Monit 监控服务工具教程

Monit 官网:

一、Monit 介绍


Monit通过基于自由格式,面向令牌的语法的易于配置的控制文件进行控制。Monit记录到syslog或自己的日志文件中,并通过可自定义的警报消息通知您有关错误情况的信息。Monit可以执行各种TCP / IP网络检查,协议检查,并且可以使用SSL进行此类检查。Monit提供HTTP(S)接口,您可以使用浏览器访问Monit程序。

二、Monit 特色

  • 超轻量, 稳定, 高可用
  • 依赖少, 安装配置方便, 尽量减少运维及学习成本(即使没有任何 Monit 基础的人, 都能轻易的读懂大部分监控文件)
  • 非侵入式, 被监控的程序可以不用知道监控程序的存在(如果使用 Supervisor 监控, 则服务必须从 Supervisor 启动)
  • 基本功能完备(进程文件Fifo文件系统目录远程主机系统程序网络
    9 种类型监控, 邮件报警, 支持用户自定义 shell 扩展)

三、Monit 和 Supervisor 的对比


  • supervisor:


  • monit:



  • supervisor:需要使用第三方插件才能实现邮件提醒功能,本身并不支持邮件提醒
  • monit:原生支持邮件提醒功能


  • supervisor:本身只是为了守护进程,所以需要第三方扩展才可以监控磁盘
  • monit:原生支持磁盘监控


  • supervisor:基于Python开发,轻量级
  • monit:轻量级



四、Monit 使用


Usage: monit [options]+ [command]

 -c file       文件使用此控制文件
 -d n          每n秒一次将 Monit 作为守护程序运行。或在monitrc中使用“ set daemon”
 -g name       设置用于启动,停止,重新启动,监视,取消监视,状态和摘要操作的组名
 -l logfile    将日志信息打印到此文件。或在monitrc中使用“设置日志”
 -p pidfile    在守护程序模式下使用此锁定文件。或在monitrc中使用“ set pidfile”
 -s statefile  将状态信息写入此文件。或在monitrc中使用“设置状态文件”
 -I            不要在后台模式下运行(需要从init运行)。或在monitrc中使用“ set init”
 --id          打印Monit的唯一ID
 --resetid     重置Monit的唯一ID。谨慎使用
 -B            批处理命令行模式(无表格输出,无颜色)。或在monitrc中使用“设置终端批处理”
 -t            运行控制文件的语法检查
 -v            详细模式(诊断输出)
 -vv           非常详细的模式,与-v相同,并在错误时记录日志堆栈跟踪
 -H [filename] 如果省略文件名,则打印文件或标准输入的MD5和SHA1散列;Monit之后将退出
 -V            打印版本号和补丁程序级别
 -h            打印帮助文本

