An apartment ( or flat) is a self-contained housing unit that occupies only part of a building. In an apartment building several units share a common entry and are accessed through common semipublic spaces. Apartments are extremely efficient, as a large number of households consume a relatively small land area, and use less energy than they would in single-family, detached house.
Apartments may be owned by the occupant or rented by tenants. There are two types of ownership: co-op and condominium. In a co-op, residents own shares of a corporation that owns the building or development. In a condominium, residents own their apartments and share ownership of the public spaces.
Apartments can be classified into several types. The smallest units are studio, efficiency, and bachelor-style apartments, which usually consist of a large room that serves as the living, dining, and sleeping room combined. The kitchen may be part of this central room or a separate space similar to the bathroom. One-bed-room apartments consist of a discrete bedroom within the residential unit; similarly, larger apartments are denoted by the number of bedrooms in the unit: two-bedroom apartment, three-bedroom apartment, etc.
In cities where apartment living is the norm, residential units may have more than one entry: a primary entrance for the residents, and a secondary entrance for service, deliveries, and domestic help. Additionally, a secondary entrance may be provided for access from a below-grade parking lot or parking located at the rear of the building.
The critical aspect in the plan configuration of an apartment building is access to natural light and ventilation. The illustrations on the right diagram the variations of light and ventilation possible for an apartment unit. Access to light and ventilation from multiple sides increases the possibility for cross-ventilation as well as passively lighting the apartment interior. Because vertical attachment requires one to live in close proximity to one's neighbors, providing appropriate levels of privacy and amenity is paramount to ensure a high quality environment for all residents.
In developing nations, regulatory codes require that all habitable rooms have access to natural light and ventilation, whereas in affluent countries the regulations permit service spaces such as the kitchen and bathroom to be mechanically vented.