【GDC2013】IVB Atmospheric Light Scattering(Part 1)

征 人 怨

今天来介绍一下Intel在GDC 2013上关于light shaft的实现算法,这里是PDF链接以及源代码链接

1. Introduction

Atmospheric light scattering is an important natural phenomenon, which arises when light interacts with the particles distributed in the media. Rendering such effects can be exploited by many applications, such as computer games, to greatly improve scene realism. To accurately compute scattering contribution, a complex nested integral has to be solved for each screen pixel. Due to the complexity of the computations involved, achieving natural-looking atmospheric scattering effects at interactive frame rates is a challenging problem.


The technique demonstrated by this sample combines a number of recent approaches for rendering light scattering effect in participating media as well as several optimization techniques. It exploits epipolar sampling [ED10] to significantly reduce the number of samples for which computationally expensive ray marching is performed, while ray marching itself is accelerated with the 1D min/max mipmaps [CBDJ11]. This enables achieving high quality rendering at interactive frame rates on Intel processor graphics.

本文给出的demo采用了一系列比较新的实现方法以及相关的优化策略,比如使用了极坐标采样方式来降低ray marching的采样点数目,使用一维的min/max mipmap来加速ray marching方法等,通过这些方法,可以在Intel的显卡上实现可交互的大气散射效果。

Since the technique implemented in this sample is primarily based on concepts presented in [ED10] and [CBDJ11], it is highly recommended to read these papers.

在看完这个demo之后,强烈建议再去读读本文的两篇参考文献([ED10] and [CBDJ11])。

2. Light scattering basics

There are three main phenomena that affect the light as it goes through the media:

  • Absorption is when electromagnetic energy is transformed to other forms of energy for example, heat

  • Emission is radiating electromagnetic energy

  • Scattering is changing the direction of light


Emission and absorption can be neglected for air, so we will consider effects of scattering only. Theoretically, a photon can reach the eye after a number of scattering events. Complete equation describing light transport in participating media which takes multiple scattering into account is very hard to solve. So in real time rendering single scattering model is usually used which assumes that the light is scattered only once in the media and no further scatterings are taken into account.

在大气中,自发光与吸收属性可以被忽略,因此只需要考虑大气对应光线的散射作用。理论上,抵达人眼的光束在传播期间散射的次数要远大于1,不过想要通过公式来完整的描述光线在大气中的多次散射过程是非常困难的,所以通常情况下为了简化处理,只考虑一次散射,也就是光线从光源发出后只被大气散射一次就进入人眼的情况(Single Scatter & Multiple Scatter)。

Scattering effects affect the scene objects in two ways which account for phenomenon called aerial perspective (fig.1). From one hand some portion of light Lo initially emitted from the object is out-scattered due to interactions with particles. From the other hand, some sun light is scattered towards the camera. Thus the final radiance measured at the camera is a sum of two contributions: attenuated object radiance and inscattering:


Fig.1: Scattering in participating media creates the effect of aerial perspective

Note that light intensity L is the function of 3 variables: the position in space x , direction v and wavelength lamda


当前点接收的光强L实际上是三个变量的函数:当前点的位置x, 光线的方向v以及光线的波长lamda。这三个变量组成了下面影响光强的两个函数:散射系数与相函数。

Light scattering in some point in space is described by two parameters: the scattering coefficient

which depends on position and wavelength and the phase function

which takes view and light directions as the arguments. The scattering coefficient describes which portion of light is scattered per unit length in any direction. The phase function describes the angular distribution of the scattered light. Since each scattered photon must go somewhere, the phase function must be normalized such that

where integration is performed over the whole set of directions


,这个散射系数跟当前点所在的位置x以及光线的波长有关;其二是所谓的相函数(Phase function)P(v,l),这个函数跟光线方向以及观察方向有关。那么这两个变量有什么含义呢?散射系数描述的是沿着给定的传播方向,每单位长度散射出去的光强能量,而相函数描述的是不同的观察方向其散射的光强分布,通常来说,为了保证能量守恒,一般会对相函数进行归一化处理,即对光线散射的所有方向进行积分的话,得到的数值应该为1:


