Proof 样品
Books 账本,票据
Discount 贴现,贴现利率
Turnover 员工离职率
Close 股票收盘
Credit note 贷项通知单
Unsocial hours 非正常工作时间
Living out of a suitcase 经常出差在外
I am often charged 18% interest per month on my outstanding balance.
outstanding balance未偿付的余额
Proof 样品
Books 账本,票据
Discount 贴现,贴现利率
Turnover 员工离职率
Close 股票收盘
Credit note 贷项通知单
Unsocial hours 非正常工作时间
Living out of a suitcase 经常出差在外
I am often charged 18% interest per month on my outstanding balance.
outstanding balance未偿付的余额