浅析 Android 平台 mono执行机制 by郡墙

在 Android平台中采用Mono机制编译、处理C#语言编写的逻辑代码,编译之后本地存储IL指令。在游戏运行阶段存在代码动态编译的过程,原理为:利用 Unity3D引擎的 Mono jit机制将IL指令编译为机器可识别的汇编指令。

Mono 是什么?

Sponsored by Microsoft, Mono is an open source implementation of Microsoft's .NET Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime. A growing family of solutions and an active and enthusiastic contributing community is helping position Mono to become the leading choice for development of cross platform applications.


Mono 的执行流程

首先我们从 mono的入口函数开始分析


<pre class="public-DraftStyleDefault-pre" spellcheck="false" style="box-sizing: border-box; font-family: monospace, monospace; font-size: 18px; margin: 0px auto 32px; color: rgb(90, 90, 91); font-style: normal; font-variant-ligatures: normal; font-variant-caps: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: start; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); text-decoration-style: initial; text-decoration-color: initial;"> Main() => mono_main_with_optinos() => mono_main() => mini_init() => mono_assembly_open() => main_thread_handler() => mini_cleanup() </pre>

其中 main_thread_handler 函数主要负责编译 & 处理 IL 指令,执行流程如下
=> mono_jit_exec()
=> mono_assembly_get_image() 得倒 image 信息
=> mono_runtime_run_main()
=> mono_thread_set_main()
=> mono_assembly_set_main()
=> mono_runtime_exec_main()

mono_runtime_invoke 处理将要调用的方法,例如 ClassName::Main()。default_mono_runtime_invoke 函数实际调用 mono_jit_runtime_invoke 函数。mono_jit_runtime_invoke 函数调用来 mono_jit_compile_method_with_opt 实现编译目标函数的代码,调用mono_jit_compile_method 编译目标函数的 runtime wrapper (运行时的上层封装调用)。 runtime_invoke 函数调用编译之后的目标函数,其中 info->compiled_method 参数为编译之后目标函数代码在内存中的地址信息。
通过以上分析,mono_jit_compile_method_with_opt 函数为C#函数代码编译为目标机器指令的关键函数,我们来分析以下这部分的执行流程

其中 mini_method_compile 函数在内部通过 Mono的 JIT 机制实现动态编译过程。
mono_runtime_invoke 函数实现与 mono \ object.c中,而实际调用 mono_jit_runtime_invoke 函数代码则在 mini.c 文件中。mono_runtime_invoke 函数负责实现 C#函数的代码编译和执行。

 * mono_jit_runtime_invoke:
 * \param method: the method to invoke
 * \param obj: this pointer
 * \param params: array of parameter values.
 * \param exc: Set to the exception raised in the managed method.
 * \param error: error or caught exception object
 * If \p exc is NULL, \p error is thrown instead.
 * If coop is enabled, \p exc argument is ignored -
 * all exceptions are caught and propagated through \p error
static MonoObject*
mono_jit_runtime_invoke (MonoMethod *method, void *obj, void **params, MonoObject **exc, MonoError *error)
    MonoMethod *invoke, *callee;
    MonoObject *(*runtime_invoke) (MonoObject *this_obj, void **params, MonoObject **exc, void* compiled_method);
    MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get ();
    MonoJitDomainInfo *domain_info;
    RuntimeInvokeInfo *info, *info2;
    MonoJitInfo *ji = NULL;
    gboolean callee_gsharedvt = FALSE;

    if (mono_use_interpreter)
        return mini_get_interp_callbacks ()->runtime_invoke (method, obj, params, exc, error);

    error_init (error);
    if (exc)
        *exc = NULL;

    if (obj == NULL && !(method->flags & METHOD_ATTRIBUTE_STATIC) && !method->string_ctor && (method->wrapper_type == 0)) {
        g_warning ("Ignoring invocation of an instance method on a NULL instance.\n");
        return NULL;

    domain_info = domain_jit_info (domain);

    info = (RuntimeInvokeInfo *)mono_conc_hashtable_lookup (domain_info->runtime_invoke_hash, method);

//mono_jit_runtime_invoke 函数会先通过查找列表,判断是否已创建对应的 info 信息,若不存在,则先进行编译并得倒 info信息

    if (!info) {
        if (mono_security_core_clr_enabled ()) {
             * This might be redundant since mono_class_vtable () already does this,
             * but keep it just in case for moonlight.
            mono_class_setup_vtable (method->klass);
            if (mono_class_has_failure (method->klass)) {
                mono_error_set_for_class_failure (error, method->klass);
                if (exc)
                    *exc = (MonoObject*)mono_class_get_exception_for_failure (method->klass);
                return NULL;

        gpointer compiled_method;

        callee = method;
        if (method->klass->rank && (method->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_INTERNAL_CALL) &&
            (method->iflags & METHOD_IMPL_ATTRIBUTE_NATIVE)) {
             * Array Get/Set/Address methods. The JIT implements them using inline code
             * inside the runtime invoke wrappers, so no need to compile them.
            if (mono_aot_only) {
                 * Call a wrapper, since the runtime invoke wrapper was not generated.
                MonoMethod *wrapper;

                wrapper = mono_marshal_get_array_accessor_wrapper (method);
                invoke = mono_marshal_get_runtime_invoke (wrapper, FALSE);
                callee = wrapper;
            } else {
                callee = NULL;

