
Apple in China: App Wars

Day1-day2 Background

1. Walled garden: A walled garden refers to a limited set of technology or media information provided to users with the intention of creating a monopoly or secure information system. The term walled garden also refers to mobile phone platforms and applications that can be accessed on a given wireless network.

2. Key Market: Key markets are markets that are essential for extending a company's market position, its economic growth and its globalization in a sustainable way. The concept is necessarily not a sharp one, rather, it may depend on company-specific cost-effectiveness or profitability thresholds. Key markets may also only exist in a company's vision statement as projections of future profitability in emerging markets.

3. Apple: Apple Inc. is an American multinational technology company headquartered in Cupertino, California that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. The company's hardware products include the iPhone smartphone, the iPad tablet computer, the Mac personal computer, the iPod portable media player, the Apple Watch smartwatch, the Apple TV digital media player, and the HomePod smart speaker. Apple's consumer software includes the macOS and iOS operating systems, the iTunes media player, the Safari web browser, and the iLife and iWork creativity and productivity suites. Its online services include the iTunes Store, the iOS App Store and Mac App Store, Apple Music, and iCloud.


For the first reading



For the second reading

P1 Word and Phrase

1. addicted

  1)ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词(吸毒)成瘾的,上瘾的 Someone who is addicted to a harmful drug cannot stop taking it.

  2)ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词入迷的;着迷的 If you say that someone is addicted to something, you mean that they like it very much and want to spend as much time doing it as possible.

2. tend to sb/sth phrasal verb [tends to sb/sth tending to sb/sth tended to sb/sth tended to sb/sth tended to sb/sth]

    to deal with the problems or needs of a person or thing

3. take off PHRASAL VERB 短语动词把…带走;(尤指强迫某人)使同去 If you take someone off, you make them go with you to a particular place, especially when they do not want to go there.

P2 Word and Phrase

1. reckon VERB 动词料想;估计;认为 If you reckon that something is true, you think that it is true.

2. flop N-COUNT 可数名词  彻底失败;惨败 If something is a flop, it is completely unsuccessful.

3. genius N-COUNT 可数名词天才人物 A genius is a highly talented, creative, or intelligent person.

4. sheepishly embarrassed and ashamed

5. doddle N-SING 单数名词轻而易举的事 If you say that something is a doddle, you mean that it is very easy to do.

6. switch DEVICE a small device, usually pushed up or down with your finger, that controls and turns on or off an electric current

P3 Word and Phrase

1. retention N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词 保持;保留 The retention of something is the keeping of it.

2. contact N-COUNT 可数名词熟人;有用的社会关系 A contact is someone you know in an organization or profession who helps you or gives you information.

P4 Word and Phrase

1. bode VERB 动词;预示(好事或坏事;是…的兆头 If something bodes ill, it makes you think that something bad will happen in the future. If something bodes well, it makes you think that something good will happen.

P5 Word and Phrase

1. Plunge VERB 动词 骤降;猛跌 If an amount or rate plunges, it decreases quickly and suddenly.

P6 Word and Phrase

1. co-existed 共存的

2. rob VERB 动词 夺走;剥夺 If someone is robbed of something that they deserve, have, or need, it is taken away from them.

  be V-ed of n / V n of n

P7 Word and Phrase

1. shut down 停工,关闭

2. collision N-VAR 可变名词碰撞;相撞 A collision occurs when a moving object crashes into something.

P8 Word and Phrase

1. a clash of ...的冲突

2. rumour N-VAR 可变名词 谣言;流言;传闻 A rumour is a story or piece of information that may or may not be true, but that people are talking about.

3. swirl V-ERG 及物/不及物动词 (使)打旋;(使)旋动;(使)起旋涡 If you swirl something liquid or flowing, or if it swirls, it moves round and round quickly.

4. fortify VERB 动词筑防于;设要塞于;加固 To fortify a place means to make it stronger and more difficult to attack, often by building a wall or ditch round it.

5. on the defensive 处于防御状态

6. speculate VERB 动词推测;猜测;猜想 If you speculate about something, you make guesses about its nature or identity, or about what might happen.

P9 Word and Phrase

1. loyalty N-UNCOUNT 不可数名词忠诚;忠心;忠贞不渝 Loyalty is the quality of staying firm in your friendship or support for someone or something.

Day7 Review

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