Now let us consider the two parts of equation (1): the extinction

and the inscattering


The amount of light scattered per some differential ray section

is proportional to the light intensity, the scattering coefficient and the section length:



Since scattered amount of light is removed from the initial intensity, light attenuation by out-scattering is given by the following differential equation:



Integrating this over the whole path from the camera position

to the object

will give us the following formula for the attenuated light reaching the camera:

对上面公式沿着相机位置到物体原始位置连线进行积分,就能够得到如下的衰减能量总和(指数部分怎么来的?d(ln(f(y))) = 1/f(y) * df(y)):



is the radiance at the end of the ray (emitted by the object). Since in general scattering coefficient

is not constant and varies along the ray, there is no closed form for integral (4).


L(C, v, lamda) = Lo * F_ex(C, O, lamda)

这个公式中,Lo指的是光照射线出发点(物体身上)的光强,F_ex(C, O, lamda)为从O点传播到C点过程中光线的衰减系数。由于通常情况下,散射系数


Optical depth or thickness along the path from point A to B is given by the following equation:



Extinction coefficient is related to optical depth as follows:



Inscattering is more complex to compute. Let us again consider some differential ray segment

(fig. 2). The total amount of light scattered at this point is given by (2), but now we consider the sun light scattered towards the camera. It is proportional to the sun intensity at this point and also must be modulated by the phase function to get the fraction of light which is scattered in exactly the view ray. To account for shadowing we also need to introduce visibility term

which equals 1 if point

is not in shadow and 0 otherwise. Thus, differential amount of light scattered towards the camera is given by the following equation:

Inscaterring相对而言要复杂一点,跟Outscattering一样,我们来进行微观切片研究——考虑ds长度距离范围内的Inscattering。点x处的Inscattering与这个点的阳光强度有关,也与当前点的相函数p(v,l)有关(由于光照方向与视线方向是存在角度偏差的,所以需要添加这一项),此外考虑阳光可能会被其他物件遮挡,还需要引入V(x)项(为什么Outscattering不需要考虑这一项?那是因为Outscattering总是从可见的像素出发,因此不会出现不可见情况),用以判定当前点是否处于阴影中(1 for lit,0 for shadow),差分形式的Inscattering光强公式给出如下:

Fig.2: Inscattering contribution from differential ray segment

This inscattered light is attenuated before it reaches the camera. If we denote current position on the ray by

then the total inscattering is given by integrating differential inscattering over the whole ray:

inscattering光强也是需要考虑光线在抵达相机的过程中的损耗,如果我们定义某个点P为传播路径上到相机位置C的距离为s的点:P = C + v * s,那么最终的inscattering的光强积分公式给出如下(此公式可以理解成从O到C的这一段距离内的所有Inscattering之和,而这一段距离上任意点P的Inscattering等于此点的Inscattering数值dL_insctr与从P到C这段距离的衰减exp(-T(P,C,lamda))相乘):



Scattering properties of air

Air is usually modeled as a mix of two types of particles: molecules and aerosols. Rayleigh scattering theory describes scattering on molecules with diameter

. The scattering probability depends only on the angle

between the light direction and the scattering direction (fig. 2). Normalized phase function for Rayleigh particles is given by the following equation:



Scattering on air molecules is wavelength-dependent and short wavelengths are scattered approximately 10 times as much as long wavelengths. This is why the sky is blue.


The scattering on aerosols is more complex and is described by Mie theory. In atmospheric scattering, Mie phase function for haze is commonly approximated with the Henyey-Greenstein phase function:



A detailed derivation of scattering coefficients for Rayleigh and Mie particles can be found in [PSS99], [NSTN93] and [HP02]. We will be using the following values:


Note that these values must be adjusted to match the scene scale before using.


对于各向同性的均匀介质而言,P_m(theta) = 1/(4 *pi),各向异性的米氏相函数有如下关系:


Since integral (6) is very complex to compute, a number of simplifications are usually made. We will follow [HP02] and assume that that

1. Scattering coefficients do not depend on position in space (homogeneous media):

2. Sun intensity is constant:




These simplifications are reasonable for rendering the scattering effects at the ground. For more general solutions refer to [NSTN93], [BN08].


