意思:a.difficult, needing a lot of effort and energy 艰难的,艰巨的;费力的
原文:Coming home from an arduous day at the hospital, he would go straight to his yellow pad and write his tensions away.劳累一天从医院回家,他会直奔自己的黄色本子,将一天的紧张情绪都写掉。
造句:The task was morearduousthan he had calculated.
意思:n.(需要技术的)行业,职业 You can use craft to refer to any activity or job that involves doing something skilfully.
原文:. I said that writing is a craft, not an art, and that the man who runs away from his craft because he lacks inspiration is fooling himself.我说写作是技能,不是艺术,由于缺乏灵感而逃避技能的人是自欺欺人。
造句:Chefs learned their craft in top hotels.
意思:v. (在聚会上)周旋,往来应酬If you circulate at a party, you move among the guests and talk to different people.
原文:A student asked if we found it useful to circulate in the literary world.一名学生问我们是否觉得多交往文学界的人很有用。
造句:Let me get you something to drink, then I mustcirculate.
意思:N-SING 单数名词意想不到的事物;非常好的事物If you say that something you experienced wasa revelation, you are saying that it was very surprising or very good.
原文:So the morning went, and it was a revelation to all of us.
造句:The noise, the buildings, the people, came as a revelation.
5、bewilder UK[bɪ'wɪl.dər]US[-dɚ]verbtransitive
意思:VERB 动词使困惑;使糊涂;使不知所措If something bewilders you, it is so confusing or difficult that you cannot understand it.
原文:As for the students, anyone might think we left them bewildered.至于学生们,大家都觉得我们叫他们简直不知所措。
造句:The silence from Alex had hurt andbewildered her.
意思:N-COUNT 可数名词短暂的突然发作;一阵A burst of something is a sudden short period of it.
原文:Some people write their first draft in one long burst and then revise.有人第一稿一气呵成,然后再修改。
造句:It is easier to cope with short bursts of activity than with prolonged exercise.
意思:VERB 动词烦扰;纠缠If someone hassles you, they cause problems for you, often by repeatedly telling you or asking you to do something, in an annoying way.
原文:He meant that the students had been hassling them about different things.
造句:If you are tired of beinghassled by unreasonable parents, leave home and pay your own way.
意思:ADJ-GRADED 能被表示程度的副词或介词词组修饰的形容词难以得到的;难以描述的;想不起来的;难以实现的Something or someone that is elusive is difficult to find, describe, remember, or achieve.
原文:Who is this elusive creature, the reader?
造句:In London late-night taxis are elusiveand far from cheap.
But all of them are vulnerable and all of them are tense. They are driven by a compulsion to put some part of themselves on paper, and yet they don't just write what comes naturally. They sit down to commit an act of literature, and the self who emerges on paper is far stiffer than the person who sat down to write. The problem is to find the real man or woman behind the tension.
Ultimately the product that any writer has to sell is not the subject being written about, but who he or she is. I often find myself readingwith interest about a topic I never thought would interest me—some scientific quest, perhaps. What holds me is the enthusiasm of the writer for his field. How was he drawn into it? What emotional baggage did he bring along? How did it change his life? It's not necessaryto want to spend a year alone at Walden Pond to become involvedwith a writer who did.
This is the personal transaction that's at the heart of good nonfiction writing. Out of it come two of the most important qualities that this book will go in search of: humanity and warmth. Good writing has an aliveness that keeps the reader reading from one paragraph to the next, and it's not a question of gimmicks to "personalize" the author. It s a question of using the English language in a way that will achieve the greatest clarity and strength.
But the secret of good writing is to strip every sentence to its cleanest components. Everyword that serves no function, every long word that could be a short word, every adverb that carries the same meaning that's already in the verb, every passive construction that leaves the reader unsure of who is doing what—these are the thousand and one adulterants that weaken the strength of a sentence. And they usually occur in proportion to education and rank.