
Day 1:

1、perpetual 【pər'petʃuəl】

adj.不间断的;持续的;长久的continuing or enduring forever

一再反复的;无尽无休的frequently repeated, in a way that is annoying

eg:How can I work with these perpetual interruptions? 打扰不断,让我怎么工作?

She's a perpetual student.  她是个终身学习者。

n.四季开花的植物;多年生草a perennial planta ;hybrid rose that is perpetual.

Related forms


2、empirical [imˈpirik(ə)l]

adj.以实验(或经验)为依据的;经验主义的based on experiments or experience rather than ideas or theories

eg:Thinking and maintain a certain distance from the object can change the kind of empirical obsession. 思想者与对象保持一定的距离可以改变那种经验性的执迷。

Related forms:    antiempirical,(adj)


Synonyms:  practical, firsthand, pragmatic.

3、pick holes in


eg:It is possible to pick holes in all these arguments.这些观点中都可能有漏洞。

You are trying to pick holes in our work.你就想挑我们工作上的毛病。

4、falsify ['fɔlsɪ.faɪ]

V.~sth篡改,伪造(文字记录、信息)to change a written record or information so that it is no longer true

eg:In fact,Science needs to be repeating test,verify and falsify.事实上,科学需要重复测试,验证和伪造。

5、hypothesis [haɪ'pɑθəsɪs]

n.[c](有少量事实依据但未被证实的)假说,假设an idea or explanation of sth that is based on a few known facts but that has not yet been proved to be true or correct

eg:to formulate/confirm a hypothesis提出/证实假设

[u](凭空的)猜想,猜测guesses and ideas that are not based on certain knowledge

eg:A suggested explanation,so long as its correctness is still in doubt,is called a hypothesis.提出来的解释,只要它的正确性仍然有疑问,便称为假说

6、speculative ['spekjələtɪv]

adj.推测的;猜测的;推断的based on guessing or on opinions that have been formed without knowing all the facts

投机性的;风险性的done in the hope of making a profit but involving the risk of losing money

eg.Bear in mind that these directions of current are speculative at this point.记住,这些电流的方向在这一点是推测的。

Moreover,not all the buying is the result of stockpiling and speculative demand.而且,并非所有的买盘都是储存和投机性需求的结果。

7、long-held 根深蒂固的;长期持有的

crash down 下跌;倒坍

eg:Long held beliefs require a fresh examination in order for you to move forward.长期坚持的信仰需要一个全新的审查以便是你向前迈进。

I feel the waves crash down inside.我感觉内心惊涛拍岸。


n.~ (on sth)观点;见解;世界观;人生观the attitude to life and the world of a particular person, group or culture

~ (for sth)前景;可能性the probable future for sb/sth; what is likely to happen

景色;景致;景观a view from a particular place

eg:The outlook for jobs is bleak. 就业市场前景暗淡。

He had a practical outlook on life.他的人生观很实际。

The house has a pleasant outlook over the valley.房子俯瞰山谷,景色宜人。


Thesarus:oint of view,perspective




eg:an eclipse of the sun/moon日食;月食

Her work was in eclipse for most of the 20th century.她的作品在 20 世纪大部分时间里都湮没无闻。

v.[oftpass]~ sth遮住…的光to cause an eclipse

~ sb/sth 使失色;使相形见绌;使丧失重要性to make sb/sth seem dull or unimportant by comparison

eg:Though a talented player, he was completely eclipsed by his brother.他虽是个天才运动员,但与他的哥哥相比就黯然失色了。


v.~ sb/sth (to sth)查出;找到;发现;追踪

We finally traced him to an address in Chicago.她能把本族家谱追溯到 16 世纪。

sth (back) (to sth)追溯;追究 

She could trace her family tree back to the 16th century.我们终于追查到他在芝加哥的一个地址。

~ sth (from sth) (to sth)描绘(事物的过程或发展);追述;记述

Her book traces the town's history from Saxon times to the present day.她的书描述的是这个市镇从撒克逊时代到现在的历史。

~ sth (out)画(线)

She traced a line in the sand.她在沙地上画了一条线。

~ sth绘出,勾画出(轮廓)

He traced the route on the map.他在地图上勾画出了路线。

~ sth(用透明纸覆盖在地图、绘画等上)复制,描摹


[c]~ of sth微量;少许


[c]~ on sb/sth(对信息的)跟踪,追踪


eg:The police ran a trace on the call.警察对那次通话进行了追踪。

She spoke without a trace of bitterness.她说话时一点儿也不伤感。


adj.精巧的;新颖独特的;巧妙的very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas

心灵手巧的;机敏的;善于创造发明的having a lot of clever new ideas and good at inventing things

eg:She's very ingenious when it comes to finding excuses.她很善于找借口。

an ingenious device精巧的装置




Few businesses are flourishing in the present economic climate.在目前的经济气候下,很少有企业兴旺发达。


These plants flourish in a damp climate.这些植物在潮湿的气候下长势茂盛。

[t]~ sth(为引起注意)挥舞


a speech full of rhetorical flourishes满篇华丽辞藻的演讲

He opened the door for her with a flourish.他做了一个夸张动作为她开了门。

13、exquisite  ['ekskwɪzɪt]