并要求Monit守护程序执行所请求的操作。换一种说法; 调用不带参数的monit将启动Monit守护程序,

 start all             启动控制文件中列出的所有服务,并启用对它们的监视。如果设置了组选项(-g),则仅启动并启用对已命名组中服务的监视(在这种情况下,不需要“ all”)
 start <name>          启动命名服务并启用对其的监视。该名称是monitrc文件中的服务条目名称
 stop all              停止控制文件中列出的所有服务并禁用其监视。如果设置了组选项,则仅停止和禁用对命名组中服务的监视(在这种情况下,不需要“全部”)
 stop <name>           停止命名服务并禁用其监视。该名称是monitrc文件中的服务条目名称
 restart all           停止并启动所有服务。如果设置了组选项,则仅重新启动命名组中的服务(在这种情况下,不需要“全部”)
 restart <name>        重新启动命名服务。该名称是monitrc文件中的服务条目名称
 monitor all           启用监视控制文件中列出的所有服务。如果设置了组选项,则仅开始监视命名组中的服务(在这种情况下,不需要“全部”)
 monitor <name>        启用监视命名服务。该名称是monitrc文件中的服务条目名称。Monit还可以监视该服务所依赖的所有服务
 unmonitor all         禁用监视控制文件中列出的所有服务。如果设置了组选项,则仅禁用监视命名组中的服务(在这种情况下,不需要“全部”)
 unmonitor <name>      禁用对命名服务的监视。该名称是monitrc文件中的服务条目名称。Monit还将禁用对依赖此服务的所有服务的监视
 reload                重新初始化正在运行的Monit守护程序,该守护程序将重新读取其配置,关闭并重新打开日志文件
 status [name]         打印服务状态信息
 summary [name]        打印简短的状态摘要
 report [up|down|..]   报告服务状态。脚本可以轻松解析输出。如果没有选项,则打印由Monit管理的所有服务的状态的简短概述。该选项up打印此状态下所有服务的数量,同样打印down等等
 quit                  终止Monit守护进程
 validate              检查控制文件中列出的所有服务。当Monit在守护程序模式下运行时,此操作也是默认行为
 procmatch <pattern>   允许轻松测试模式以进行过程匹配检查。该命令将正则表达式作为参数,并显示所有与模式匹配的正在运行的进程


## Monit control file
## Comments begin with a '#' and extend through the end of the line. Keywords
## are case insensitive. All path's MUST BE FULLY QUALIFIED, starting with '/'.
## Below you will find examples of some frequently used statements. For
## information about the control file and a complete list of statements and
## options, please have a look in the Monit manual.
## Global section
## Start Monit in the background (run as a daemon):
set daemon  30              # check services at 30 seconds intervals
#   with start delay 240    # optional: delay the first check by 4-minutes (by
#                           # default Monit check immediately after Monit start)
## Set syslog logging. If you want to log to a standalone log file instead,
## specify the full path to the log file
set log syslog

## Set the location of the Monit lock file which stores the process id of the
## running Monit instance. By default this file is stored in $HOME/
# set pidfile /var/run/
## Set the location of the Monit id file which stores the unique id for the
## Monit instance. The id is generated and stored on first Monit start. By
## default the file is placed in $HOME/
# set idfile /var/
## Set the location of the Monit state file which saves monitoring states
## on each cycle. By default the file is placed in $HOME/.monit.state. If
## the state file is stored on a persistent filesystem, Monit will recover
## the monitoring state across reboots. If it is on temporary filesystem, the
## state will be lost on reboot which may be convenient in some situations.
# set statefile /var/.monit.state

## Set limits for various tests. The following example shows the default values:
# set limits {
#     programOutput:     512 B,      # check program's output truncate limit
#     sendExpectBuffer:  256 B,      # limit for send/expect protocol test
#     fileContentBuffer: 512 B,      # limit for file content test
#     httpContentBuffer: 1 MB,       # limit for HTTP content test
#     networkTimeout:    5 seconds   # timeout for network I/O
#     programTimeout:    300 seconds # timeout for check program
#     stopTimeout:       30 seconds  # timeout for service stop
#     startTimeout:      30 seconds  # timeout for service start
#     restartTimeout:    30 seconds  # timeout for service restart
# }

