Even the most loving couples fight once in a while .After this lesson you'll be able to describe the good and the bad about your relationship .
First, let's learn Five words above relationship .
Self centered 自我
Self centered people seldom consider others thoughts and feelings .Amy's boyfriend is self centered . He never listens What she says ,Or curse about what she likes .
We all know someone who is Self centered ?
Jason is an extremely self centred person . nobody likes him .
Yeah, self Centered people can sometimes be annoying .
Spark 火花,引申为产生好感
When two people fall in love, there's a spark .But a spark may go away, right ?
I always find ways to maintain the spark .我总是想方设法维持两人关系的好感。
Right. it's important to keep the spark alive in a relationship .
Independent d独立的
Jack and Judy are both very independent people .But they still work well together .
How independent do you think you are ?
I'm very independent .
I see. most of the time a good relationship doesn't just happen .
The couple needs to invest in it .需要情侣双方投入时间和精力。
Invest in , It's not invest money ,But at the time in keeping the relationship fresh ,Like going on short trips, a date night out .
Wanna try it ?
She invested her whole adult life in the relationship .
Irresistible 不可抗拒的
Something irresistible is too attractive to say no to .
An irresistible smile . 一抹无法拒绝的微笑
My girlfriend has an irresistible smile .
Can you try this ?
The companies offer is irresistible .
Well, there aren't always such a great opportunities. I think you should take it .
What do I do to make my girlfriend smile ?
What's up with you today ? You are messaging all the time .
Oh it's Apryl. We are planning a data night. We argued about some silly staff last week . So I want to take her out So we can spend some time with each other . Forget about it .
You guys hardly spend any time by yourselves now . So how are things going ?Lots of arguments ?
No ,No it's great . I mean we can both be self centered sometimes , And that's when we arguing .But we still have an amazing spark .
Maybe you two are both just in independent people . Relationships are hard. you have to invest in them.
Exactly ,But she has an irresistible smile . And you know I tell amazing jokes .So whenever there's stress I just tell her joke .And she can't help but smile that smile .
Wow sounds like you are totally in her .How long has it been ?
Ten months , Amazing ones.
Hmm, sounds like someone might be saving up some cash for something sparkly.
Well that is the plan. but for now I think we'll just take things one step at a time .
All right so I'm good at telling jokes . I use jokes to make my girlfriend smile .
You got it right .
We argued about some silly stuff Last weekag. So I want take her out So we can spend some time with each other .Forget about it .
Each other
Jack and John never liked each other .Which means Jack doesn't like Jon and Jones doesn't like Jack either.
Now I guess we're looking at each other .
The couple looked at each other and smiled .
Great remember it's just each other not each others .
Reflexive pronouns 反身代词
Yourself ourselves ,
I'm looking at myself in the mirror .
I made myself a cup of coffee .
Oh It looks so nice here . Did you guys clean it ?
No we didn't clean it ourselves someone else did it for us .I see, I wish someone would do that for me .
Each other 没有复数形式
Why are you guys always hug you in With each other ?
My dad himself remodeled our kitchen .
The kids made the entire meal by themselves .
You looked amazing in that dress. Where did you buy it ?
I made it myself .
The couple enjoys each other's company .
You need to invest in the relationship yourself first before asking others to do it .
Self centered ,
Self employed .
Self control ,
Self confidence 自信
Road confidence
I can't help But smile that smile.
take things one step at a time.
How are things with you two?
Not so good lately. we had a quiet an argument .
Well I guess it happens . You two are both very independent people .
Yeah, I mean, we love each other .
,Yeah I mean we love each other but there are times we both are a little self centered .
Those are the times .You might not be paying attention to each other's feelings .Yes we always think about ourselves, And that's where the arguments come in .
Relationship is hard .I guess your guys need to invest the time in it.
Right and it's important to keep the spark alive .
I can see that you're really into her .
Her smile is just irresistible Oh I can't help but Think about her .
Look at you 你看你, I'm sure you can fix whatever needs to be fixed.
I think sw. we just need to invest more into this relationship .
Well , take things one step in a time . You can talk to her ,Take her out for dinner or something . You guys will figure it out .
We will . thank you !