剥虾 Peeling shrimp
1. 先把头弄掉。
First, pull off the head.
2. 在用手指把壳剥下来。
Then use your fingers to pull off the shell.
3. 从最上面开始,一直往下剥到尾巴。轻轻地把虾壳剥下来。
Start at the top and work all the way down to the tail. Gently pull the shell away from the body.
4. 虾背下面有根黑灰色的筋。这是虾的胃和肠子。我们要把它拿掉因为这个不能吃。
There’s a gray or black vein beneath the shrimp’s back. It’s the shrimp’s stomach and colon combined. We need to pull it out because it’s not edible.
5. 我剥了一个完整的虾。现在蘸点儿酱油吧。
I got a whole one. Now dip it in the light soy sauce.