

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="">


    <meta charset="utf-8">




      <strong>We're sorry but <%= htmlWebpackPlugin.options.title %> doesn't work properly without JavaScript enabled. Please enable it to continue.</strong>


    <div id="app"></div>

    <!-- built files will be auto injected -->


  <script src="<%= BASE_URL %>static/jquery-3.4.1.min.js"></script>

  <script src="<%= BASE_URL %>static/webuploader.min.js"></script>






      <div id="filePicker">选择文件</div>

      <div class="file-panel">


        <div class="file-list">

          <ul class="file-item" :class="`file-${}`" v-for="file in fileList">

            <li class="file-type" :icon="fileCategory(file.ext)"></li>

            <li class="file-name">{{}}</li>

            <li class="file-size">{{fileSize(file.size)}}</li>

            <li class="file-status">上传中...</li>

            <li class="file-operate">

              <!--                          <a title="开始" @click="upload(file)"><Icon type="ios-play" /></a> -->

              <!--  <a title="暂停" @click="stop(file)"><Icon type="ios-pause" /></a> -->

              <a title="移除" @click="remove(file)">

                <Icon type="ios-trash" size='20' />




          <div class="no-file" v-if="!fileList.length"><i class="iconfont icon-empty-file"></i> 暂无待上传文件</div>







  import { getToken } from "@/libs/util";

import config from "@/config";

// import {

//   deleteFile

// } from "@/api/project/file.js";

  export default {

    name: 'vue-upload',  


      uploadType: {//在内容管理里文件下载或者视频上传中用到分片上传

      type: String,

      default: ""



    data() {

      return {

        timer: null,

        filepath: '', //上传文件后获得的导入文件地址

        fileList: [],

        url: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? ( + '/api/UpLoadService/FPUploadFile/FPUploadFile') : ( + '/api/UpLoadService/FPUploadFile/FPUploadFile'),

        uploader: null,

        accept: null,

        multiple: false,       

        fileSingleSizeLimit: 2048000,

        fileNumLimit: 1,

        importpercent: 0,

        connection: Object,

        currentStep: 0,




    created() {},

    mounted() {

      this.$nextTick(() => {




    methods: {

      initWebUpload() {

        let  formData={uploadType:this.uploadType,};


        this.uploader = WebUploader.create({

          auto: true, // 选完文件后,是否自动上传

          swf: './static/Uploader.swf', // swf文件路径

          server: this.url, // 文件接收服务端

          pick: "#filePicker", //this.uploadButton,     // 选择文件的按钮

          accept: {

              title: 'All',

              exteensions: 'doc,docx,xls,xlsx,ppt,pptx,pdf,txt,wps,mp4,mp3,jpg,jpeg,png,rm,avi,mpeg,ogg,dwg',

              mimeTypes: '.doc,docx,.xls,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.txt,.wps,.mp4,.map3,.jpg,.jpeg,.png,.rm,.avi,.mpeg,.ogg,.dwg'

            },  // 允许选择文件格式。

          threads: 1,

          fileNumLimit: (this.uploadType=="download")?undefined:1, // 限制上传个数

          //fileSingleSizeLimit: this.fileSingleSizeLimit, // 限制单个上传图片的大小

          formData: formData,  // 上传所需参数

          chunked: true, //分片上传

          chunkSize: 2048000, //分片大小

          //duplicate: true,  // 重复上传

          fileVal: new Date().getTime(),

          resize: false,




        // 当有文件被添加进队列的时候,添加到页面预览

        this.uploader.on('fileQueued', (file) => {

          if (!file.size) return;



        this.uploader.on('uploadStart', (file) => {

          // 在这里可以准备好formData的数据

          //this.uploader.options.formData.key = this.keyGenerator(file);


        this.uploader.on('uploadBeforeSend', (obj,data,headers) => {

          // 当某个文件的分块在发送前触发

          $.extend(headers,{"Authorization": "Bearer " + getToken(),"RuntoAccessType": "Endpoint"})

       //  headers  = {RuntoAccessType: "Endpoint"}


        // 文件上传过程中创建进度条实时显示。

        this.uploader.on('uploadProgress', (file, percent) => {

          $(`.file-${} .progress`).css('width', percent * 100 + '%');

