A Sample UX Research Plan就
XYZ Phone Data-Entry Usability Test
by John Smith-Kline, Usability Researcher, jskline@example.com
Stakeholders: Wanda Verdi (PM), Sam Crouch (Lead Engineer)
Last updated: 13 January 2012
By Jiming Lee, User experience researchersfrom BUPT ,& Yixin Liu,User experience researchers from BFU.
Latest undated: 15, November 2017
BackgroundSince January 2009, when the XYZ Phone was introduced to the world, particularly after its market release, journalists, bloggers, industry experts, other stakeholders and customers have privately and publicly expressed negative opinions about the XYZ Phone’s keyboard. These views suggest that the keyboard is hard to use and that it imposes a poor experience on customers. Some have claimed this as the main reason why the XYZ Phone will not succeed among business users. Over the years, several improvements have been made to data entry (such as using horizontal keyboards for most features), to no avail.
Queueing is acquired by sacrificing all individuals' time as well as experience, while carried out to deal with the lack of resource and shortage of demand more efficiently.
· When
· 排队的人在意识到自己被迫牺牲了优先权后,潜意识情绪水平会变低
· 因此排队时遇到的,平常容易处理的小摩擦时,人的情绪会更容易出现波动
· 波动的触发点很多样,例如拥挤的人群,周围的气味,饥饿, 嘈杂的环境,插队,队伍长时间静止,身体间无意的碰撞等
· 由于排队目标所进行的饮食/娱乐等活动带给人的体验通常较好,因此排队时人们的情绪水平通常会因为对目标的期望而产生较大的落差,因此排队时的情绪通常是: 暴躁,缺乏耐心,易怒的
· 根据心理学:人们如果不把精力集中在抱怨和批评难以满意的事件/环境时,人们就会觉得时间过得更快,而且周遭令人易怒的环境就没那么令人厌烦了。
GoalsIdentify the strengths and weaknesses of data entry on the XYZ Phone, and provide opportunities for improvement.
Research Questions
1. Are people in line anxious?
2. Can anxiousness be calculated intuitively in order to reflect ones' extent of emotion fluctuation?
3. Anxiousness increase as time in line pass?
4. Does interference / emotional release avenues leads to decrease of ones' anxiousness?
5. Compared with violent/bodily release method, would prank(goodwill) leads to a more efficent decrease in anxiousness?
Survey Factors:
location: According to the online survey about longest queue period, we choose one of the most flourshing shopping centre in the very middle of Beijing, the capital as well as the economic center of China. In the shopping centre, a milky tea store called "HI Tea" is widely known for its roaring trade because of the long line tha queuing for a cup of tea costs more than one and a half hour on average. Such a long peiod of waiting brings us chance to make survey on more targets as well as more obvious emotion fluctuation happened on them.
Time: In order to aquire more investigation samples, we choose three days: Friday to Sunday, in which period does the business quarter we surveyed has the largest amount of flowrate of people. Besides, we choose three days in winter with different weather condition( Friday is sunny and warm, while Saturday is cloudy and gloomy, and Sunday has a freezing temperature accompanied with a strong wind. )
Survey Procedure:
[1] ascertain surveying targets
[2] indicate my identity and explain the survey goals
[3] Enquire whether informant feels anxiousness during waiting and the extent of [1-10]
[4] Explain the test method of using “high-intensity slow rebound memory sponge" to reflect ones' pressure directly perceived, and inquire informant's willing to hit the foam pillow to show his/her pressure.
[5] record the depth of fist hitting area through photos and video.
[6] Check the informant's attitute towards whether his/her pressure level decreased.
[7] If accepterd, inquire the informant about his pressure released avenues.
[8] Ask for further innovations about the well-meaning pranks against strangers in the line.
*Why choose" high-intensity slow rebound memory sponge":
1. convinent, directly precieved
2. clean and safe outlook that easy for people to comprehend and accept.
3. seems interesting: will attract more potential informants for survey.
4. less consideration about test avenue leads to a more nature condition of informants in test, which broughts up with more confirming results.
5. specital materials for longer time in maintaining hitted condition leads to more accurate outcomes in photos.
Why he/she is interviewed:
1. mobile phones are more frequently used by yongsters as well as adults under 35 years old, which groups are also the large partial of samples in our samples.
2. Female informants are more likely to accept oral investigation, while male targets provides more sponge-hitting samples.
3. people come out with companies are more likely to accept interview, as refusing seems impolite when queueing not alone.
Other findings we've got from the investigation:
· Restricted in similar age groups and gender, Individuals in the beginning and end of the line are less anxious, while the middle of the team reflects more anxious attitude.
· Most of niformants showed irritation with no exact target, while a little part showed their dissatisfaction against noisy groupscules or little kids.
·Without conspicuous target to release ones' fury, most informants regard trolls and pranks with comedic factors as better solution in releasing pressure compared with violent measures.
ParticipantsThese are the primary characteristics of the study’s participants:
[if !supportLists]·[endif]Business user,
[if !supportLists]·[endif]Age 22 to 55,
[if !supportLists]·[endif]Never used an XYZ Phone,
[if !supportLists]·[endif]Expressed interest in learning more about or purchasing an XYZ Phone,
[if !supportLists]·[endif]Uses the Web at least 10 hours a week.
[Link to a draft screener]
【1】 广告设计从业者 男
【2】 小朋友和家长 女
【3】 大学生和舍友 男
【4】 青年情侣
【5】 大学生 女
【6】美食博主 女
[if !supportLists]·[endif]Recruiting: begins on November 12
[if !supportLists]·[endif]Study day: November 22
[if !supportLists]·[endif]Results delivery: December 2
图片 痕迹深度 表情
结论1: 排队时大部分人都有焦躁情绪,其中年轻人和单独出行的人尤甚
结论2: 随着排队的时间变长,大部分人会变得更加焦虑,而这种情绪通常体现在和周围人的摩擦和小动作上
结论3: 周围如果有孩子,造成的吵闹和不便往往使人更容易焦躁
结论4: 大部分人会在排队时利用手机浏览碎片化信息或打开社交软件和游戏来消磨时间
结论5: 通常调查得出愤怒值越高的人,对垫子造成的痕迹越深(和性别有关)
结论6: 在进行了发泄后,大部分人的心情有轻微好转,但女性更倾向于用内涵和不被别人发掘的方式发泄该情绪
结论7: 大部分调查用户对制作一款排队时的解压App表示赞同,但同时也表示希望能保证自己和他人的隐私性
结论8: 部分用户提出了一些灵感和创意,如下:
经过三天的取证,我们共获得了180份调查样本,包括询问的“年龄,职业,情绪是否焦虑和发泄后是否缓解等问题。此外也包括手动记录下的性别,照片记录的发泄强度, 和视频记录的整个流程。
在接受调查的用户人群中,有90%+的受访者表示自己会经常使用手机,并且在空闲时会拿出手机消磨时间。83%的单人受访者表示会在排队的过程中使用手机, 而60%的和人同行的受访者表示即使会和同伴进行聊天,但在无聊的时候还是会拿出手机。