工作主导我们的生活 - 特别是在事奉中的我们。
典型的美国人在工作中花了大约15万小时(或他的生命的40%)(我猜对于牧师,数字甚至更高)。换句话说,今年,你将在事奉上花更多的时间工作,思考,这些花在事奉上的时间比你吃喝,放松和度假 - 所有时间的总和还多。
拒绝被别人的担心,抱怨或其他人的懒惰传染。记住,热情来自希腊短语(entheos),意思是“在上帝里面”。 【西3:23】无论做什么,都要从心里做(尽最大的努力),像是给主做的,不是给人做的。
February 1, 2017
How to Put God in Charge of Your Ministry
By Pastor Rick Warren
Work dominates our lives — especially thoseof us in ministry.
The typical American spends about 150,000hours — or 40 percent of his life — at work (I suspect that for pastors, thenumber is even higher!)
In other words, you’ll spend more timeworking in ministry, thinking about ministry, and commuting to your ministrythan you will eating, relaxing, and vacationing — all combined — this year.
Now, God wants you to succeed in ministry.In fact, in the Bible, God offers this guarantee:
“Put God in charge of your work, then whatyou’ve planned will take place” (Proverbs 16:3 MSG).
What does it mean to put God in charge ofyour work? There are three steps I’d suggest:
Seek God’s Direction
Ask him to guide you every day: in yourplanning . . . your organizing . . . your decision making . . . yourimplementing . . . and in relating to everyone you come in contact with. “TheLord is pleased when good people pray” (Proverbs 15:8a GNT).
Sharpen Your Skills
Be the best you can be for God’s glory.Never stop learning. Look for ways to cultivate the talents he’s given you.“Ifthe ax is dull and its edge unsharpened, more strength is needed, but skillwill bring success” (Ecclesiastes 10:10 NIV).
Stay Positive in Your Attitude
Refuse to be infected by the worrying, thecomplaining, or the laziness of others. Remember, enthusiasm comes from theGreek phrase (en theos) that means, “to be in God.” “In all the work you aredoing, work the best you can. Work as if you were doing it for the Lord, notfor people” (Colossians 3:23 NCV).
These are the conditions that guarantee God’sblessing on your work.