英文 | 中文 |
Tonight's the night. | 就是今晚 |
And it's going to happen again and again-- | 有些事情周而复始 |
has to happen. | 终会发生 |
Nice night. | 如此迷人的夜晚 |
Miami is a great town. | 迈阿密是个不错的地方 |
I love the Cuban food. | 我喜欢这里的古巴菜 |
Pork sandwiches -- my favorite. | 还有我的最爱猪肉三文治 |
But I'm hungry for something different now. | 但我现在却对另外些东西感到渴望 |
There he is. | 就是他 |
Mike Donovan. | 迈克·多诺万 |
He's the one. | 我的目标 |
You're mine now, so do exactly as I say. | 你现在是我的所以最好照我说的做 |
- What do you want?- I want you to be quiet. | -你想要什么-我想你给我安静点 |
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Now drive. | 开车 |
Turn here. | 在这儿转弯 |
You have to listen... | 听着 |
...do what I say. | 照我的吩咐去做 |
- Look.- No. | -看看他们-不 |
Uh, yes. | 看着他们 |
No, no! | 不不 |
It's horrible, isn't it? Isn't it? | 很可怕对吧对吧 |
Please... | 求求你 |
Open your eyes and look at what you did! | 睁开你的眼睛看看你干的好事 |
Look or I'll cutyour eyelids right off your face. | 看吧要不我现在就把你的眼珠给挖出来 |
It took me a long time to get these little boys clean. | 清理这些小孩子花了我很时间 |
One of them had been in the ground so long | 其中一个因为埋在地下太长时间 |
he was falling apart. | 都已经开始四分五裂了 |
I pulled him out in bits and pieces. | 我把他一块块挖出来拼好 |
Hail Mary, full of grace,the Lord is -- | 万福马利亚仁慈的上帝啊 |
Stop! That never helped anybody. | 停下来这些帮不了任何人 |
Please, you can have anything. | 求求你放了我你可以得到任何你想要的 |
That's good. Beg. Did these little boys beg? | 这倒不错乞求这些孩子乞求过吗 |
I couldn't help myself. I couldn't. I-- | 我不得不这么做我不得不我 |
Please, you have to understand... | 求你了你得明白 |
Trust me, I definitely understand. | 相信我我清楚的很 |
See, I can't help myself, either. | 是啊我也不得不这么做 |
Children, I could never do that. | 但是对孩子我永远干不出那种事 |
Not like you. Never, ever kids. | 不像你永远不会是对孩子下手 |
Why? | 为什么 |
I have standards. | 我有自己的原则 |
Soon you'll be packed into a few... | 很快你就会被... |
...neatly wrapped hefties | 分成一整块一整块包装好 |
in my own | 放在一个 |
small corner of the world. | 只属于我自己的地方 |
It'll be a neater, happier place. | 那里很干净也很快乐 |
A better place. | 就像天堂 |
My name is Dexter, Dexter Morgan. | 我叫德克斯特德克斯特·摩根 |
I don't know what made me the way I am, | 我不知道我为什么会变成今天这样 |
but whatever it was left a hollow place inside. | 但是不管是什么造成了我内心的空洞 |
People fake a lot of human interactions, | 人们总是装的故作亲密 |
but I feel like I fake them all, | 但是我倒觉得我一直骗了所有人 |
and I fake them very well. | 而且做的很好 |
Ahoy, there, captain! Any big marlin out there today? | 喂那边的船长今天有大金枪鱼吗 |
And that's my burden, I guess. | 我想也许这就是我的牵绊 |
But I don't blame my foster parents for that. | 但我从不为这责怪我的养父母 |
Harry and Doris Morgan did a wonderful job raising me. | 哈里和桃瑞斯·摩根尽己所能把我养大 |
But they're both dead now. | 但他们都已经过世了 |
I didn't kill them... | 不是我杀的 |
Honest. | 真的 |
You're different, aren't you, Dexter? | 德克斯特你与众不同不是吗 |
What do you mean, pop? | 什么意思爸爸 |
The Billups say Buddy disappeared. | 比卢普斯一家说巴迪不见了 |
I found the grave, son. | 我找到了它的坟墓儿子 |
That dog was a noisy little creep, dad. | 那条狗根本就是条杂种爸爸 |
He was barking all night, and mom couldn't sleep. | 它整晚吵让妈妈无法入睡 |
And she's very, very sick, and that lousy dog | 她现在病的很重而那狗 |
was yapping at every leaf that blew down the sidewalk! | 连片叶子落地都会叫个不停 |
There were a lot of bones in there, Dexter, | 那里有很多尸骸德克斯特 |
and not just Buddy's. | 不止巴迪的 |
Hola, Dexter! | 嗨德克斯特 |
Blood-- | 血 |
sometimes it sets my teeth on edge. | 有时让我变的兴奋无比 |
Other times, it helps me control the chaos. | 有时却能让我保持清醒 |
The code of Harry, | 哈里法则 |
my foster father, is satisfied. | 我养父对于他定的此条法则很满意 |
And so am I. | 我也是 |
Harry was a great cop here in Miami, | 哈里是迈阿密一个伟大的警察 |
taught me how to think like one, | 他教我怎么去思考 |
taught me how to cover my tracks. | 怎么掩盖我留下的痕迹 |
I'm a very neat monster. | 我是个懂规矩的怪物 |
Dexter, are you there? | 德克斯特你在吗 |
Okay, Dex, please, as soon as you get in, | 好吧德克斯尽快过来吧 |