## Set global SSL options (just most common options showed, see manual for
## full list).
# set ssl {
#     verify     : enable, # verify SSL certificates (disabled by default but STRONGLY RECOMMENDED)
#     selfsigned : allow   # allow self signed SSL certificates (reject by default)
# }
## Set the list of mail servers for alert delivery. Multiple servers may be
## specified using a comma separator. If the first mail server fails, Monit
# will use the second mail server in the list and so on. By default Monit uses
# port 25 - it is possible to override this with the PORT option.
# set mailserver,               # primary mailserver
#       port 10025,  # backup mailserver on port 10025
#                localhost                   # fallback relay
## By default Monit will drop alert events if no mail servers are available.
## If you want to keep the alerts for later delivery retry, you can use the
## EVENTQUEUE statement. The base directory where undelivered alerts will be
## stored is specified by the BASEDIR option. You can limit the queue size
## by using the SLOTS option (if omitted, the queue is limited by space
## available in the back end filesystem).
# set eventqueue
#     basedir /var/monit  # set the base directory where events will be stored
#     slots 100           # optionally limit the queue size
## Send status and events to M/Monit (for more information about M/Monit
## see By default Monit registers credentials with
## M/Monit so M/Monit can smoothly communicate back to Monit and you don't
## have to register Monit credentials manually in M/Monit. It is possible to
## disable credential registration using the commented out option below.
## Though, if safety is a concern we recommend instead using https when
## communicating with M/Monit and send credentials encrypted. The password
## should be URL encoded if it contains URL-significant characters like
## ":", "?", "@". Default timeout is 5 seconds, you can customize it by
## adding the timeout option.
# set mmonit http://monit:monit@
#     # with timeout 30 seconds              # Default timeout is 5 seconds
#     # and register without credentials     # Don't register credentials
## Monit by default uses the following format for alerts if the mail-format
## statement is missing::
## --8<--
## set mail-format {
##   from:    Monit <monit@$HOST>
##   subject: monit alert --  $EVENT $SERVICE
##   message: $EVENT Service $SERVICE
##                 Date:        $DATE
##                 Action:      $ACTION
##                 Host:        $HOST
##                 Description: $DESCRIPTION
##            Your faithful employee,
##            Monit
## }
## --8<--
## You can override this message format or parts of it, such as subject
## or sender using the MAIL-FORMAT statement. Macros such as $DATE, etc.
## are expanded at runtime. For example, to override the sender, use:
# set mail-format { from: }
## You can set alert recipients whom will receive alerts if/when a
## service defined in this file has errors. Alerts may be restricted on
## events by using a filter as in the second example below.
# set alert                       # receive all alerts
## Do not alert when Monit starts, stops or performs a user initiated action.
## This filter is recommended to avoid getting alerts for trivial cases.
# set alert your-name@your.domain not on { instance, action }
## Monit has an embedded HTTP interface which can be used to view status of
## services monitored and manage services from a web interface. The HTTP
## interface is also required if you want to issue Monit commands from the
## command line, such as 'monit status' or 'monit restart service' The reason
## for this is that the Monit client uses the HTTP interface to send these
## commands to a running Monit daemon. See the Monit Wiki if you want to
## enable SSL for the HTTP interface.
set httpd port 2812 and
    use address localhost  # only accept connection from localhost (drop if you use M/Monit)
    allow localhost        # allow localhost to connect to the server and
    allow admin:monit      # require user 'admin' with password 'monit'
    #with ssl {            # enable SSL/TLS and set path to server certificate
    #    pemfile: /etc/ssl/certs/monit.pem

