<div class="weektime" id="timecontainer">
<div v-if="selectBoxDashed" class="select-box-dashed" ref="selectBoxDashed" @mousemove="handleMousemove"></div>
<div class="weektime-main">
<div class="weektime-hd">
<div class="weektime-hd-title font-bold">星期 / 时间</div>
<div class="weektime-hd-con">
<div class="weektime-hd-con-top">
<div class="weektime-date-range font-bold">00:00 - 12:00</div>
<div class="weektime-date-range font-bold">12:00 - 24:00</div>
<div class="weektime-hd-con-bottom">
<span class="weektime-date-cell" v-for="hour in 24" :key="hour">{{hour-1}}</span>
<div class="weektime-bd" >
<div class="week-body">
<div v-for="week in weekDays" :key="week" class="week-item">{{week}}</div>
<div class="time-body" @mousedown="handleMousedown" @mouseup="handleMouseup" @mousemove="handleMousemove">
v-for="(i,key) in weekTimes"
<div class="time-cell" :class="{'active':list[key]==='1'}"></div>
<div class="weektime-help">
<div class="weektime-help-tx">
<div class="weektime-help-bd">
<div class="weektime-help-ft" @click="initList()">清空</div>
<div class="weektime-help-select">
<p v-for="(week,key) in weekDays" :key="key" v-show="showTimeText[key]">
<span class="weektime-help-week-tx">{{week+":"}}</span>
import Tooltip from 'element-ui/lib/tooltip.js'
import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/tooltip.css';
import 'element-ui/packages/theme-chalk/src/common/transition.scss';
const DayTimes = 24 * 2;
export default {
name: "byte-weektime-picker",
components: {
"el-tooltip": Tooltip
props: {
value: String
watch: {
value(n) {
if (n.split('') === this.list.join('')) return;
data() {
return {
isMove: false,
list: [],
weekTimes: 7 * DayTimes,
weekDays: ['星期一', '星期二', '星期三', '星期四', '星期五', '星期六', '星期日'],
timeTextList: [], //显示的时间数组 ["00:00","00:30","01:00",...]
startIndex: 0,
axis: {},
preViewIndex: [],
showTimeText: [],
selectBoxDashed: false,
startX: null,
startY: null,
initx: null,
inity: null
methods: {
* 鼠标停留时提示当前时间段
tiptxt(index) {
let timeIndex = index % DayTimes;
let weekIndex = ~~(index / DayTimes);
return `${this.weekDays[weekIndex]} ${this.timeTextList[timeIndex]}~${this.timeTextList[timeIndex + 1]}`
* 初始化显示的时间数组
* @return {Array} ["00:00","00:30","01:00",...]
initTimeText() {
let timeTextList = [], hours = [], minutes = ['00', '30'];
for (let i = 0; i <= 24; i++) {
i < 10 ? hours.push('0' + i) : hours.push(i.toString())
for (const hour of hours) {
for (const minute of minutes) {
return timeTextList
handleMousedown(event) {
this.isMove = true;
this.startIndex = event.target.getAttribute('data-index');
this.axis.startx = this.startIndex % DayTimes;
this.axis.starty = ~~(this.startIndex / DayTimes);
this.selectBoxDashed = true
// 设置选框的初始位置
this.startX = event.x + this.scrollX || event.clientX + this.scrollX
this.startY = event.y + this.scrollY || event.clientY + this.scrollY
handleMouseup(event) {
this.selectBoxDashed = false
handleMousemove(event) {
if (this.selectBoxDashed) {
// 根据鼠标移动,设置选框的位置、宽高
this.initx = event.x + this.scrollX || event.clientX + this.scrollX
this.inity = event.y + this.scrollY || event.clientY + this.scrollY
// 暂存选框的位置及宽高,用于将 select-item 选中
this.left = Math.min(this.initx, this.startX)
this.top = Math.min(this.inity, this.startY)
this.width = Math.abs(this.initx - this.startX)
this.height = Math.abs(this.inity - this.startY)
this.$refs.selectBoxDashed.style.left = `${this.left}px`
this.$refs.selectBoxDashed.style.top = `${this.top}px`
this.$refs.selectBoxDashed.style.width = `${this.width}px`
this.$refs.selectBoxDashed.style.height = `${this.height}px`
if (!this.isMove) return;
let index = event.target.getAttribute('data-index');
if (index !== null) {
this.axis.endx = index % DayTimes;
this.axis.endy = ~~(index / DayTimes);
this.preViewIndex = this.getSelectIndex()
resetMousemove() {
if (!this.isMove) return;
this.isMove = false;
this.axis = {};
this.preViewIndex = [];
this.selectBoxDashed = false
* 获取拖动鼠标选择的index数组
getSelectIndex() {
let indexList = [],
newAxis = {
startx: Math.min(this.axis.startx, this.axis.endx),
starty: Math.min(this.axis.starty, this.axis.endy),
endx: Math.max(this.axis.startx, this.axis.endx),
endy: Math.max(this.axis.starty, this.axis.endy)
for (let y = newAxis.starty; y <= newAxis.endy; y++) {
for (let x = newAxis.startx; x <= newAxis.endx; x++) {
indexList.push(x + y * DayTimes)
return indexList
* 设置选择的时间段并赋给绑定的值
* @param {Array} indexList 选择的index数组
setSelectIndex(indexList) {
if (!Array.isArray(indexList)) return;
let listLength = indexList.length;
let newData = this.list[this.startIndex] === '1' ? '0' : '1';
for (let i = 0; i < listLength; i++) {
this.list.splice(indexList[i], 1, newData);
this.$emit('input', this.list.join(''));
* 展示选择的时间段
* @param {Array} list 已选择的list数组
showSelectTime(list) {
if (!Array.isArray(list)) return;
let weeksSelect = [], listlength = list.length;
this.showTimeText = [];
if (listlength === 0) return;
// 把 336长度的 list 分成 7 组,每组 48 个
for (var i = 0; i < listlength; i += DayTimes) {
weeksSelect.push(list.slice(i, i + DayTimes));
weeksSelect.forEach(item => {
getTimeText(arrIndex) {
if (!Array.isArray(arrIndex)) return "";
/*方法一 matchAll 正则匹配 (速度较慢) */
// let strIndex = arrIndex.join('');
// let arrMatches = Array.from(strIndex.matchAll(/1+/g));
// let timeText = "";
// arrMatches.forEach(value => {
// timeText += this.timeTextList[value.index];
// timeText += '~' + this.timeTextList[value.index + value[0].length] + '、';
// })
/*方法一 end */
/**方法二 循环 (速度是方法一的十倍+)*/
let timeLength = arrIndex.length,
isSelect = false,
timeText = "";
arrIndex.forEach((value, index) => {
if (value === '1') {
if (!isSelect) {
timeText += this.timeTextList[index]
isSelect = true;
if (index === timeLength - 1) timeText += '~' + this.timeTextList[index + 1] + '、';
} else {
if (isSelect) {
timeText += '~' + this.timeTextList[index] + '、'
isSelect = false;
/*方法二 end */
return timeText.slice(0, -1)
initList(value) {
let reg = new RegExp("^[01]{" + this.weekTimes + "}$");
if (value && reg.test(value)) {
this.list = value.split('');
this.list = new Array(this.weekTimes).fill('0');
this.$emit('input', this.list.join(''));
destroyed() {
document.removeEventListener('mouseup', this.resetMousemove)
created() {
this.timeTextList = this.initTimeText();
document.addEventListener('mouseup', this.resetMousemove);
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