

  1. desert
    [n]/ˈdɛzət/ 沙漠;荒凉时期;

    1. desert region
    2. a cultural desert
    3. 我们的运气没了 our luck deserted us
    4. 叛逃到敌营 to desert to the enemy camp
    5. 飞机迫降在沙漠中。 The plane crash-landed in the desert.
    6. [vt]|dɪˈzɜːt|to leave sb/sth and no longer help or support them
      1. Many of the party's traditional voters deserted it at the last election.
      2. desert sb/sth for sb/sth 为了。。。而抛弃 He deserted her for another woman.
    7. [vt]to leave a place so that it is empty
      1. The birds have deserted their nest.
    8. [vi] to leave the army, navy etc without permission
      1. Several hundred soldiers have deserted.
    9. [vt] if a feeling, quality, or skill, you no longer have it, especially at the time you need it
      1. Mike's confidence seemed to have deserted him.
    10. 衍生词:deserter 逃兵
  2. region /'ridʒən/

  3. regional /'ridʒənl/

  4. regionalism /'ridʒənəlɪzəm/

  5. instrument /'ɪnstrəmənt/

  6. presence /'prɛzns/

  7. registrar |ˌredʒɪsˈtrɑː(r),ˈredʒ-|
    noun British

    1. Administration 户籍管理员
    2. University 教务长
    3. Medicine 专科住院医生
      Junior/Senior Registrar
    4. Law 高等法院注册官
  8. cheetah /'tʃitə/ 猎豹 n.

  9. surrounding

  10. law /lɔ/

  11. criticism 美音 /'krɪtə'sɪzəm/

  12. mosquito /mə'skito/ 蚊子

  13. metal 金属n.&mental 精神的adj.

  14. influx /'ɪnflʌks/ 大量涌入 n.

  15. gentle 其副词形式为 gently

  16. leash 英音 /liːʃ/ 美音 /liʃ/ 栓狗的皮带 n. & 用皮带栓 v.

  17. excess 美音 /ˈɛkˌsɛs/

  18. youngster /'jʌŋstɚ/

  19. influenza [Un. formal = flu] /ˌɪnflu'ɛnzə/

  20. calory [Cn.] /'kæləri/

  21. secretaty /'sɛkrə'tɛri/

  22. preferable |ˈprɛf(ə)rəb(ə)l| adj.

  23. preferability |prɛf(ə)rəˈbɪlɪti| noun,

  24. preferableness |ˈprɛf(ə)rəblnəs| noun

  25. competitive |kəmˈpɛtɪtɪv|

  26. competent |ˈkɒmpɪtənt|

  27. executive 美音 /ɪɡ'zɛkjətɪv/

  28. petition |pəˈtɪʃn|

  29. era |ˈɪərə| 纪元;时代;
    to mark the end of an era

  30. accuse |əˈkjuːz|

  31. communist |ˈkɒmjʊnɪst|

    1. [cn] 共产主义者
    2. [adj] 共产主义的 Communist Party
  32. communism |ˈkɒmjʊnɪz(ə)m|

  33. approximate

    1. |əˈprɒksɪmət|adjective
    2. |əˈprɒksɪmeɪt| vt.
      1. to approximate to sth.
      2. his story approximates to the one given by his accomplice (他的供述与同犯所讲的基本相符)
  34. revenge |rɪˈvendʒ|

    1. 出于报复心理 in a spirit of revenge
    2. 他报了杀兄之仇 he revenged a murder of his elder brother
    3. to revenge oneself (on sb) 向某人报仇
  35. racism |ˈreɪsɪzəm| 种族歧视;种族主义

  36. graffiti |grəˈfiːti|

  37. obedience |əˈbiːdɪəns|
    to take a vow of obedience

  38. retribution |ˌretrɪˈbjuːʃn| 惩罚 惩罚所犯罪行 to make retribution for one's crimes

  39. colloquial [adj] |kəˈləʊkwɪəl| 口语的

  40. fable |ˈfeɪbl| 寓言;谎言

  41. diplomatic |ˌdɪpləˈmætɪk| [adj] 外交的;外交人员的 in diplomatic circle ; 得体的,圆通的;