Under these assumptions equation (5) for optical depth simplifies to the following:




is the distance between points


Now we can rewrite equation (6) for in-scattering:


If we drop visibility term

for the moment, we will be able to solve integral (10) analytically:



If we introduce the following notations:


then (11) can be rewritten as follows:



这个公式是Hoffman and Preetham推导所得的分析式散射公式,其对于平行光而言是比较合适的,对于点光等局部光照,上述公式就不再适用,准确来说,是无法得到闭合分析解(为什么呢?),不过还是可以推导出一个半分析的解法:




注意,之所以需要在L[h, So]前面乘上一个散射损耗,是因为离线烘焙的结果都是以对应的距离作为光源垂直投影点来进行的,在这里需要减去的实际上是光源以Sc作为垂直投影点而对应的从So到无穷远处的积分,因此需要乘以这个距离带来的损耗(其实也可以理解成从O点到C点之间的传播损耗)。如果考虑遮挡关系的话,那么就需要将上述公式分段进行:

Since there is no in-scattering contribution in shadowed region, integral (10) can be re-written as a sum of contributions from lit sections only (fig. 3). If we subdivide the ray into the lit sections

, we will be able to rewrite (10) as follows:


Fig.3: Partitioning view ray into lit sections

Using notations (12) and (13), equation (15) can be rewritten as follows:



Using (16) we can now formulate our initial algorithm for calculating inscattering integral:


1. Subdivide the ray into N segments(将光束分割成N段)

2. Set up

(this is


3. For each segment i do the following:(对于每段光照区域)

a. Compute [图片上传失败...(image-d5c6b2-1569853932818)]



is the distance to the end of the current ray section(计算CurrI.rgb,其中d_i指的是到当前光照区域段末端的距离,C是相机所在位置,Ei指的是第i个segment的End端点)

b. If current section is not in shadow, then





Algorithm 1: Computing in-scattering integral.

3. Epipolar sampling

To apply volumetric lighting effects, we need to cast a ray from the camera through each pixel and execute Algorithm 1, which is too computationally expensive. So it is necessary to find a way to reduce the number of computations involved. Light shafts seen on the screen has special structure: they all emanate from the position of the sun on the screen. Engelhardt and Dachsbacher [ED10] noticed that the inscattered light varies orthogonally to these rays, but mostly smoothly along them. To account for this property they proposed an efficient sampling scheme. Their idea is to locate ray marching samples sparsely along epipolar lines going from the sun position to the screen borders with additional samples placed at depth breaks (fig. 4). Since light intensity varies smoothly along the rays, the intensity can be linearly interpolated from sparsely placed ray marching samples.

想要实现体积雾效果,就需要从相机向着屏幕内的每个像素投射出一条射线,并对每个像素按照前面的算法1进行一次ray marching计算,这个过程消耗过高,想要实现实时渲染的话就必须进行优化。不过屏幕上的Light Shafts其实是有一个特殊规律的:所有的光束都是从太阳在屏幕中的位置出发的。Engelhardt and Dachsbacher [ED10]还注意到inscattered光强的变化方向其实是与这些光束相垂直的(从字面上来看是这个意思,不过从实际物理来判断感觉又不像?),且大多数情况下,沿着这些光束的传播方向的inscattering光强是平滑变化的,据此可以减少大量的计算,他们的基本实现思路给出如下:





5.将inscattering color计算出来后,跟背景进行blend

Fig.4: Epipolar sampling with ray marching and interpolation samples

The algorithm proposed by Engelhardt and Dachsbacher [ED10] consists of the following steps:

  • Render the scene from the camera and from the light source

  • Compute the inscattering contribution

  • Sparsely locate initial ray marching samples along epipolar lines

  • Place additional samples at depth discontinuities

  • Perform ray marching for the selected samples

  • Interpolate inscattering for remaining samples from ray marching samples

  • Compute scattering for each pixel using interpolation from nearby epipolar lines

  • Attenuate background and combine with inscattering

In our implementation we follow basic ideas of Engelhardt and Dachsbacher with some improvements and modifications discussed in section 5.


