a big job to do every day:
it is to be free from bosses and chains.
And I am fierce in my work, because
I am enriched by humanity
and awareness, every moment.
Is there better pay than this?