## Services
## Check general system resources such as load average, cpu and memory
## usage. Each test specifies a resource, conditions and the action to be
## performed should a test fail.
#  check system $HOST
#    if loadavg (1min) per core > 2 for 5 cycles then alert
#    if loadavg (5min) per core > 1.5 for 10 cycles then alert
#    if cpu usage > 95% for 10 cycles then alert
#    if memory usage > 75% then alert
#    if swap usage > 25% then alert
## Check if a file exists, checksum, permissions, uid and gid. In addition
## to alert recipients in the global section, customized alert can be sent to
## additional recipients by specifying a local alert handler. The service may
## be grouped using the GROUP option. More than one group can be specified by
## repeating the 'group name' statement.
#  check file apache_bin with path /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd
#    if failed checksum and
#       expect the sum 8f7f419955cefa0b33a2ba316cba3659 then unmonitor
#    if failed permission 755 then unmonitor
#    if failed uid "root" then unmonitor
#    if failed gid "root" then unmonitor
#    alert on {
#           checksum, permission, uid, gid, unmonitor
#        } with the mail-format { subject: Alarm! }
#    group server
## Check that a process is running, in this case Apache, and that it respond
## to HTTP and HTTPS requests. Check its resource usage such as cpu and memory,
## and number of children. If the process is not running, Monit will restart
## it by default. In case the service is restarted very often and the
## problem remains, it is possible to disable monitoring using the TIMEOUT
## statement. This service depends on another service (apache_bin) which
## is defined above.
#  check process apache with pidfile /usr/local/apache/logs/
#    start program = "/etc/init.d/httpd start" with timeout 60 seconds
#    stop program  = "/etc/init.d/httpd stop"
#    if cpu > 60% for 2 cycles then alert
#    if cpu > 80% for 5 cycles then restart
#    if totalmem > 200.0 MB for 5 cycles then restart
#    if children > 250 then restart
#    if disk read > 500 kb/s for 10 cycles then alert
#    if disk write > 500 kb/s for 10 cycles then alert
#    if failed host port 80 protocol http and request "/somefile.html" then restart
#    if failed port 443 protocol https with timeout 15 seconds then restart
#    if 3 restarts within 5 cycles then unmonitor
#    depends on apache_bin
#    group server
## Check filesystem permissions, uid, gid, space usage, inode usage and disk I/O.
## Other services, such as databases, may depend on this resource and an automatically
## graceful stop may be cascaded to them before the filesystem will become full and data
## lost.
#  check filesystem datafs with path /dev/sdb1
#    start program  = "/bin/mount /data"
#    stop program  = "/bin/umount /data"
#    if failed permission 660 then unmonitor
#    if failed uid "root" then unmonitor
#    if failed gid "disk" then unmonitor
#    if space usage > 80% for 5 times within 15 cycles then alert
#    if space usage > 99% then stop
#    if inode usage > 30000 then alert
#    if inode usage > 99% then stop
#    if read rate > 1 MB/s for 5 cycles then alert
#    if read rate > 500 operations/s for 5 cycles then alert
#    if write rate > 1 MB/s for 5 cycles then alert
#    if write rate > 500 operations/s for 5 cycles then alert
#    if service time > 10 milliseconds for 3 times within 5 cycles then alert
#    group server
## Check a file's timestamp. In this example, we test if a file is older
## than 15 minutes and assume something is wrong if its not updated. Also,
## if the file size exceed a given limit, execute a script
#  check file database with path /data/mydatabase.db
#    if failed permission 700 then alert
#    if failed uid "data" then alert
#    if failed gid "data" then alert
#    if timestamp > 15 minutes then alert
#    if size > 100 MB then exec "/my/cleanup/script" as uid dba and gid dba
## Check directory permission, uid and gid.  An event is triggered if the
## directory does not belong to the user with uid 0 and gid 0.  In addition,
## the permissions have to match the octal description of 755 (see chmod(1)).
#  check directory bin with path /bin
#    if failed permission 755 then unmonitor
#    if failed uid 0 then unmonitor
#    if failed gid 0 then unmonitor
## Check a remote host availability by issuing a ping test and check the
## content of a response from a web server. Up to three pings are sent and
## connection to a port and an application level network check is performed.
#  check host myserver with address
#    if failed ping then alert
#    if failed port 3306 protocol mysql with timeout 15 seconds then alert
#    if failed port 80 protocol http
#       and request /some/path with content = "a string"
#    then alert
## Check a network link status (up/down), link capacity changes, saturation
## and bandwidth usage.
#  check network public with interface eth0
#    if failed link then alert
#    if changed link then alert
#    if saturation > 90% then alert
#    if download > 10 MB/s then alert
#    if total uploaded > 1 GB in last hour then alert
## Check custom program status output.
#  check program myscript with path /usr/local/bin/
#    if status != 0 then alert
## Includes
## It is possible to include additional configuration parts from other files or
## directories.
#  include /etc/monit.d/*


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