2019年1月8日,是周恩来总理逝世43周年纪念日,武汉举办了 “纪念周恩来总理珍品展”,这是展览的主题。
展览分为“昭” “公” “清” “爱”四部分。展品近300件,主要内容为摄制大型电视专题艺术片《百年恩来》时所收集的珍贵文献、书画、题词、摄影作品和访谈实录摘记等,其中绝大部分系真迹原件。
在现场,当磅礴大气、深沉凝重的《你是这样的人》歌声响起时,所有人都流泪了。因为“不能不想,不能不问,真心有多重,爱有多深,把所有的伤痛藏在你身上,把所有的生命归还世界” !
On January 8, 2019, the 43rd anniversary of Premier Zhou's death, the “Exhibition of Precious things in Memory of Premier Zhou Enlai” was held in Wuhan. The exhibition was divided into four parts, “Zhao- Virtue^, “Gong-Public Service^, “Qing-Frugality^ and "A-Love". There was a total of close to 300 exhibits, mostly literature, calligraphic works, paintings, inscriptions, photographs, and interviews excerpts, many of which were the original copies. The originals came from such artistic masters as Ba Jin, Cao Yu, Zhao Puchu, and Guan Shan, as well as items from international personalities such as Sihanouk, Kissinger and Ikeda Daisaku. What attracted me the most, however, was the famous photo of the premier sitting on the sofa original photo of Zhou Enlai in Contemplation taken by photographer Giorgio Lodi, inscribed to the relatives of Zhou Enlai. In it, the premier appears skinny and withered, with age pigments all over his hands and face. His eyes remain firm, calm.
In his entire life, whether during the conflict before 1949, or the complicated situation after liberation, our beloved Premier Zhou followed the principles set forth in Tao: he sought ways to improve other people's lives; he dedicated himself to the public, shouldered a great weight and sacrificed himself for his country. He fully demonstrated the meaning of “those selfless are bright, and those without materials are fair”. Up to the last moments of his life, Premiere Zhou concerned himself with matters pertaining to the welfare of others. Premier Zhou did not leave behind any personal wealth. His ashes were scattered in China's rivers and mountains. The member states of the United Nations hoisted their flags at half-mast in salute. It was a silent recognition of that very real personal charm and a genuine love of people. The wealth he left behind was a public wealth——for the world: his character.