乔布斯讲了三个故事,这三个故事每一个都是很值得去慢慢体味的。乔布斯最后说的那句:“Stay Hungry,Stay Foolish”,提醒我要坚持学习、不断学习,才能加快达到我最想要到的地方的速度,才能做好我最想做的事。我想学习对于任何人的意义都是重大的,我会继续坚持我一直以来勤勉好学的学习态度,终身学习。乔布斯的精彩演讲,让我明白:我该趁着年轻,拿出所有的勇气,把所有的包袱和负担放下,本来就一无所有,已经失无所失了,还害怕失去什么。学着不断去尝试、去冒险,坚持学习和自己的人生目标,把该完成的、最想做的做到最好,不要给自己的人生留下任何的遗憾。
Jobs told three stories, each of which was worth the slow smell. "Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish," Mr. Jobs said at the end, reminding me to keep learning and learning, to speed up to where I want to be, and to do what I want to do best. I want to learn what is important to anyone, and I will continue to insist on my diligent and studious attitude and lifelong learning. Jobs' speech, let me understand: should I took advantage of the young, with all the courage, put all the burden and the burden down and had nothing, has nothing is lost, also fear of losing what. Learn to keep trying, to take risks, to keep learning and your life goals, to do the best you can, and not to leave any regrets about your life.