之前存了Coach Shane的一些英语教学视频,在云盘里落灰很久了,翻出来看看怎么样。
【Daily English Dictation - 328】 B站:BV1U7411a7xG
这个材料太短了,才一两句话,不如English Pod.
- my notes:
Edward Snowden, the man who lives in xx program, he was nowhere to be seen, Snowdeen has the ticket to the flight, but the airplane employee says he is not on it.
- Answers
Edward Snowden(斯诺登), the man who leaked NSA's surveillance program ---but he was nowhere to be seen. Snowden had a ticket for the flight, but an Aeroflot employee says he was not on it.
- NSA = National security agency安全局
- surveillance program= 监控系统
三大谍报机构:FBI=policy / CIA=international focus / NSA=does everythings, computer
【Daily Easy English Expression - 0897】
<Dying to do SMT & die vs dye >
更不用说不如English Pod了。
I'm dying to dye your hair.
Um, no thanks.
But you're graying. Dyeing is a good thing.
I'd rather die than dye. Nice try, goodbye.
- 优势:费力度不大,比较短小精悍,不会因为太长而走神。能结合时事热点,比如Snowden什么的。还能顺便了解一点儿
- 劣势:都太短了,不够上下班听一路的、场景还是不够有趣。估计坚持不了多久。
Action plan:
咱还是老老实实听English Pod吧。先立个flag:是男人就坚持100天?