  42. sword |sɔːd|

  43. scapegoat |ˈskeɪpgəʊt| 替罪羊

  44. cement |sɪˈment|

    1. [n] 水泥;黏固粉;牙骨质;胶合剂;碎屑岩的基质
    2. [vt] 用水泥/。。。黏结
    3. [vt] their common grief cemented their friendship 共同的不幸加深了他们的友谊
  45. soul |səʊl|

  46. prior |ˈpraɪə(r)|

  47. fibre |ˈfaɪbə(r)| 纤维

  48. fabric |ˈfæbrɪk| [Un] 织物;结构;基础; the fabric of society 社会基本结构

  49. technician |tekˈnɪʃn| [n] 技师;技术精湛者

  50. technique |tekˈniːk| [n] 方法;技术;技巧

    1. printing/processing/manufacturing techniques
    2. he has't got the technique to cope with difficult passages
  51. passage |ˈpæsɪdʒ| [n]

    1. [Cn] 走廊;过道
    2. [Cn] 通道 to clear/force/leave a passage 开/挤/留出一条通道; an underground passage
    3. [Cn]道 ear/urinary/nasal passages 耳道/尿道/鼻腔
    4. [Cn] 段落;乐段 selected passages 选段
    5. [Un] 通行 the passage of vehicles/ships
    6. [Un] 通行权 to deny sb passage 拒绝某人通行
    7. [Un] 推移 the passage of time/years
    8. [Un] 过渡 the passage from childhood to adolescence
    9. [Cn] dated 旅程
    10. [Un] (法案的)通过
  52. anatomy |əˈnætəmi|

    1. [Un] 解剖学
    2. [Cn] 动植物结构
    3. [Cn] 人体
    4. [Cn] 剖析
  53. Buddhism |ˈbʊdɪzəm| 佛教

  54. Buddhist

    1. [n] 佛教徒
    2. [adj] 佛教的;信奉佛教的
      a Buddhist monk/temple
  55. referee |ˌrefəˈriː|

    1. [n] 裁判;推荐人(BrE) to act as a referee for sb 做某人的推荐人
    2. [v](为。。。)担任裁判
  56. industry |ˈɪndəstri|

    1. [Un] 工业 heavy/light industry 重/轻工业
    2. [Cn] 企业 the catering/advertising industry 饮食业/广告业
    3. [Cn] 专题研究 the Shakespeare/Joyce industry 莎士比亚/乔伊斯研究
    4. [Un] 勤奋`
    5. industrial |ɪnˈdʌstrɪəl|[adj]
    6. industrial action 罢工(BrE) to take industrial action
    7. to take industrial action
  57. resemble |rɪˈzembl|
    [vt] 像 She resembles her grandmother.

  58. democracy |dɪˈmɒkrəsi|

    1. [Cn] 民主国家 a multi-party democracy 多党制民主国家
    2. [Un] 民主政体;民主制度
  59. analogy |əˈnælədʒi|
    a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification:

  60. conjunction |kənˈdʒʌŋkʃn| [n]

    1. Seat belts are more effective when used in conjunction with air bags. 安全带和安全气囊一起使用效果更好。
    2. a happy conjunction of circumstances 幸好几件事情同时发生;几件事情令人高兴的巧合
  61. sin |sɪn| 不要跟数学上的sin搞混了,那个其实是sine(|saɪn|)的缩写

    1. [Un] original sin 原罪
    2. the sin of pride 傲慢之罪
    3. to commit a sin
    4. to forgive one's sins
    5. to confess one's sins
    6. a sin against sb/sth 冒犯某人/亵渎某事物的罪过
    7. the seven deadly sins
    8. [Cn] 过错
      1. it's a sin to do sth
      2. a sin of omission 渎职
      3. (BrE) for one's sin 自作孽
    9. [vi]
      1. to sin against sb/sth
      2. to be more sinned against than sinning 过错无多而报应太重
  62. thorough|ˈθʌrə, American ˈθʌrəʊ|

  63. queue |kjuː|

    1. [n] to line up/stand in a queue
    2. [n]排队等公交车的人 a bus queue
    3. [n]to jump the queue
    4. [vi] to queue up to do sth 纷纷等着做某事
  64. educate |ˈedʒʊkeɪt| [v]

