name kecheng fenshu
张三 语文 81
张三 数学 75
李四 语文 76
李四 数学 90
王五 语文 81
王五 数学 100
王五 英语 90
A: select distinct name from table where name not in (select distinct name from table where fenshu<=80)
B:select name from table group by name having min(fenshu)>80
2. 学生表 如下:
自动编号 学号 姓名 课程编号 课程名称 分数
1 2005001 张三 0001 数学 69
2 2005002 李四 0001 数学 89
3 2005001 张三 0001 数学 69
删除除了自动编号不同, 其他都相同的学生冗余信息
A: delete tablename where 自动编号 not in(select min(自动编号) from tablename group by学号, 姓名, 课程编号, 课程名称, 分数)
答:select a.name, b.name
from team a, team b
where a.name < b.name
year month amount
1991 1 1.1
1991 2 1.2
1991 3 1.3
1991 4 1.4
1992 1 2.1
1992 2 2.2
1992 3 2.3
1992 4 2.4
year m1 m2 m3 m4
1991 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
1992 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4
select year,
(select amount from aaa m where month=1 and m.year=aaa.year) as m1,
(select amount from aaa m where month=2 and m.year=aaa.year) as m2,
(select amount from aaa m where month=3 and m.year=aaa.year) as m3,
(select amount from aaa m where month=4 and m.year=aaa.year) as m4
from aaa group by year
SQL: select * into b from a where 1<>1 (where1=1,拷贝表结构和数据内容)
ORACLE:create table b
Select * from a where 1=2
[<>(不等于)(SQL Server Compact)
比较两个表达式。 当使用此运算符比较非空表达式时,如果左操作数不等于右操作数,则结果为 TRUE。 否则,结果为 FALSE。]
courseid coursename score
1 java 70
2 oracle 90
3 xml 40
4 jsp 30
5 servlet 80
courseid coursename score mark
1 java 70 pass
2 oracle 90 pass
3 xml 40 fail
4 jsp 30 fail
5 servlet 80 pass
select courseid, coursename ,score ,if(score>=60, "pass","fail") as mark from course
购物人 商品名称 数量
A 甲 2
B 乙 4
C 丙 1
A 丁 2
B 丙 5
答:select * from 购物信息 where 购物人 in (select 购物人 from 购物信息 group by 购物人 having count(*) >= 2);
info 表
date result
2005-05-09 win
2005-05-09 lose
2005-05-09 lose
2005-05-09 lose
2005-05-10 win
2005-05-10 lose
2005-05-10 lose
如果要生成下列结果, 该如何写sql语句?
win lose
2005-05-09 2 2
2005-05-10 1 2
(1) select date, sum(case when result = "win" then 1 else 0 end) as "win", sum(case when result = "lose" then 1 else 0 end) as "lose" from info group by date;
(2) select a.date, a.result as win, b.result as lose
(select date, count(result) as result from info where result = "win" group by date) as a
(select date, count(result) as result from info where result = "lose" group by date) as b
on a.date = b.date;