1. gastronome ['gæstrənəʊm](gastro胃+nome州、省、人)美食家(someone who enjoys and knows a lot about high-quality food 一个爱吃并对高品质食物了解很多的人)
2.social media-addicted world沉迷社交的世界
3.posh [pɒʃ]时髦的,高档的,漂亮的posh restaurant高档餐厅
4. instagrammar and blogger照片分享者和博主
5. picture speaks a thousand words 一张图片胜千言(这个表达被过度使用,是cliche陈词滥调)
6. PR company(public relations company)
7. presentable [prɪ'zentəb(ə)l]
8.restaurateur [,rest(ə)rə'tɜː; ,restɒr-]
9. influential有影响力的having the power to make people change what they think.指的是有能力改变人们所想的人
I asked, if you knew the name for the person who's usually second in charge in a restaurant kitchen after the head chef and has lots of responsibility for running it Is it the…我问你是否知道排在主厨之后,通常是厨房里的二把手,对餐厅经营负有很多责任的人叫什么?
a)Pastry chef糕点厨师
b) Commis chef助理厨师
c) Sous chef副厨