4. 1D min/max mipmap optimization

Epipolar sampling has one important property: all camera rays in an epipolar slice share the same plane. Intersection of this plane with the shadow map essentially forms a one-dimensional height map. Shadow test in Algorithm 1 is intrinsically a check if current position on the ray is under this height map or above it (fig. 5).

极坐标系采样有一个非常好的特性,从相机出发的所有射线,只要是处于同一个epipolar slice(如何定义一个epipolar slice?相机位置+太阳位置+相机出射线构成的一个面片)中的,都是共面的,那么这个面与转换到屏幕空间后的shadow map就会存在一条相交的线,这个线可以看成是一个一维的高度图,那么之前算法1中的阴影检测就可以直接通过一次贴图采样就可以求得。

Fig.5: All camera rays in one epipolar slices are tested against the same 1D height map

The property of all camera rays from one epipolar slice using the same 1D height map was recognized by Chen et al [CBDJ11]. To accelerate ray marching they proposed constructing 1D min/max binary tree for each epipolar slice (fig. 6) and using this structure to identify long lit and shadowed regions on the ray.

处于同一个epipolar slice的射线共面这个属性与一维高度图采样的这种思路是Chen在[CBDJ11]中提出的,根据这个属性,他们为每个epipolar slice都构建了一个一维的min/max二叉树(二叉树的使用方式后续会说到,大致是将整个epipolar slice对应的一维shadow map贴图按照二分法生成一个二叉树,每个元素都包含了当前区间中的最大最小值,在进行比对的时候,先按照最粗的粒度进行,如果比对结果存在交叉,就继续二分进行比对)来实现ray marching算法的加速(how?我们知道,屏幕中的像素只有在从相机到相机出射线碰到几何体这一段路程中都被遮挡的情况下,大气散射才会是0,其他情况下都会存在大气散射,其散射的强度可以根据前面的算法1来计算,而这个计算就需要进行沿着从相机出发的射线进行ray marching,前面说到大气散射的积分是分段进行的,那么我们就可以对每个积分段,计算出其最小值与最大值,通过这种方式降低段内ray marching的消耗),借助这个数据结构,可以很容易的定位射线上的点亮区域与阴影区域。

Fig.6: First level of min/max binary tree for the epipolar slice

Consider fig. 7. If the maximum of depths at the ends of the current ray section is less than the minimum depth stored in the min/max tree, then current ray section is completely lit and we can add inscattering contribution. This condition is true for section AB:

, which means that during the next four steps (because this is the second level of the tree) of the Algorithm 1, the current point will be in light. Thus instead of doing 4 iterations we can safely do just one without expensive shadow map fetches and obtain the same result.

如图7所示,如果某个射线的两个端点上的深度值(由于射线段上所有点都是连续的,那么其对应于光照空间中的深度也应该是连续的,那么最大的深度值只可能出现在端点处)中的较大的值都比当前线段区间所对应的min/max树中的最小值要小(说明未被遮挡),那么这个线段就完全暴露在光照中,就可以直接将之加入到大气散射的计算之中,而不再需要进行试探了,对应于算法1中,其接下来的四步计算中就不再需要进行四次迭代,只用一次就能够达到相同的效果,同时还省去了shadow map读取的消耗。

From the other hand, if the minimum of depths at the ends is greater than the maximum value stored in the tree, current ray section is fully in shadow and we can skip it. This holds true for section CD:

. In this case we can safely advance by 4 steps along the ray without introducing any error.


It is also possible that neither condition is true which is the case for section EF. In this case it is necessary to go down to the next finer tree level and repeat the test. If we have reached the original shadow map at this point, we should perform the test using it.

而如果上述两种情况都不满足的话,那么就需要进行更进一步的min/max二叉树判定(将区间进一步细分,类似二分查找),将此射线段一分为二,分别进行判定,直到最细的拆分(也就是达到shadow map的像素级别,每个射线段对应的区间只包含一个像素),这就是为什么叫做二叉树方法的原因。

Note that in practice we use complimentary depth buffering, so that all checks are inverted.

