翻译: https://www.cloudera.com/documentation/enterprise/latest/topics/cdh_ig_cdh5_comp_install.html#topic_4_5
版本: 5.14.2
CDH 5 Components
Use the following sections to install or upgrade CDH 5 components:
- Crunch Installation
- Flume Installation
- HBase Installation
- HCatalog Installation
- Hive Installation
- HttpFS Installation
- Hue Installation
- Impala Installation
- KMS Installation and Upgrade
- Mahout Installation
- Oozie Installation
- Pig Installation
- Search Installation
- Sentry Installation
- Snappy Installation
- Spark Installation
- Sqoop 1 Installation
- Sqoop 2 Installation
- Whirr Installation
- ZooKeeper Installation
See also the instructions for installing or updating LZO.