Self-Expression and Spontaneity自我表达和自发性
Self-expression describes the free, natural and spontaneous activities of the body and is, like self-preservation, an inherent quality of all living organisms.
——我在运用我自己目前的经验来理解Lowen的书中的文本内容。有的时候他是在自己这里,有的时候他在自己的理论里,有的时候他在自己的流派里,有的时候他在咨询师里,有的时候他好像一位谆谆教导的长者,在告诫怎么认识这个流派和他的理论。我似乎有些理解他在书前面的那句To My Parents whose devotion to me made it possible for me to confront and work through the conflicts in my personality“父母他对我的贡献,是使我有可能面对并解决我人格中的冲突。”似乎这样的一句话,并不是在指责、抱怨里,而是我们有了一种可以了解自己的机缘,而这个机缘是透过父母给予的。无恨、无怨,只是看见自己的,修通自己的。这似乎是对父母最大的感恩和仁慈。
Every activity of the body contributes to self-expression, from the most mundane, such as walking and eating, to the most sophisticated, such as singing and dancing.
The way a person walks, for example, not only defines him as a human being (no other animal walks like man), but also defines his sex, his approximate age, his character structure and his individuality.
No two people walk exactly alike, look exactly alike or behave exactly alike. A person expresses himself in every action he takes or movement his body makes.
Actions and body movements are not the only modalities of self-expression. The form and shape of the body, its colorations, hair, eyes, sounds identify the species and the individual.We can recognize a lion or a horse from its picture; no action or movement is involved here. We can even recognize an individual horse from his picture if we know him, as we can recognize an individual person from a picture.Sounds and smells also identify both the species and the individual.
the therapeutic endeavor should be designed to remove the barriers to self-expression…For me that means the bioenergetic approach to the problem of inhibited-expression.
the blocking of impulses and the piling up of energy