// Dubbo 源码,SimpleDataStore.get
// 如果containsKey为true,则会出现2次hash操作(containsKey一次,get操作再一次)。浪费
public Object get(String componentName, String key) {
if (!data.containsKey(componentName)) {
return null;
return data.get(componentName).get(key);
// 重构后,用一个零时变量接一下,就不需要做2次hash了
public Object get(String componentName, String key) {
ConcurrentMap<String, Object> value = data.get(componentName);
if(value == null) {
return null;
return value.get(key);
// Dubbo 源码,ExtensionLoader.loadResource
// 这个方法写的挺奇怪的。两层try,没必要的。
private void loadResource(Map<String, Class<?>> extensionClasses, ClassLoader classLoader, java.net.URL resourceURL) {
try {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(resourceURL.openStream(), "utf-8"));
try {// 对于资源处理,没有必要使用2层try
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
final int ci = line.indexOf('#');
if (ci >= 0) line = line.substring(0, ci);
line = line.trim();
if (line.length() > 0) {// 这边用if反写的方式,会更加清晰
try {
String name = null;
int i = line.indexOf('=');
if (i > 0) {
name = line.substring(0, i).trim();
line = line.substring(i + 1).trim();
if (line.length() > 0) {
loadClass(extensionClasses, resourceURL, Class.forName(line, true, classLoader), name);
} catch (Throwable t) {
IllegalStateException e = new IllegalStateException("Failed to load extension class(interface: " + type + ", class line: " + line + ") in " + resourceURL + ", cause: " + t.getMessage(), t);
exceptions.put(line, e);
} finally {
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("Exception when load extension class(interface: " +
type + ", class file: " + resourceURL + ") in " + resourceURL, t);
// 重构后
private void loadResource(Map<String, Class<?>> extensionClasses, ClassLoader classLoader, java.net.URL resourceURL) {
BufferedReader reader;// 资源在外面申明,当然java7的方式放在try的括号中也是可以的。
try {
reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(resourceURL.openStream(), "utf-8"));
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
final int ci = line.indexOf('#');
if (ci >= 0) {
line = line.substring(0, ci);
line = line.trim();
if (line.length() <= 0) {// if反写,直接continue
try {
String name = null;
int i = line.indexOf('=');
if (i > 0) {
name = line.substring(0, i).trim();
line = line.substring(i + 1).trim();
if (line.length() > 0) {
loadClass(extensionClasses, resourceURL, Class.forName(line, true, classLoader), name);
} catch (Throwable t) {
IllegalStateException e = new IllegalStateException("Failed to load extension class(interface: " + type + ", class line: " + line + ") in " + resourceURL + ", cause: " + t.getMessage(), t);
exceptions.put(line, e);
} catch (Throwable t) {
logger.error("Exception when load extension class(interface: " +
type + ", class file: " + resourceURL + ") in " + resourceURL, t);
} finally {// 正常关闭资源
// Dubbo 源码,ExtensionLoader.getExtensionLoader
// 前面2个if都是的内容体都是单行的。第二个加上了大括号,第一个却没有加
public static <T> ExtensionLoader<T> getExtensionLoader(Class<T> type) {
if (type == null)// 没有加大括号
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Extension type == null");
if (!type.isInterface()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Extension type(" + type + ") is not interface!");
if (!withExtensionAnnotation(type)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Extension type(" + type +
") is not extension, because WITHOUT @" + SPI.class.getSimpleName() + " Annotation!");
ExtensionLoader<T> loader = (ExtensionLoader<T>) EXTENSION_LOADERS.get(type);
if (loader == null) {
EXTENSION_LOADERS.putIfAbsent(type, new ExtensionLoader<T>(type));
loader = (ExtensionLoader<T>) EXTENSION_LOADERS.get(type);
return loader;
// 重构后
public static <T> ExtensionLoader<T> getExtensionLoader(Class<T> type) {
if (type == null) {// 任何时候都加上大括号。有助于阅读
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Extension type == null");
if (!type.isInterface()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Extension type(" + type + ") is not interface!");
if (!withExtensionAnnotation(type)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Extension type(" + type +
") is not extension, because WITHOUT @" + SPI.class.getSimpleName() + " Annotation!");
ExtensionLoader<T> loader = (ExtensionLoader<T>) EXTENSION_LOADERS.get(type);
if (loader == null) {
EXTENSION_LOADERS.putIfAbsent(type, new ExtensionLoader<T>(type));
loader = (ExtensionLoader<T>) EXTENSION_LOADERS.get(type);