微妙的;雅致的;敏锐的;敏感的delicate and sensitive
The room was decorated in exquisite taste.这个房间的装饰情趣高雅。
exquisite pain/pleasure剧烈的疼痛;极大的快乐

14、illustration [.ɪlə'streɪʃ(ə)n]




eg:The statistics are a clear illustration of the point I am trying to make这些统计数字清楚地阐明了我要陈述的要点。

the art of book illustration书籍插图的艺术

15、combustion 【kəm'bʌstʃ(ə)n】


eg:Soot is usually the product of the imperfect combuetion of fuel.煤烟通常是燃料不完全的燃烧的产物。



a discredited government/policy  名声扫地的政府;失去信誉的政策

~ sth使不相信;使怀疑;使不可置信

These theories are now largely discredited among linguists.这些理论现已大多受到语言学家的质疑。


Violent football fans bring discredit on the teams they support.狂暴的足球迷败坏了他们所支持球队的声誉。

17、periodic [.pɪri'ɑdɪk]

adj:间发性的;定期的;周期的happening fairly often and regularly

eg:Periodic checks are carried out on the equipment.设备定期进行检查。




eg:Historians can't estimate the date with any (degree of) precision .历史学家无法准确估算这个日期。




eg:Salted peanuts were recently revealed to be the nation's favourite snack.最近发现,咸味花生是该国最受人喜爱的小吃。

She crouched in the dark, too frightened to reveal herself.她蜷缩在黑暗中,吓得不敢露面。

20、daunt [dɔːnt]


eg:She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead.她是一个勇敢的女人,但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。


nothing daunted 无所畏惧;毫不气馁

eg:Nothing daunted, the people set about rebuilding their homes.人们毫不气馁,又开始重建家园。

Day 2:MindMap


Day 3:


The first day,看到老师的建议是,阅读文章大约30min,单词查阅45min,原以为follow Annie老师的方法可以高效的完成task,however too young too simple,查阅单词用了3个小时左右的时间。生词量大于20,但每个单词都查阅也不是一个高效的方法。想摘取英英释义,改变只看中文意思的思维,All things are difficult before they are easy.接下来一个月的训练希望能坚持and more carefully学习,扩展词汇,延伸出更多分支。

The second day,思维导图的整理也是耗费了一下午的脑细胞,先参考安妮老师的逻辑思维图,自己尝试完成作业后,再借鉴安妮老师的图,发现很多细节上还是没有做到位。在时间序列内容的安排上,自身更注重将科学家的发现列入逻辑中,但很多小细节,实验,并没有列举上去,安妮老师对the scientific method的整理也更加深入。keep on going


INTRODUCTION部分中,讲述了亚里士多德relyed on empirical thoughts and argument,and did no experiments,因此a number od his thoughts were wrong,however nobody douted it.直到伽利略推翻了亚里士多德的想法。紧接着讲述科学实验的方法,科学是建立在reasoning,observation and experiments的系统上,逐渐发展出一系列的理论。Science is an ongoing search fur truth-a perpetual struggle。埃德蒙多·哈雷 Halley, Edmond在1682年发现彗星,预测它的回归,也正如他所料。卢瑟福的“金箔实验”提出了原子结构模型,Nicolaus Copernicus哥白尼的日心说,罗伯特·波义耳(Robert Boyle)的The Sceptical Chemist标志着近代化学的开始,达尔文的重力学说,电流,电子……新兴物体的发现伴随着一个又一个实验,前人的理论,后人的disprove。推翻人们long-held思想及其不容易,开拓新领域,一步步奠基新时代的诞生。如今的时代,DNA克隆,电脑,互联网的广泛应用,深入研究仍在持续。但这不是终点,谁能说未来就只是如今这个模样。或许有比互联网更厉害的role出现,生物学的发展可以给人们带来更多的希望,或许人们还能重新证明过去的Theory。正如文章结尾所说,It seems likely that there will always be  more questions than answers,but future discoveries will surely continue to amaze. 

知识浅薄的我难以彻底领悟科学的奥妙,现在仍没有研读彻底《科学简史》这篇文章。正如安妮老师所说“这类文章恰恰是what we need to know, it talks about our understanding as mankind of the world we live in.如果对基础物理世界不了解,你对抽象的概念也是空中楼阁”。科学类的文章读来枯燥,确也是我们极其缺乏的知识领域。因为对其不感兴趣所以对其避而不见,不愿深入精读。I think we should broaden our eyes.要逃出象牙塔,接受更广大的世界。


Rutherford scattering 那个实验,后来发现大多数直线居然穿堂而过,不带走一片叶子。人们以前以为原子和原子挤挤挨挨地呆在一起,于是Rutherford 用alpha粒子轰金箔,想要判断粒子穿过薄薄的金箔原子后的偏离角度,因为他移动了一下接收alpha例子的荧光板,发现了原子核的结构。说明金箔大多数地方是空的。


Chinese culturealways wants to jump ahead and transcend from the material body the soul/spiritresides in and explore what is going on in a metaphysical world. But thewestern philosophers descended from celestial considerations to the matter ofmaterial structure over time.我们一路形而上,最后被几根鸦片压垮,他们一路形而下,造出了原子弹。

If you see excellence, try to observe it as closely as possible, you will grow to be like that。



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