注意,在实际使用的时候,我们使用的深度buffer采用的是comlimentary buffer,因此上述的所有比对测试操作应该是按照相反的方式来进行(没太懂complimentary buffer的意思)

Fig.7: Using second level of min/max binary tree to determine shadowed/lit regions

The binary tree traversal algorithm presented by Chen et al [CBDJ11] is essentially an adaptation of ray/height map intersection method described in [TIS08] where the traversal is done without recursion. We adopt the same idea in our sample with some differences discussed below. Having 1D min/max binary tree for the slice, the Algorithm 1 can be improved as shown in Algorithm 2. Note that ray marching is done in shadow map space. For this, end position of the ray is projected onto the shadow map and sampling is done along the resulting projected line [GMF09].

Chen在[CBDJ11]给出的二叉树遍历的算法实际上是[TIS08]中给出的光线与高度图相交检测算法(此算法不需要通过循环迭代)中的一个变种。本文给出的算法采用的也是这种思路,不过具体的实现有所不同(后面会给出),通过二叉树的算法,原有的算法1就可以升级成算法2,注意,在算法2中,ray marching的实现是在shadow map空间中进行的,因此在计算的时候,需要将射线段的两个端点投影到shadow map空间。

1. Project start and end points of the view ray onto shadow map, compute

(将射线段的端点投影到shadow map空间,并计算出三个对应的UV坐标)

2. Set up


3. Set up


4. Set up


  1. until ray is marched, do the following(开始进行循环,直到当前线段已经被完全处理完成)

5.1. if

, then


5.2. while


5.2.1. Compute depths


at the ends of the current ray section taking into account scale

of the current level step(将对应的检测等级区间上,对应的采样索引对应的细分段的端点转换到shadow map空间,得到对应的深度值,如果单个像素的跨度是1的话,那么)

5.2.2. Fetch min/max depth


for level

at position


5.2.3. if

, then

, break(将端点深度与min/max深度值进行比对,其规则跟前面描述的一致,下同)

5.2.4. else if

, then

, break

5.2.5. else


5.2.6. if

, then compute

by sampling shadow map at location

(如果level等于0,说明抵达了最小的分割级别,可以直接采样shadow map进行计算了)

5.3. Compute


is the distance to the end of the current ray section taking into account scale

of the current level step(计算I)

5.4. if

, then







Algorithm 2: Optimized version of the in-scattering integral calculation.

There are a number of important differences compared to Algorithm 1. Step length in Algorithm 1 is fixed, while in Algorithm 2 it is scaled by

, which is the key to performance improvement. As a result, Algorithm 1 always executes the same number of steps, while number of iterations Algorithm 2 performs depends on the complexity of the camera ray intersection with the shadow map. The most important differences are in steps 5.1 and 5.2 where min/max tree is accessed. Step 5.1 is responsible for going to the next coarser level of the tree at appropriate locations. Loop in the step 5.2 executes until it is detected that at some tree level current ray section is fully shadowed (step 5.2.3) or fully lit (step 5.2.4), or finest level is reached (step 5.2.6). Note that computational results of both algorithms are identical.


1.检测Step对于算法1而言是固定的,而对于算法2而言,则是变化的,其长度取决于射线段与shadow map相交的复杂程度


There are also a number of differences with original 1D min/max mipmap acceleration algorithm by Chen et al [CBDJ11],这个算法跟原始的算法也是有区别的:

  • [CBDJ11] exploits a sophisticated mathematical approach based on singular value decomposition to bring view ray-dependent terms out of the shadow test. They are also required to use a partial sum tree structure to compute scattering contributions on a ray section. In our method, we use an analytical approach that is both simpler and more accurate.

  • 原算法使用了一种基于奇异值分解(singular value decomposition, SVD)的高级算法来将射线相关的项从阴影检测中剔除出去,这种算法需要使用一种“部分累加树(partial sum tree)”的结构来计算某个线段上的散射强度,而本文给出的算法则是一种分析式的算法,实现简单且更为精确

  • In the original algorithm, it is necessary to execute brute force ray marching for the small area near the epipole, without using the 1D min/max mipmap, which can be expensive. In our algorithm, we do not have such problems and can process all the rays using accelerated traversal.

