由 OpenAI 推出的文本生成模型 GPT-2 引发了人们的广泛关注,该模型不仅在很多任务上超过了此前的最佳水平,还可以根据一小段文字自动「脑补」出大段连贯的文本,并模拟不同的写作风格。GPT-2模型拥有多达 15 亿个参数,过高的算力要求让大多数开发者望而却步。由于模型的功能很强,效果拔群, OpenAI 担心模型可能遭到恶意应用,遂决定不会立即发布所有预训练权重。一时引发机器学习社区的吐槽。
近日,由 Buzzfeed 数据科学家 Max Woolf 开源的「GPT-2 精简版」出现在 GitHub 上。这是一个简单的 Python 软件包,它封装了 OpenAI GPT-2 文本生成模型(特别是它是具有 1.17 亿超参数的「较小」版本)的现有模型微调和生成脚本。此外,这个软件包让我们可以更容易地生成文本,生成一个文件以便于管理,从而允许前缀强制文本以给定的短语开头。
GPT-2 强大的模型不仅吸引了众多机器学习从业者的关注,其「脑补」故事的能力也让人们不禁有了很多大胆的想法。为了让更多人能够接触最新技术,另一个开发者 eukaryote 最近还推出了一个新网站:This Story Does Not Exist
这是一个基于 GPT-2 的文本生成器。在这里,每个人都可以输入一段文字,看看人工智能会给你讲一段什么样的故事,比如,我输入:These are skulls of hominins over the last 4.4 million years.
They were my only friends.
I stood there. And I stared down at them, at the skull perched against the tree. It was perched on a branch.
It had a long, blonde head in the center of it. Some of it, more. It stood up so slowly that its neck was bent. Its lips, which had been broken in. The skull on its head was the only thing it had left now. If you looked closer you could make out a human hand in it's mouth.
It was smiling.
"Hello, miss," I said.
"Mmmm," it said, as it spoke back.
"You don't seem like you can read anymore!" I yelled.
"I don't even... I didn't... Sorry, I have to go back."
"Mister, miss, I think you might have broken a bone. And I was right! That didn't make it any less painful, it really just made it worse."
"Why do you think I have you looking at me? What a stupid question that would be."
"Do you remember me, Mister?"
"Yes, of course. Look..." I said, slowly. "You were looking for me, you Mister."
I was afraid, but something in me whispered to myself. Why was I looking for him then, anyway?
"Mister, I am sorry you don't remember me, I have been here, we are all here, and you are all looking for me."
"Mister, what is this place?"
"This is why I cannot remember the reason we are all here. The skull that sits here... The tree we're on... The tree we're lying on, if we were to look from two directions, we would be on the right side and we would look back down at our feet..."
"But what is this?"
"I... I have to go back to the tree, then," I replied. "I have to go up there and look for you. So you can remember the time you gave up searching for me. To make sure that you can find me, if you do, that you are happy. So you can only remember
“是的,当然。看......”我慢慢地说道。 “你在找我,先生。”
“我......我必须回到树上,然后,”我回答道。 “我必须去那里寻找你。所以你可以记住你放弃寻找我的时间。为了确保你能找到我,如果你这样做,你很高兴。所以你只能记住。