1.go over the river.
I am a mouse, I can go over the river.
I am a bunny, I can go over the river.
I am a raccoon, I can go over the river.
I am a skunk, I can go over the river.
I am a deer, I can go over the river.
I am a bear, I can go over the river.
Oh, no! I went in the river.
2.I can touch you.
跟娃分别站在被子两边,一个人转过身去,另一个人去拍,打到算赢。若不是娃的手总在地上摸的脏脏的,估计还会玩很久,这种类似peek boo 的游戏,娃超爱
3.go away!Mr. clouds~
乌云遮挡住了太阳,妈妈伸出手施出魔法“go away, Mr clouds! Let the sun come out~five four three two one”晚上回家月亮遮挡住了太阳,娃说“月亮”于是妈妈秒变魔法大婶“go away, Mr clouds! Let the moon come out~five ,four, three, two, one!”
4.I love you.
抱着回家路上要睡的娃跟他说“I love you, my baby. I love your ears. Ilove your nose. Ilove your mouth. I love your eyes. I love your hair. Ilove your head. I love your arms. Ilove your legs. I love your toes. I love your fingers.”半睡半醒的娃接着说“I love you coco”"yes, I love you, coco~good night~"
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