  65. police |pəˈliːs|

  66. dumb |dʌm| 哑的;一时说不出话的

  67. figurative |ˈfɪgərətɪv, American ˈfɪɡjər-| [adj] 比喻的;具象的(一种绘画流派)

  68. additive |ˈædɪtɪv| 添加剂

    1. food additive
    2. additive-free orange juice
    3. chemical additives in petrol
  69. humane |hjuːˈmeɪn| [adj] 富于同情心的;人道的 humane killer 麻醉屠宰机

  70. execute |ˈeksɪkjuːt| [vt]

    1. kill as legal punishment to be executed for sth
  71. executive |ɪgˈzekjʊtɪv|

    1. [adj] chief executive officer
    2. [n] a top executive 高层主管
    3. [n] 执行委员会
    4. [n] the executive 行政部门
  72. telecommute |ˌtelɪkəˈmjuːt| 通过电信设备远程工作

  73. champagne |ʃæmˈpeɪn|

    1. [Cn] 香槟酒
    2. [Un] 香槟色
    3. [adj] 香槟色的
  74. compensation |ˌkɒmpenˈseɪʃn|

    1. [Un] 赔偿、补偿
      1. to award/claim/pay/receive/seek compensation
      2. as/in/by way of compensation for sth
      3. he was awarded $3000 for his injuries
      4. a compensation claim
    2. [n] 弥补
      1. the rise in salary was no compensation for the long hours
      2. getting older has its compensation 上年纪有上年纪的好处
  75. these |ðiːz|

  76. this |ðɪs|

  77. gaseous |ˈgæsɪəs,ˈgeɪsɪəs| 气体的

  78. closet |ˈklɒzɪt|

  79. fascist |ˈfæʃɪst|

    1. [adj] 法西斯的
    2. [n] 法西斯分子;专横独裁的人
  80. hasty |ˈheɪsti| 匆忙的;草率的 adj

  81. tear

    1. [Cn] |tɪə(r)| 眼泪
    2. [v] |teə(r)| 撕裂
  82. limb |lɪm|

    1. the fore/hind/upper/low limb
    2. stretch one's limbs
    3. to tear sb from limb to limb 肢解某人;猛烈地抨击某人
    4. to be/go out on a limb 使自己孤立无援;与大多数人意见相左
  83. obsolete 淘汰的;过期的;过时的;退化的

    1. obsolete machine
    2. obsolete technology
    3. obsolete passport/ticket
    4. obsolete experience/law/practice
    5. obsolete limb/organ
  84. limb |lɪm|

  85. allergen |ˈælədʒən| 过敏原

  86. pollen |ˈpɒlən| 花粉

  87. allergy |ˈælədʒi|

    1. to have an allergy to sth
    2. People with allergies are super-sensitive to things that most people find harmless, including pollen from plants, dust and food.
  88. allergic |əˈlɜːdʒɪk|

    1. be allergic to sth 对某物过敏;对某事物及其反感
    2. to have/suffer from allergic reaction
  89. finale |fɪˈnɑːli, American -næli| 最后一幕;终曲

  90. academy |əˈkædəmi|

  91. adolescent |ˌædəˈlesnt| n&adj

  92. pedagogic |ˌpedəˈgɒdʒɪk,|pedagogical |ˌpedəˈgɒdʒɪkl|

    1. pedagogical methodology 教学法
  93. nowadays [adv]|ˈnaʊədeɪz|

  94. in a word, 逗号后面就只能用一个单词来解决

  95. economy |ɪˈkɒnəmi|

    1. [Un&Cn] 节约
      1. to practice economy 厉行节约
      2. to make economies in sth 在某方面实行节约
    2. [Cn] 经济
      1. the state of the economy
      2. a market/planned economy 市场经济/计划经济
  96. economic |ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk,ˌek-|

    1. 经济学的
    2. 经济的 to impose/lift economic sanctions 实行/解除经济制裁
    3. 有利可图的
  97. economics |ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪks,ˌek-|

  98. economize [vi] |ɪˈkɒnəmaɪz| 节约 to economize on sth 节约用某物

  99. econometric [adj] 计量经济学的

  100. identifier |aɪˈdentɪfaɪə(r)| 识别码;标志符

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