What is Education?
A human is born to be a seed or a potential but not a matter-of-fact. This is particular, very particular, for in the whole existence only humans are born to be a potential while other animals are a matter-of-fact. A dog is born to be a dog and keep the same all its life, so is a lion. A human is not born to be a man but a seed: he may become a man or not.
Humans have future, but other animals do not. All animals are born to be perfect. A human is the only faulty animal, so he is likely to grow and develop. Education is a bridge between the potential and the fact. It helps you grow into a big tree from a seed. It is just what I want to do. Here is a place for education.
What ordinary schools, colleges and universities have done is not education. Such education just helps you get a good job and income, but it is not real education because it does not bring life to you. Maybe it will bring you a higher living, but a higher living does not mean a higher life. These two words do not have the same meaning.
The so-called education in the world only helps you earn the bread. But Jesus said: "Man cannot live only on the bread." That is what your university is doing. They help you earn the bread in a better way, which is easier and more comfortable with less efforts and hardship. All these just help you earn the bread and butter. It is a very primitive education for it does not bring life to you. So you can see so many automatons around you. They are perfect employees, stationmasters or taxmen. They are perfect with skillful techniques, but when you look deep into them, they are nothing but beggars. They even have not tasted a little flavor of life. They do not know what life is, what love is and what light is. They know nothing of God. They have not tasted anything of existence. They do not know how to sing, dance or celebrate. They know nothing of life and are totally stupid. Yeah, they have earned more money than others, with more skillful techniques than others, thus attain a higher position on the ladder of success. But they are empty and poor men deep in their hearts. Education is about to give you inner abundance while not to just make you more knowledgeable. Being knowledgeable belongs to a very primitive educational thought.
This educational thought results from the fear that I cannot survive if I am not well educated. I call it primitive education because it is very violent in the deep. It teaches you how to compete and fills you with ambition. It is nothing else but to give you a narrow and competitive world where everyone is the enemy of anyone else. Therefore the whole world becomes a madhouse.
Love cannot happen. How can love happen in such a violent, ambitious and competitive world where everyone sieges others by the throat? It is very primitive for it bases on fear: "I am unable to survive in the competition of life if I am not well educated." It turns life into a battle.
My view on education is that life should not be considered as a survival battle but a celebration. Life should not only be competitive but also be joyful. Education should make you resonate with the singing, dancing, poetry, music, drawing, and all the arts in the world, even the trees, birds, sky, sun and moon. Education should let you be as you are. But the present education makes you become an imitator and teaches you how to act like others. This kind of education is wrong. The right education will teach you how to be yourself, your true self. You are unique, and nobody has ever been or will be like you. It is the tremendous respect to you from God. It is your glory to be unique. Do not be an imitator or a copy. But that is just what your so-called education is doing: it makes copies and ruins your original face.
Education has two meanings, both of which are beautiful. One is known to all, drawing out from your inner being, which has not been practiced. Education means drawing out something from your inner being and letting your potential become the reality, just like pumping water from the well. But it has never been practiced.
On the contrary, many things are poured into your mind but not drawn out from you. They ceaselessly pour geography, history, science and math into your mind, thus you become a parrot. You are treated as a computer. They breed you as if you were a computer. Your educational organizations are just a place for infusing your mind.
The real education will draw out something hidden in you, which God has given to you as a gift. It only helps you discover and display it and let you glow. This word has deeper meaning: the word "educate" comes from the word "educare", which means guiding you from dark to light. It is of great importance to go from dark to light.
Man lives in the dark unconsciously, but he can be full of light. The flame is just there, which only needs to be enkindled. Consciousness is just there, which only needs to be awakened and must be awakened. All things have been given to you and you have taken it. It is a wrong idea that you are nothing but your body. This idea is the very cause of tremendous hurt for long.
A human is born to be nothing but an opportunity. Only a few men can reach the top as Jesus, Buddha and Mohanmode who become full of light, and there is no dark left when there is no unconsciousness lingering in the soul.
With awareness, only pure awareness -- only then a human is finally made. Then life becomes a celebration. Education will lead you from dark to light, which is what I am doing here. The Indian government is not ready to accept my educational work. Naturally, they cannot accept my work because I do not create employees, stationmasters and taxmen. I am creating new humans. It is dangerous to them. If this can be regarded as education, they must not allow it to occur for it is a sort of rebellion. I am teaching you how to be yourself, how to be fearless, not to give in under the social pressures, not to follow the rules docilely and not to seek ease and convenience. If you seek ease and convenience, the society will give you, but a heavy price is needed. You get convenience but you lose consciousness. You get comfort but you lose soul. You may get reputation but you cannot be sincere to yourself. You are a false man because you betray God and yourself.