2019 年 4 月 29 日,以太币交易总额为 2,782,607 ETH ,比前日上升 4.77%;日活跃用户量 165,228,比前日上升 0.84%;新增合约 25,756 个,比前日下降 11.68%;平均交易费用为 10.29 GWEI,比前日上升 8.93%;最活跃合约为 LEARNCHAIN (LEN);通证代币交易总额为 378,960 个,比前日上升 1.12%。
April 29, 2019, ETH transferred volume is 2,782,607 ETH, increasing 0.79% (compared to April 28); the number of daily active users is 165,228, increasing 0.84%; the number of new contracts is 25,756, decreasing 11.68%; average fees are 10.29 GWEI, increasing 8.93%; the most active contract is LEARNCHAIN (LEN); tokens transferred volume is 378,960, increasing 1.12%.
据Crypto Globe消息,以太坊开发人员Hudson Jameson于4月26日在以太坊两周会议上表示,融资共计5万的Dai目标已经达成,该资金足够对ProgPoW进行独立审计。此前3月5日消息,Hudson Jameson和其他开发人员共同讨论ProgPow相关开发进程。开发团队尚未决定在以太坊网络上的实施ProgPoW算法的时间表,该提案目前正在进行第三方审计。同时3月18日,Hudson Jameson表示对ProgPow的审计尚未开始,对该提案进行两次单独审计的原始计划可能不会完全按计划进行。
50000 Dai Received To Fund Third-Party Security Audit Of Ethereum's ProgPoW Algorithm
Hudson Jameson, a communications manager at the Ethereum Foundation and blockchain developer, has revealed that funding for a third-party audit of Ethereum's (ETH) proposed ASIC-resistant, programmatic proof-of-work (ProgPoW) consensus algorithm has been received. As mentioned during the last conference call between Ethereum's core developers, the fundraising target of 50,000 Dai, an Ethereum-based, USD-pegged stablecoin, was reached. Funds for the ProgPoW audit were reportedly acquired by conducting various crowdfunding campaigns and also by collecting donations.
GCG Asia疑似为马来西亚庞氏骗局,其联合创始人同时涉足区块链领域
Behind MLM近日发布报告称,外汇交易服务提供商Guardian Capital AG(GCG Asia)疑是马来西亚的庞氏骗局。该平台在几个月前(2018年12月)刚刚注册,没有关于该企业所有权或管理的信息,并且只列出了一个不完整的瑞士地址。经过进一步的研究后发现,Darren Yaw是该公司的联合创始人之一,其Facebook资料显示Yaw在马来西亚居住,因此该报告推测,GCG Asia总部不在瑞士,而是在马来西亚。 此外,Yaw似乎还是世界加密资产区块链联盟(WCBA)的联合创始人。Behind MLM调查后发现,WCBA网站甚至没有Alexa排名(当前较为权威的网站访问量评价指标)。此外,WCBA Global还表示,已不再与GCG Asia合作,与GCG Asia以及其任何关联公司没有业务关系。WCBA Global并不是GCG Asia的客户,也并未持任何帐户。
Guardian Capital AG Review: Malaysian Trading Ponzi Scheme
According to the report released by behind MLM, Guardian Capital AG (GCG Asia) may be a trading Ponzi scheme. GCG Asia provides no information on their website about who owns or runs the business.
Further research reveals Guardian Capital AG affiliates naming Darren Yaw as co-founder of the company. On Facebook, Yaw goes by Darren Yaw Foo Hoe. His profile states he lives in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Thus it appears Guardian Capital AG is a Malaysian company. Any links to Switzerland are assu