Biology is a subject that studies animals, human and the environment around them. Creatures like dolphins, butterflies, and flowers look different but they are interconnected. All creatures have DNA and RNA to store and transmit the genetic materials and the foundation for building organs. All organs have similar metabolism system converting energy from one to another.
Stanford leadership
Stanford University Business school always promotes leadership in learning and management. They are not only delivering services but also making sure good quality. It is clear that the educational purpose is to learn management and leadership. Students should be responsible for their management performance and identify how it could happen appropriately. The responsibility means accomplishments are achieved by themselves with no indication from others.
Talent War
There is a talent war in 1990's, and many companies are recruiting young talented people. Some young people immigrated after they graduated from the university. There are three reasons causing it. Firstly, the change of economy leads to the increase in talent demands. Secondly, the shrinking labor force after the baby-boomer generation causes less supply of skilled workers. Thirdly, there is a mismatch between schools' education and companies' demands.
Benefits of Laughing
There are many benefits of laughing especially for the people have suffered the adversity. Laughing is not only a kind of humor but also a great therapy. Many war jokes about the Berlin Wall were widespread in western countries after the Second World War to help people recover from the pain of the war. Laughing can also help people overcome the bleak and boring time and protect the self-respect and identity.
Indian Peasants' Debt
Indian peasants have very high economic pressure because they lack money to purchase seeds and they have to borrow capital from seeds companies which are the main creditors to peasants. As the price of seeds has increased by 20 folds which is raised by seeds companies, Indian peasants are facing serious debt issues. With the accumulation of these debts, Indian peasants are becoming poorer and poorer.
Mary Mallon
Mary Mallon was born in Ireland in 1969 and moved to New York in 1983. She was an excellent cook and everyone was satisfied with her work. She was infected with a typhoid fever transmitted by food and water and symptoms included high fever, headache and stomach pain. Even before she died, she always denied she was sick and 22 people were infected by her and one of them died.
Government Use Trick
Citizens should be well informed and people take it granted in liberal and democratic countries. However, in many parts of the world especially some unselected governments, people are deliberately hidden from the truth. Governments always interfere with social affairs and deny those events that have occurred. Moreover, they even use all tricks on books to cover the mistakes.
Student Loan Debt
A forty-three years old woman has a massive student loan and her financial situation is dreadful after she has graduated from the college for fifteen years. Her monthly student loan payment is more than triple of her car loan payment. Without the degree, she would not have been able to get her current job. Nevertheless, she is regretful of her previous choice because she cannot pay off the student loan.
Amory Lovin
Amory is an unusual character with a wide range of knowledge, but he is not a scientist. He runs a consulting company and lives in a house in a mountainside town. In the past 30 years, he utilized a great number of ways to save energy and solve problems with existing technologies. Many people think he is crazy and a female write wrote a book about him named Mr. Green.
Female Novelist
A female writer has been writing non-fiction for years and she started to write at the age of thirty when her initial intention was writing fictions. She took a long detour but she has no regret because she thinks it was the right thing to do. In early 1990's, she started to write fictions with the first chapter called The Secret Life of Bees after inspired by a great novelist.
Government Power
There is a need to modify government power but there are issues of moving power from federal to state level. The Democratic Party and the Republic Party hold different opinions. The Democratic Party claims that government should hold the strong power and entitlements while the Republic Party believes the government should share power with people. Power being handed to state normally means taking power from people because of some secrets.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D is not a real vitamin but a prohormone which needs sunlight to absorb and very few diets contain Vitamin D. Therefore, for people who live near equator and tropical areas, there is no need for them to supplement Vitamin D. However, it is very crucial for people in other areas to have adequate exposure to the sunshine to absorb Vitamin D especially in winter.
International Environment Law
There are two reasons leading to environmental problems which are human activities and the industrial revolution. Although the United Kingdom has posed relative laws to protect the environment since Charles the Second, both global and local efforts are needed to solve environmental problems. Companies applied the Adam Smith theory to increase their profitability but they faced higher costs than their competitors because they would pay more money for the health of employees.
Agriculture and Urbanisation
Trading in agricultural and industrial products forms the relationship between urban and rural areas. Because of the high demand for labor force in the process of developing cities, pushing farmers towards these cities is required. In order to achieve this, productivity in agricultural products needs to be increased. Moreover, many farmers have moved to cities to seek for job opportunities and provided their labor force in all kinds of things.
Citizenship Curriculum
Citizenship education is significantly important for students, however, it is neglected by many schools. There are only one-fifth schools having introduced this course to campus and allocated less time to it compared with other subjects. If given enough time to citizenship curriculum, it can address core skills, attitudes, and values that young people need to consider as they come to terms with a changing world.
Drug Advertisement
Drug advertisements are shown frequently on TV and the money companies spent on has doubled just in several years. Although these advertisements are technically accurate, the tone used still could mislead customers to see doctors and ask for prescriptions to buy these drugs. Moreover, the change of lifestyle contributes to this trend but we should not allow drugs buying as easy as buying a soap.
There are various definitions of globalization. Firstly, it means the increasing of interactions and communications among countries. Secondly, it means the transactions in multinational companies and travel across countries. Thirdly, it represents the integration economic system among countries. Different countries play different roles and some countries produce goods while others consume goods. Moreover, some countries rely on others for economic growth such as Europe Union.
Sound Receptors
Sound Receptors are little spiky things in ears which can translate the vibrational energy of the sound from ears into the physical motion and after that, it is converted into the electrical motion. Although sound receptor is impressive, the speaker has invited MIT students to have a closer view of it instead of illustrating details, the students will find that it is remarkable.
Music and Language
Language and music have existed in every culture and have many similarities. To be specific, they have complex sequences which unfold in time and they are forms of communication. This has interested many philosophers such as Plato, scientists such as Darwin, and artists such as Leonard and it keeps drawing interest from scientists nowadays. There are many basic similarities including rhythm, melody, syntax, principles of forming complex sequences and emotion.
Musuem Experience
When the speaker was visiting a museum in London with her children, they were thrown out by the garden because one of her children was scared to scream by a statue which looks like a monster. As a journalist for the newspaper, she wrote an article regarding this experience and received over five hundred emails from other families. After that, a campaign was set up to support families in the museum.
Fossil Fuels
There are three motivations for countries changing to other types of energy. Firstly, because of the financial consideration, it will be a significant cost if the countries continue consuming fossil fuels. Secondly, consuming fossil fuels will produce a large number of emissions of greenhouse gas causing climate change and environmental pollution. Thirdly, if countries run out of fossil fuels, they need to purchase fuels from others which is insecure.