NuLink network is a decentralized solution for privacy-preserving applications developers to implement best practices and best of breed security and privacy. The NuLink platform provides endpoint encryption and cryptographic access control. Sensitive user data can be securely shared from any user platform to cloud or decentralized storage and access to that data is granted automatically by policy in Proxy Re-Encryption or Attribute-Based Encryption. For the data user on the other side, Zero-Knowledge Proof can help them verify the data source. In more advanced privacy-preserving use cases, NuLink uses Fully Homomorphic Encryption to customize enterprise-level data computation services.
NuLink 网络是一种去中心化的解决方案,供隐私保护应用程序开发人员实施最佳实践和同类最佳的安全和隐私。NuLink 平台提供端点加密和密码访问控制。敏感的用户数据可以从任何用户平台安全地共享到云或分散存储,并且通过代理重新加密或基于属性的加密中的策略自动授予对该数据的访问权限。对于另一端的数据用户,零知识证明可以帮助他们验证数据来源。在更高级的隐私保护用例中,NuLink 使用全同态加密来定制企业级数据计算服务。
------David Jiao