        if (callee) {
            compiled_method = mono_jit_compile_method (callee, error);
            if (!compiled_method) {
                g_assert (!mono_error_ok (error));
                return NULL;

            if (mono_llvm_only) {
                ji = mini_jit_info_table_find (mono_domain_get (), (char *)mono_get_addr_from_ftnptr (compiled_method), NULL);
                callee_gsharedvt = mini_jit_info_is_gsharedvt (ji);
                if (callee_gsharedvt)
                    callee_gsharedvt = mini_is_gsharedvt_variable_signature (mono_method_signature (jinfo_get_method (ji)));

            if (!callee_gsharedvt)
                compiled_method = mini_add_method_trampoline (callee, compiled_method, mono_method_needs_static_rgctx_invoke (callee, TRUE), FALSE);
        } else {
            compiled_method = NULL;

        info = create_runtime_invoke_info (domain, method, compiled_method, callee_gsharedvt, error);
        if (!mono_error_ok (error))
            return NULL;

        mono_domain_lock (domain);
        info2 = (RuntimeInvokeInfo *)mono_conc_hashtable_insert (domain_info->runtime_invoke_hash, method, info);
        mono_domain_unlock (domain);
        if (info2) {
            g_free (info);
            info = info2;

     * We need this here because mono_marshal_get_runtime_invoke can place
     * the helper method in System.Object and not the target class.
    if (!mono_runtime_class_init_full (info->vtable, error)) {
        if (exc)
            *exc = (MonoObject*) mono_error_convert_to_exception (error);
        return NULL;

    /* If coop is enabled, and the caller didn't ask for the exception to be caught separately,
       we always catch the exception and propagate it through the MonoError */
    gboolean catchExcInMonoError =
        (exc == NULL) && mono_threads_is_coop_enabled ();
    MonoObject *invoke_exc = NULL;
    if (catchExcInMonoError)
        exc = &invoke_exc;

    /* The wrappers expect this to be initialized to NULL */
    if (exc)
        *exc = NULL;

    if (info->dyn_call_info) {
        MonoMethodSignature *sig = mono_method_signature (method);
        gpointer *args;
        static RuntimeInvokeDynamicFunction dyn_runtime_invoke;
        int i, pindex, buf_size;
        guint8 *buf;
        guint8 retval [256];

        if (!dyn_runtime_invoke) {
            invoke = mono_marshal_get_runtime_invoke_dynamic ();
            dyn_runtime_invoke = (RuntimeInvokeDynamicFunction)mono_jit_compile_method (invoke, error);
            if (!mono_error_ok (error))
                return NULL;

        /* Convert the arguments to the format expected by start_dyn_call () */
        args = (void **)g_alloca ((sig->param_count + sig->hasthis) * sizeof (gpointer));
        pindex = 0;
        if (sig->hasthis)
            args [pindex ++] = &obj;
        for (i = 0; i < sig->param_count; ++i) {
            MonoType *t = sig->params [i];

            if (t->byref) {
                args [pindex ++] = &params [i];
            } else if (MONO_TYPE_IS_REFERENCE (t) || t->type == MONO_TYPE_PTR) {
                args [pindex ++] = &params [i];
            } else {
                args [pindex ++] = params [i];

        //printf ("M: %s\n", mono_method_full_name (method, TRUE));

        buf_size = mono_arch_dyn_call_get_buf_size (info->dyn_call_info);
        buf = g_alloca (buf_size);
        g_assert (buf);

        mono_arch_start_dyn_call (info->dyn_call_info, (gpointer**)args, retval, buf);

        dyn_runtime_invoke (buf, exc, info->compiled_method);
        mono_arch_finish_dyn_call (info->dyn_call_info, buf);

        if (catchExcInMonoError && *exc != NULL) {
            mono_error_set_exception_instance (error, (MonoException*) *exc);
            return NULL;

        if (info->ret_box_class)
            return mono_value_box_checked (domain, info->ret_box_class, retval, error);
            return *(MonoObject**)retval;

    MonoObject *result;

    if (mono_llvm_only) {
        result = mono_llvmonly_runtime_invoke (method, info, obj, params, exc, error);
        if (!is_ok (error))
            return NULL;
    } else {
        runtime_invoke = (MonoObject *(*)(MonoObject *, void **, MonoObject **, void *))info->runtime_invoke;

        result = runtime_invoke ((MonoObject *)obj, params, exc, info->compiled_method);
    if (catchExcInMonoError && *exc != NULL)
        mono_error_set_exception_instance (error, (MonoException*) *exc);
    return result;

编译完成(或之前已经编译相同的 info 信息)后,则调用 info 自身的 runtime_invoke 函数实现对真正函数的调用。其中 runtime_invoke 函数的指针赋值。
compiled_method 变量存储目标函数编译之后所生成代码的内存地址。在之前的代码中,mono_jit_runtime_invoke 函数的第一个参数为 MonoMethod *method,在 MonoMethod 结构体中存储来需要编译和执行的 C# 函数的详细信息,包括:方法名、方法所属类的信息等。即根据 mono_jit_runtime_invoke 入口参数 method 可获取 compiled_method 变量存储的函数名,通过结构分析可以看到,在整个编译和调用过程中, MonoMethod 函数都是相关关键的结构,其结构在 class_internal.h 文件中定义。
1)name 存储 C# 函数名信息
2)klass 为 C# 函数所属类的相关信息。
通过 mono_jit_runtime_invoke 函数可知道 C# 函数的调用过程,以及函数地址、函数名、函数所属类等。

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