hello, today we are going to enjoy the picture book /I am a bunny/ together. let's get started. /I am a bunny/ by Ole Risom, illustrated by Richard Scarry.what can you see from the cover? look, it's raining and there is a bunny standing under a toadstool .when it is raining , what do you use a to keep away from the rain? yeah, we use an umbrella. look at this toadstool, does it look like an umbrella? yes, so how clever the bunny is. now, let's read this book together and find out what will thsi bunny do in different seasons? Hello,I am a bunny. my name is Nicholas. what about you? what's your name ?(让孩子回答她的名字)。good, nice to meet you. and I live in a hollw tree. (指向图片中的树洞)I guess you dont live in a hollow tree like I do.(指向图片中鸟妈妈的位置)We can also see there are a bird family living in the tree.The mama bird is feeding a worm to her three little baby birds. They must be very good neighbors.(翻到第二页)In the spring, I like to pick flowers. the bunny is holding a little yellow flower in its hand and smelling it. (拿出剪好的黄色小花,让孩子也闻闻)and can you show me the white flowers are? how many can you see?(翻到第三页)wow,so many colorful butterflies. the bunny is chasing the butterflies and the butterflies is chasing it. which butterflies is the most beautiful one?(翻到第四页)in the summer, I like to lie in the sun and watch the birds. the bunny now is lying on the grass and enjoying the sunshine. what else can you see ?(小鸟,草莓)未完待续