20190303晚上5点10分,8分钟,老师《21天提升幸福感正念冥想疗愈》第二十课- 身体周围营造能量场,变得更强大
Creasting a Protective Aura Around Yourself
This is a good technique for when you find yourself getting into a habit of feeling tired.Some people are very vulnerable to picking up things from others. People are always projecting or broadcasting their thoughts and energies all around them. People give off vibrations – sometimes subtle like the energy of peacefulness, and sometimes not so subtle, for example the energy of anxiety or anger.If someone is tense, they are throwing off the energy of that tension all around them. They are doing this unconsciously - they are not deliberately throwing it at you. But if you are near them, you will be affected by it. People who have developed their sensitivity through meditation can sense these energies very easily. Others may just feel uncomfortable, and not understand why. But anyway, the energy of others is always being directed at people around them.Some people are better able to protect themselves from others energies, particularly if you have been meditating for a time, you are stronger. But others are not able to protect themselves. And this happens everyday, because we are always around other people. So this technique is to develop a protective aura around you, so you will not be affected by others.The technique is to be practiced at night, just before you go to sleep. When you have practiced it, simply lie down and take that feeling with you as you go to sleep, so the feeling continues in your unconscious. So you start by consciously imagining the aura, then you begin falling asleep. When you are on the cusp of sleep, a little imagination lingers on. You fall asleep, but that little imagination enters the unconscious. And that starts to become a tremendous force and energy inside you.So get yourself totally ready for bed, but dont lie down. Turn off the lights if you don’t mind to be in darkness.Then just sit on your bed and listen to the audio.HOMEWORKThis technique is a knack – in the beginning it needs to be practiced every night. And then remember the aura again when you wake up in the morning. Before you open your eyes, take a few minutes to feel again that protective aura completely surrounding you.And during the day, whenever you remember, keep feeling that aura. Keep it with you throughout the day, talking to people, moving around, in all your activities, continuously remember it. After a while, it will feel like you are having your own private world, which no-one else can disturb.And after you have practiced this technique for a while, you can add an extra element.As you are sitting in your beautiful energy bubble, feeling full of that energy, you can remember a situation where someone has hurt you, or insulted you or criticized you. Feel that hurtful energy coming towards you, but see that it can only reach as far as the outer wall of your aura bubble. It cannot penetrate that aura. It just stops there, like an arrow that hits a wall and just falls to the ground. It cannot reach you.Practice that feeling, and after a while you will see that whatever happens, you are protected. Wherever you go, things will be coming to you but they will not touch you