I'm at a crime scene by the shithole the Seven Seas motel, | 我在七海酒店的犯罪现场 |
and I need you here. | 我需要你的帮助 |
Okay? | 好吗 |
Dex? Please... | 德克斯求你 |
Pretty fucking please with cheese on top. | 求你他妈的快点过来 |
That's my foul-mouthed foster sister, Debra. | 这是我满嘴脏话的妹妹黛布拉 |
She has a big heart but won't let anyone see it. | 她很善良却不想人别人知道 |
She's the only person in the world who loves me. | 她是这世上仅存的唯一爱我的人 |
I think that's nice. | 我想这不错 |
I don't have feelings about anything, | 我对其他事情漠不关心 |
but if I could have feelings at all, I'd have them for Deb. | 即使偶尔关心也是出于对黛布的 |
There's something strange and disarming | 在迈阿密的大白天巡视凶杀现场 |
about looking at a homicide scene in the daylight of Miami. | 让你有些不习惯甚至毫无戒备 |
It makes the most | 这些奇异的杀戮 |
grotesque killings look staged, | 就象预先安排好的舞台剧似的 |
like you're in a new and daring section of Disney World -- | 让你就像身处一个杀戮的迪斯尼奇幻世界 |
Dahmer Land. | 戴默世界 |
You better be a cop. | 你是警察 |
No. Forensics. | 不法医 |
Dex! | 德克斯 |
Hey, what's up? | 怎么回事 |
Jeez, Deb... | 天啊黛布 |
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Where the hell do you keep your gun? | 你把该死的枪放哪了 |
They found another hooker, in the pool. | 他们发现又一个妓女死在游泳池里 |
- Another?- Chopped up in bits and pieces. | -又一个-被剁成肉泥了 |
That's the third one in 5 months. | 已经是五个月内第三个了 |
Third? You mean there's a -- | 第三个你是说有一个... |
A serial killer, that's right. | 没错连环杀手 |
The other 2 were in Broward, | 另外两个死在布罗瓦郡 |
chopped up just like this one. | 和这个一样被剁成肉泥 |
Any suspects? | 有嫌疑犯吗 |
Wish I knew. | 要是有就好了 |
I'm on Vice, | 我在此卧底当妓女 |
so Laguerta sent me to my room | 所以洛格丽塔叫我回我房里 |
and told me to stay out of sight. | 叫我呆在她看不见的地方 |
God forbids she listens to what you have to say. | 上帝不允许她听你说的话 |
Tell me about it. | 告诉我吧 |
How does someone so dumb | 为什么一个蠢的象驴一样的人 |
get so much power? | 会有那么大的权利 |
She knows how to play the game. | 她可是深谙此道 |
You could take a lesson. | 你应该向她学学 |
In what, ass-kissing? | 怎么学学她拍马屁么 |
Politics. | 学政治手段 |
I just want to catch this guy before he kills another one of my girls. | 我只想在下一个女孩被杀之前抓到他 |
You can't get so emotionally invested. | 调查的时候别加入太多私人感情 |
You always say that. | 你老是这么说 |
So did dad. | 爸爸也是 |
Yeah, but he also said, "go after what you want." | 是但他还会说"做你想做的吧" |
I want out of Vice and into Homicide. | 我不想再当卧底我想调查这件杀人案 |
What can I do to help? | 我怎么帮你 |
You get these hunches, you know, with these types of murders. | 你对于这类的杀人犯不是一向挺有直觉吗 |
Only sometimes. | 只是某些时候而已 |
Well, see if you get one this time. | 那就看看这次你行不行咯 |
And can I bounce some ideas off of you later? | 还有迟点我想向你发发牢骚 |
You know I always get smarter when I'm talking to you. | 你知道我和你交谈时候会变得更聪明些 |
You just need a little more confidence. | 你其实只需要一点自信而已 |
All right, I'll take a look. | 好吧我去看一看 |
In the meantime, avoid Laguerta | 同时还要避开洛格丽塔 |
and talk to Captain Matthews. | 还要和马修斯警监谈谈 |
He and dad were tight. Maybe he'll put you on the case. | 他和爸爸有交情也许他能让你调查这案子 |
You're making me smarter already, see? | 看到没你已经让我变聪明了 |
And keep the sex suit on when you talk to the Captain. | 记得和警监说话时候这身衣服就别脱了 |
It'll help your cause. | 这会挺有用的 |
That's a nice haircut, Masuoka. | 发型不错玛稣卡 |
Saw your sister. | 我见过你妹妹了 |
Damn, looking hot. | 妈的她身材真火辣 |
Yeah, she should. It's hot as hell out here. | 没错就和这鬼天气一样热 |
So... Why are you here? | 那...你怎么跑来了 |
- It's a crime scene.- Yeah. | -这里是犯罪现场啊-是啊 |
- But you do blood spatter.- So? | -可你是血迹分析师的-然后呢 |
So?... There's no blood here. | 然后?这里一滴血也没有 |
What was that? | 你说什么 |
Yeah. There's no blood in or on | 尸体里和尸体上一滴血也没有 |
or near the body at all. | 连周围都没有 |
It's the weirdest thing you ever saw. | 这真是怪事一桩 |
Hey, Angel, let's show him. | 安吉儿让他看看 |
No blood. | 没有血 |
No sticky, hot, messy, | 没有粘稠的滚烫的肮脏的 |