(1)0Bunit5 Handy Dandy 汉语:牙牙学语下第五/六单元
(2)视频0Bunit5-unit8 中文:牙牙学语下5-8单元
(3)音频:OAunit1-unit12 Hello-Happy new year、0Bunit1-12 jack-in-the-box-seesaw中文:牙牙学语上1-16单元,牙牙下1-16单元
(4)重点句型:Handy dandy riddle ro ,which hand will you choose ,high or low
(5)field trip:逛超市,认识8-12种常见生活小物品
2.1英语:0Aunit 1Hello -unit12 Happy new year,0B unit1Jack-in-the-box-unit 12 seesaw
3.1英语:unit 5HandyDandy-unit10The fireman
3.2汉语:牙牙下第五单元妖怪,妖怪,第六单元 小驴吃馍 ,第七单元 拾果果,第八单元 开大船
3.3其他:<<peppa pig >第一季11-15集
5,Game time
5.1Big bad wolf
M:It's my family time !everyone ,come here .
W:好的 (here I come)
W:妈妈我们玩handy dandy
M:Ok,mommy will be the big bad wolf ,and we will play Handy dandy.
M/W:Handy dandy riddledy ro.
which hand will you choose ?
which hand will you choose ?
high or low ?
M: Yes you are right ! here is the biscuits.(mommy heads toward Baby and tries to get the biscuits )
M:Look ,here comes the big bad wolf .
W:啊 啊 啊 ,好可怕!
M:哈哈哈,I want to catch a ilttle bunny for my dinnner ,If I win ,I will catch you and put you in my bag ,little bunny ! let's play one more time !
W:Handy dandy ....
M:when big bad wolf coming toward you ,you will stomp it foot,ok?
W:stomp stomp
M:Here I come ,stomp stomp stomp ,chase that big bad wolf ,make it go away ,shoo! chase that big bad wolf make it go away ,shoo
M:Ok it's your turn .
5.2 wave your taill
M:Waylon ,Mommy have two towels ,it's used to pretend dinosaur tail ,here you are . Look mommy stuck the towel in your pants . Ok ,this is my tail and this your tail.let's wave our tail .
M:Let's chant with mommy .
M/W:Dinosaur dinosaur wave your tail
Dinosaur dinosaur give a roar
thump thump thump thump thump
M:can you give a roar?
M:Yes ,right ,thump thump thump thump thump.
M: give a roar ! roar ~
M:Yes,right roar~,waylon hide behind the curtain
W:OK,I am the baby dinosaur 。
M:Waylon you hide in the box.,I will say "oh ,look our baby will come out ,when you hear "will you come out ?and then you should jump up .
W:Ok I see
M/W:Baby dinosaur behind the cuetain ,oh so still ,will you come out?
W:Yes ,I will
M:Now,It's my turn to be the baby dinosaur . I am the little dinosaur ,very cute dinosaur .
W:Will you come out ?
M:Yes I will,give a roar ,吼吼
5.3 parts of boy
M:Baby, Let's play the game !show me your hands ,show me your finger .when mommy say the parts of body ,you ues your finger piont it ,Ok?
M:where is your eyes ?
M:Yes,right ,how many eyes do you have ?
W:用手比4 four!
M:haha,mommy have two eyes ,mommy can use my eyes look at you .
M:nose !
M: Four?Mommy have one nose ,only one .mommy can use my nose smell smell , 假装闻娃脚 smelly feet ! yuck!
M:Show me your ears ?
M:Wow,right How mang ears do you have ?
M:Mommy have two ears ,How mang ears do you have ? If you have four ears ,mommy think you are a monster ,oh no ,mommy so scared ! help help help 。mommy use my ears hear daddy's sound .hear ,What does daddy said ?Daddy is singing ,The merry goes round and round ,the merry goes round round ,merrily merrily merrily merrily ,that's the merry goes round .Do you like this song? do you like merry go round ?
W:oh no ,不喜欢
M:Yes ,right mommy can use mouth eat food ,Do you want eat chocolate cake ? I think chocolate cake is very sweet .Do you like chocolate cake ?
M:Look mommy ,two eyes ,one nose ,two eyes one mouth ,make a funny face !主题课里的歌忘记调调不会唱了
M:Ok,Waylon ,do the action with mommy ,two eyes ,one nose ,two ears ,one mouth ,make s funny face .边说边用手指,复习五官,不过忘记做感官的联系,明天重复。
5.4 stomp
M:Look mommy ,here comes an elephant ,elephant can stomp stomp stomp !
M:Here comes a kangaroo ,Kangaroo can hop hop hop ! I am mommy kangaroo ,I can hop hop hop ,can you hop with me ?
M:Now mommy become a dinosaur ,thump thump thump ,Dinosaur Dinosaur wave your tail ,Dinosaur dinosaur give a roar, thump thump thump thump thump .
M:here comes a snake ,hiss hiss hiss ,snake snake crawl crawl crawl ,snake snake hiss hiss hiss.