Classroom teaching skills ——Chapter1
1. 本书如何定义有效教学和有效教师?你同意这种观点么?为什么?
The effective teacher is one who can demonstrate the ability to bring about intended learning outcomes. Two critical dimensions of effective teaching are intent and achievement.
2. 有效教学需要教师具备哪些能力?你如何评价自己在这些方面的能力?
Command of theoretical knowledge about learning and human behavior; display of attitudes that foster learning and genuine human relationships; command of knowledge in the subject matter to be taught; repertoire of teaching skills that facilitate student learning ;personal practical knowledge.
理论知识这一部分很欠缺 。解读不专业,很多时候可能借用的是普遍常识和公认的理念。
好要加强学习和输入,就像书里说的:it is a lifelong process involving both formal training and unending program of on-the –job self-improvement.
3. 反思型教学有什么特点?
Involve both logic and emotion; consider underlying assumptions; consider moral and ethical issues
4. 教师在日常教学中有哪些反思的方式?其中有你常用的么?接下来你打算试试哪种/哪些?
Teaching journal, video recordings, teaching portfolios (videos, tests, lesson plans, students work, and other teacher-created materials), colleagues (observe your colleagues)
Poverty; racial,ethnic,lingustic and cultural diversity;gender;other factors(students’ need for belonging,safety and self-esteem);teacher’s personal practical knowledge.