#1.Haw continued to struggle with his fear.When he saw into the dark passageway,he couldn't help imagining frightening things and felt worse.But he realized it soon.His fears which were meaningless and ridiculous make conditions even worse.So he pushed himself to stop and just looked at the reality---the dark corridors.He moved ahead a new direction without thinking a lot.It was very surprising that he began to enjoy himself.He felt free!And he even started to imagine a new picture that he was having a big cheese meal!So he worte"Imagining yourself enjoying your new cheese leads you to it."
#2.Sometimes we don't need to think a lot,just believe yourself, go ahead and enjoy.Just as my math teacher once told us,“Do not think a lot,just do it!”We are always afraid of the unknown,and we always like to imagine the worst consequence even though we don't have a try.We don't learn to ride bike because We have imagined falling,we refused to swim because we've imagined coughing from getting a mouthful of water.We are seem to know all the result even we haven't done anything.Meanwhile,what we've thought are all the bad endings.So,maybe next time,thinking a good result,trust yourself and just go for it!