系啦,由今日开始就由我为大家带来阿珍嘅音乐榜单啦!首先来睇下新上周榜单嘅歌曲系 曲婉婷嘅《jar of love》, 同动力火车翻唱嘅还珠格格插曲 《当》啊! 首推当然系《jar of love》啦,真系好听到爆啊,从《我的歌声里》开始到现在,曲婉婷小姐真系越来越好啊,由一开始成首歌都系好强烈嘅呼吸声到现时咁有曲婉婷风格歌唱风格,当然气息已经把控到好好啦。呢首歌真系好听啦。another good day, another bad day, what did you do today? why do we choose to chase what we'll lose? can you answer? I can't. But i really dont want to chase you when i gonna lose you, Crystal. I would save all my love, in a jar, made of sparks, sealed in my beating heart. Could it be yours to keep, the jar of love, Crystal?