首先看看rvm help mount说了些什么:
# rvm help mount
rvm automount
rvm mount /path/to/ruby [-n {name}]
rvm mount [-r] {https://url/to/ruby.tar.bz2} [name]
## Mounting local compiled rubies
RVM supports adding rubies compiled by user.
If compiled ruby is already on `PATH` then use:
rvm automount
If ruby is not on `PATH` and was compiled in `/opt/ruby-1.9.3-p194`,
then both following commands will add it to RVM:
rvm mount /opt/ruby-1.9.3-p194
rvm mount /opt/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/ruby
RVM will ask user for the name for it, for automation you can use `-n` flag:
rvm mount /opt/ruby-1.9.3-p194 -n ruby-1.9.3-p194
Which will create `ext-ruby-1.9.3-p194`, the `ext-` prefix is there to
distinguish externally compiled rubies.
rvm mount的功能是加载安装本地已有编译好的Ruby版本到rvm中,方便统一的管理。
rvm automount可以自动加载在PATH环境变量中能识别的Ruby。
比如经常因为被墙的原因,无法下载ruby的源码进行本地编译,rvm安装ree经常失败,还有我这次遇到的安装jruby总是编译失败,那么解决的方法就很简单,在jruby的官网下载已编译好的版本,解压到本地,/opt/jruby/,然后再rvm mount /opt/jruby即可!
rvm会自动识别版本,然后创建一个ext-开头的Ruby版本,随时可以通过rvm use ext-jruby-xxx来使用了。