1. 不要以为你很特别 (Don't think that you are special);
2. 不要以为你的立场跟我们一样 (Don't think that you are of the same standing as us);
3. 不要以为你比我们聪明 (Don't think that you are smarter than us);
4. 不要以为你比我们好(Don't fancy yourself as being better than us);
5. 不要以为你比我们懂得多(Don't think that you know more than us);
6. 不要以为你比我们重要(Don't think that you are more important than us);
7. 不要以为你什么都擅长(Don't think that you are good at anything);
8. 你不应该嘲笑我们(Don't laugh at us);
9. 你不应该以为任何人在乎你(Don't think that anyone cares about you);
10. 你不应该以为你能教我们任何东西(Don't think that you can teach us anything).