  • 原算法在极点(epipole)位置附近的区域还是需要通过ray marching来计算散射,而没有使用一维的min/max mipmap,这样会导致消耗较高,而本文的算法则没有这种问题

  • [CBDJ11] also performs nonlinear transformation of the shadow map. For directional light sources, their shadow map stores the angle to the light direction. This involves additional computational overhead. In our approach we use just the depth seen from the light source. We also construct min/max mipmap directly from the original shadow map.

  • 原算法还需要对shadow map进行非线性转换,对于方向光来说,转换后的shadow map存储的是相对于光照方向的夹角,这种转换会有一定的消耗,而本文的算法存储的就是纯粹的光照深度,只需要直接从原始的shadow map中构建min/max mipmap即可

Notice that Engelhardt and Dachsbacher [ED10] tried using a 1-dimensional min-max depth mipmap in their method but for the purpose of searching depth discontinuities along epipolar lines, not for accelerating ray marching.

另外,需要一提的是,Engelhardt and Dachsbacher [ED10]也曾尝试过一维的min/max深度mipmap,不过他们是用于检测深度边缘,而非如本文一般用于加速ray marching。

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    开封第一讲书人阅读 58,077评论 1 291
  • 正文 为了忘掉前任,我火速办了婚礼,结果婚礼上,老公的妹妹穿的比我还像新娘。我一直安慰自己,他们只是感情好,可当我...
    茶点故事阅读 67,096评论 6 388
  • 文/花漫 我一把揭开白布。 她就那样静静地躺着,像睡着了一般。 火红的嫁衣衬着肌肤如雪。 梳的纹丝不乱的头发上,一...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 51,062评论 1 295
  • 那天,我揣着相机与录音,去河边找鬼。 笑死,一个胖子当着我的面吹牛,可吹牛的内容都是我干的。 我是一名探鬼主播,决...
    沈念sama阅读 39,988评论 3 417
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我猛地睁开眼,长吁一口气:“原来是场噩梦啊……” “哼!你这毒妇竟也来了?” 一声冷哼从身侧响起,我...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 38,817评论 0 273
  • 序言:老挝万荣一对情侣失踪,失踪者是张志新(化名)和其女友刘颖,没想到半个月后,有当地人在树林里发现了一具尸体,经...
    沈念sama阅读 45,266评论 1 310
  • 正文 独居荒郊野岭守林人离奇死亡,尸身上长有42处带血的脓包…… 初始之章·张勋 以下内容为张勋视角 年9月15日...
    茶点故事阅读 37,486评论 2 331
  • 正文 我和宋清朗相恋三年,在试婚纱的时候发现自己被绿了。 大学时的朋友给我发了我未婚夫和他白月光在一起吃饭的照片。...
    茶点故事阅读 39,646评论 1 347
  • 序言:一个原本活蹦乱跳的男人离奇死亡,死状恐怖,灵堂内的尸体忽然破棺而出,到底是诈尸还是另有隐情,我是刑警宁泽,带...
    沈念sama阅读 35,375评论 5 342
  • 正文 年R本政府宣布,位于F岛的核电站,受9级特大地震影响,放射性物质发生泄漏。R本人自食恶果不足惜,却给世界环境...
    茶点故事阅读 40,974评论 3 325
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 31,621评论 0 21
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 32,796评论 1 268
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 47,642评论 2 368
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 44,538评论 2 352


  • rljs by sennchi Timeline of History Part One The Cognitiv...
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  • The Inner Game of Tennis W Timothy Gallwey Jonathan Cape ...
    网事_79a3阅读 12,026评论 3 20
  • Lua 5.1 参考手册 by Roberto Ierusalimschy, Luiz Henrique de F...
    苏黎九歌阅读 13,783评论 0 38
  • 20岁的年纪无知,30岁的岁月懵懂,从表象的追求,到了理性的思考,不断地探索一个哲学领域里未解的三个点,我是谁,我...
    欧尼酱的哥哥阅读 270评论 0 1
  • 她把崩溃调成了静音模式,于是,所有人都以为她刀枪不入… 其实,她也想有个依靠,哪怕就那么一小会! 面对无可预知的未...
    陈荷花阅读 186评论 0 0