          $(`.file-${} .file-status`).html((percent * 100).toFixed(2) + '%');


        this.uploader.on('uploadSuccess', (file, response) => {  


            let info=response.Data[0];

            let idx=this.fileList.findIndex(item=>'.')[0]==info.FileName);






                    title: '上传失败',

                    desc: response.Message



          //this.filepath =



        this.uploader.on('uploadError', (file, reason) => {    

          this.$emit('uploadError', file, reason);



        this.uploader.on('error', (type) => {

          let errorMessage = '';

          if (type === 'F_EXCEED_SIZE') {

            errorMessage = `文件大小不能超过${this.fileSingleSizeLimit / (1024 * 1000)}M`;

          } else if (type === 'Q_EXCEED_NUM_LIMIT') {

            errorMessage = '文件上传已达到最大上限数';

          } else {

            errorMessage = `上传出错!请检查后重新上传!错误代码${type}`;


          this.$emit('error', errorMessage);


        this.uploader.on('uploadComplete', (file, response) => {

          this.$emit('complete', file, response);



      upload(file) {



      /*  stop(file) {


       }, */

      // 取消并中断文件上传

      cancelFile(file) {



      // 在队列中移除文件

      removeFile(file, bool) {

        this.uploader.removeFile(file, bool);


      remove(file) {     

        // 在ui上移除

        let index = this.fileList.findIndex(ele => ===;  


          let id=this.fileList[index].Id;

          // deleteFile({ id }).then(res => {

          //   if({

          //     this.$Message.success("删除成功!");   

          //      this.fileList.splice(index, 1);   

          //      this.$emit('delete',id);        

          //   }else{

          //     this.$Message.error(

          //   }

          // });




        // 在队列中移除文件

        this.uploader.removeFile(file, true);

          this.fileList.splice(index, 1);



      fileSize(size) {

        return WebUploader.Base.formatSize(size);


      fileCategory(ext) {

        let type = '';

        const typeMap = {

          image: [ 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png',"dwg"],

          video: [ "mp3","rm","avi","mp4","mpeg","ogg",],

          text: ['doc', 'txt', 'docx', 'pdf',  'xls', 'xlsx', 'ppt', 'pptx',"wps",]


        Object.keys(typeMap).forEach((_type) => {

          const extensions = typeMap[_type];

          if (extensions.indexOf(ext) > -1) {

            type = _type



        return type



    beforeDestroy() {



    watch: {

    uploadType(val) {      







<style lang='less'>

  @h-row: 50px;

  .file-panel {

    width: 840px;

    margin-top: 10px;

    box-shadow: 0 2px 12px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

    >h2 {

      height: 40px;

      line-height: 40px;

      padding: 0 10px;

      border-radius: 4px 4px 0 0;

      border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;

      background-color: #fff;


    .file-list {

      position: relative;

      height: 360px;

      overflow-y: auto;

      background-color: rgb(250, 250, 250);


    .file-item {

      position: relative;

      height: @h-row;

      line-height: @h-row;

      padding: 0 10px;

      border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;

      background-color: #fff;

      z-index: 1;

      >li {

        display: inline-block;



    .file-type {

      width: 24px;

      height: 24px;

      vertical-align: -5px;


    .file-name {

      width: 40%;

      margin-left: 10px;


    .file-size {

      width: 20%;


    .file-status {

      width: 20%;


    .file-operate {

      width: 10%;

      >a {

        padding: 10px 5px;

        cursor: pointer;

        color: #666;

        &:hover {

          color: #ff4081;




    .file-type[icon=text] {

      background: url(../../assets/admin/text-icon.png);


    .file-type[icon=video] {

      background: url(../../assets/admin/video-icon.png);


    .file-type[icon=image] {

      background: url(../../assets/admin/image-icon.png);


    .progress {

      position: absolute;

      top: 0;

      left: 0;

      height: @h-row - 1;

      width: 0;

      background-color: #E2EDFE;

      z-index: -1;


    .no-file {

      position: absolute;

      top: 50%;

      left: 50%;

      transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

      font-size: 16px;



  .webuploader-container {

    position: relative;


  .webuploader-element-invisible {

    position: absolute !important;

    clip: rect(1px 1px 1px 1px);

    /* IE6, IE7 */

    clip: rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);


  .webuploader-pick {

    position: relative;

    display: inline-block;

    cursor: pointer;

    background: #00b7ee;

    padding: 10px 15px;

    color: #fff;

    text-align: center;

    border-radius: 3px;

    overflow: hidden;


  .webuploader-pick-hover {

    background: #00a2d4;


  .webuploader-pick-disable {

    opacity: 0.6;

    pointer-events: none;


  .download {

    margin-bottom: 10px;


  .next {

    float: right;




import FPUploader from "@/components/webUploader/uploader";






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