return loader;
// Dubbo 源码,ServiceConfig.doExportUrlsFor1Protocol(方法太大,截取了一段比较复杂的来搞一搞)
// 我数了下,最深12层。这段代码不在里面瞎写了,太复杂,影响阅读
if (methods != null && !methods.isEmpty()) {
for (MethodConfig method : methods) {
appendParameters(map, method, method.getName());
String retryKey = method.getName() + ".retry";
if (map.containsKey(retryKey)) {
String retryValue = map.remove(retryKey);
if ("false".equals(retryValue)) {
map.put(method.getName() + ".retries", "0");
List<ArgumentConfig> arguments = method.getArguments();
if (arguments != null && !arguments.isEmpty()) {
for (ArgumentConfig argument : arguments) {
// convert argument type
if (argument.getType() != null && argument.getType().length() > 0) {
Method[] methods = interfaceClass.getMethods();
// visit all methods
if (methods != null && methods.length > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
String methodName = methods[i].getName();
// target the method, and get its signature
if (methodName.equals(method.getName())) {
Class<?>[] argtypes = methods[i].getParameterTypes();
// one callback in the method
if (argument.getIndex() != -1) {
if (argtypes[argument.getIndex()].getName().equals(argument.getType())) {
appendParameters(map, argument, method.getName() + "." + argument.getIndex());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument config error : the index attribute and type attribute not match :index :" + argument.getIndex() + ", type:" + argument.getType());
} else {
// multiple callbacks in the method
for (int j = 0; j < argtypes.length; j++) {
Class<?> argclazz = argtypes[j];
if (argclazz.getName().equals(argument.getType())) {
appendParameters(map, argument, method.getName() + "." + j);
if (argument.getIndex() != -1 && argument.getIndex() != j) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument config error : the index attribute and type attribute not match :index :" + argument.getIndex() + ", type:" + argument.getType());
} else if (argument.getIndex() != -1) {
appendParameters(map, argument, method.getName() + "." + argument.getIndex());
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument config must set index or type attribute.eg: <dubbo:argument index='0' .../> or <dubbo:argument type=xxx .../>");
} // end of methods for
// 重构后,最深变成了6层
// 多使用循环控制continue,break
if (methods != null && !methods.isEmpty()) {
for (MethodConfig method : methods) {
appendParameters(map, method, method.getName());
String retryKey = method.getName() + ".retry";
if (map.containsKey(retryKey)) {
String retryValue = map.remove(retryKey);
if ("false".equals(retryValue)) {
map.put(method.getName() + ".retries", "0");
List<ArgumentConfig> arguments = method.getArguments();
if (arguments == null || arguments.isEmpty()) {
for (ArgumentConfig argument : arguments) {
boolean isArgumentTypeEmpty = argument.getType() == null || argument.getType().length() == 0;
boolean argumentHasIndex = argument.getIndex() != -1;
if (isArgumentTypeEmpty && !argumentHasIndex) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument config must set index or type attribute.eg: <dubbo:argument index='0' .../> or <dubbo:argument type=xxx .../>");
if (isArgumentTypeEmpty) {
appendParameters(map, argument, method.getName() + "." + argument.getIndex());
Method[] methods = interfaceClass.getMethods();
if (methods == null || methods.length == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
String methodName = methods[i].getName();
if (!methodName.equals(method.getName())) {
Class<?>[] argtypes = methods[i].getParameterTypes();
if (argument.getIndex() != -1) {
if (!argtypes[argument.getIndex()].getName().equals(argument.getType())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument config error : the index attribute and type attribute not match :index :" + argument.getIndex() + ", type:" + argument.getType());
appendParameters(map, argument, method.getName() + "." + argument.getIndex());
for (int j = 0; j < argtypes.length; j++) {
Class<?> argclazz = argtypes[j];
if (!argclazz.getName().equals(argument.getType())) {
if (argument.getIndex() != -1 && argument.getIndex() != j) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument config error : the index attribute and type attribute not match :index :" + argument.getIndex() + ", type:" + argument.getType());
appendParameters(map, argument, method.getName() + "." + j);