2019-01-30 夜深了,,,过去一年,大数据圈什么最热?无数据无真相!!!基于Google Trends对全球的搜索的统计,三位雄踞榜首:Apache Spark - 数据分析和处理,Kubernetes - 基于容器的资源调度,TensorFlow - 深度学习。。。Spark社区的各位一直努力在给大家提供最完美的融合!!!今天,Google的Spark Committer Yinan Li给大家展示了另一种融合:Kubernetes Operator for Apache Spark。谷歌云已经可以使用了。With this launch, the Spark Operator for Apache Spark is ready for use for large scale data transformation, analytics, and machine learning on Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Link1: Data analytics, meet containers: Kubernetes Operator for Apache Spark now in beta
Link2: Google Brings Kubernetes Operator for Spark to GCP
Link3: Google announces Kubernetes Operator for Apache Spark