Background /Introduction
Customer service is the act of taking care of the customer's needs/requirements by providing the expected quality of service to customer that meet customers requirements.Generally,Customer servicemainly aims at meeting the needs and desires of any customer. When customer need/wants are met, customers tend to be satisfied and formulate a long term relationship with an originations that add value both to customer and the company.
Customer service satisfaction is based on how to make sure customers are feeling satisfied and happy concerning a certain service of a product. Historically most of the customers are expecting happiness and being comfortable of the services which are being provided that meet their need/want. In customer service satisfaction in many cases customers need to be assured and expect consistence of customer service to be provided at maximum level of quality.
Different scholars such as Philip Kotler(Kotleret al 2013) definedcustomer satisfactionas a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment which resulted from comparing a products perceived performance/outcome against his/her expectation.
A differentiated and quality customer service that meet customer demand are essentially needed due to the current market competition and it usually a long process that goes beyond selling of the product and formulate different product based on different market segment with just one aim to meet customer requirement or to satisfy customer.
Statement of the problem:
In this study, we want to analyze critically how financial institutions (mostly Banks) can use and effectively implement the role of customer service and reduce the currently existing customer complaints or unsatisfactory feedback from customers and ensuring the current level of services is improved that attain highest level of satisfaction from customer.
Basically, when customer service is provided in a cared, promptly, quality and a professional way can reduce complains or unsatisfactory feedback from customers hence maintains a highest level of satisfaction while attaining organization objectives in a most profitable way.
General and specific objectives
General objectives
The aim is to determine how best customer service can add value and reduce the gap between customers and service providers in order to provide a highest level of comfort/satisfaction between the two profitably.
Specific objectives
To evaluate CRDB employees skills and competency to meet customers expectation.
To assess what areas within CRDB have more complains from the customer
To have a detailed assessment of different products within CRDB that have more complains from the customer eg. Simbanking,Internet banking
Accessibility of a CRDB to reach customers in order satisfies needs and wants.
To assess CRDB system if they satisfy customers needs and minimize customer complaints.
To determine how CRDB customers are well informed on different products and services.
Literature review
Empirical literature Review.
This has been done through CRDB customer complaints book where by different customers complain were recorded. In this book most of complains were on failed transactions/transfers whereby the time taken to reverse the failed transaction were complained by the customer to be long and unacceptable hence most of customer tend to stop using the service due to it repetitive nature .
Research done through different interview to MBA students who are customer and non CRDB customers. Mzumbe students wo are CRDB customers tend to appreciate the level of service and specifically the innovation spirit of the bank in attaining and solving customer related issues promptly. Mzumbe students wo are non CRDB customers tend to see CRDB as the bank that has been exhausted with customer and do not care or offer an impressive customer service to new customers who want to open an account with them.
Visiting CRDB outlet and making calls to CRDB customer service and measure the level of customer service. While visiting CRDB outlets, it was observed that most of customer was easily and promptly advised with minimal waiting time that kept customer happy and satisfied. Also several calls that were made to customer service desk were promptly responded and customer request were easly handles and customer were issued with a request token with a minimum waiting time for the request to be solved .This method kept customer happy and most of these customer extend their relationship with the bank hence caused it prosperity in Tanzania and eventual the bank has expanded to Burundi.
Upon visiting CRDB branches(Tegeta and Mlimani city),it was observed that only 2 or 3 cubic tellers were available to service customers while other cubical tellers were closed hence causing long que with no explanation .This has increased complaints from customers as few tellers usually take long time to service.
Theoretical literature review:
According to BOT review and different tutorial and training conducted by BOT reveals that most of successfully companies that offering different services to customer has strategically implement and employ the best and differentiated customer service technique that explore and immediate resolve different need/want from different customers. MAY 2018 BOT MTWARA training on KYC and Anti money laundering process.
The definition ofcustomer satisfactiongiven byPhilip Kotler(Kotleret al 2013) says that it is predetermined by how the expectations of the customer are met. Customer satisfactionis directly connected tocustomers' needs.
Of recent, on Ndugai has sincerely appreciate level of service CRDB has offered to member of parliament and promise to extend their relationship with the Bank as it has emerged as one of the best Bank that cater and satisfy several financial needs to several MPs .This were said when the new CRDB CEO/MD visited the parliament on October 2018.
Most customers complains through social media (Jamii Forum )on their dissatisfaction of services rendered to them from different banks. This can also be seen mostly on comments that different customer commented to different posts posted by certain financial institution on social media such as IG and Facebook.
Area of Study, sources of Data and Sampling Procedure
Our study will solely concentrate on CRDB customers whereby our primary source of data will be collected direct from all CRDB customers while our secondary data will also be through different articles and journals published by BOT and Social media. We will involve 100 respondents (customer) and each sample will be issued with questionnaires and customer will be judged/asked to respond to the questions in the questionnaire.
Research Approach, Design
The study will use a quantitative approach and designed in a way we will be able to determine different customer satisfaction and different roles of the bank that provide a good customer service that meet or attain customer requirement.
Data Collection Instruments and Data Analysis
Our study will use questionnaire, observation and interview to collect data/reliable information from CRDB customers and once the data is collected will be presented on Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) software that is capable of generating results in way researchers and other users will be able to interpret and draw conclusions.
Reliability and Validity
In order to provide an accurate information that will be able to draw reliable and acceptable conclusion from the collected data, Questioners has been correctly formulated that meet all characteristics of CRDB customers and also sample of CRDB customers has been accurate formulated in a way it covers all aspects of CRDB customers. Moreover different tools/instrument such as Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) will be used and data will be divided and presented in frequency tables, charts, histograms, and graphs that will help us to test and check the results with its relevance to our study or actual customer perceptions.
Web address
Paul Mckinney, n.d ,what is customer service definition or types or role in marketing, (10-12-2018)
Johnson and Clark (2008),July 06,2012 ,Concepts of Customer Services and Customer Satisfaction, (09-12-2018)
Jennifer Mason (2002), Qualitative Researching 2nd Edition ,London ,SAGE Publications Ltd .
Hoffman, K.D & Bateson J.E.G,(1997),Essential of Services Marketing , New York, Dryden Press.