grep 过滤 在文件中进行查找
[root@lds ~]# grep -n ‘IPV6' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33
vim 编辑文件 /oldboy
[root@oldboyedu59 ~]# alias grep
alias grep='grep --color=auto' #centos 7下面 默认就有 CentOS6 5需要手动配置
-n 显示行号和内容
grep 'ssh' /tmp/vim.log
grep -n 'ssh' /tmp/vim.log
- -w 按照单词进行过滤
[root@oldboyedu59 ~]# grep -w '22' /tmp/vim.log
ssh 22/tcp # The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol
ssh 22/udp # The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol
ssh 22/sctp # SSH
c1222-acse 1153/tcp # ANSI C12.22 Port
c1222-acse 1153/udp # ANSI C12.22 Port
[root@oldboyedu59 ~]# grep -w 'ssh' /tmp/vim.log
ssh 22/tcp # The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol
ssh 22/udp # The Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol
x11-ssh-offset 6010/tcp # SSH X11 forwarding offset
ssh 22/sctp # SSH
netconf-ssh 830/tcp # NETCONF over SSH
netconf-ssh 830/udp # NETCONF over SSH
sdo-ssh 3897/tcp # Simple Distributed Objects over SSH
sdo-ssh 3897/udp # Simple Distributed Objects over SSH
tl1-ssh 6252/tcp # TL1 over SSH
tl1-ssh 6252/udp # TL1 over SSH
ssh-mgmt 17235/tcp # SSH Tectia Manager
ssh-mgmt 17235/udp # SSH Tectia Manager
- -i ignore-case 过滤的时候忽略大小写
[root@oldboyedu59 ~]# grep 'ipaddr' /tmp/vim.log
[root@oldboyedu59 ~]# grep -i 'ipaddr' /tmp/vim.log
- grep 排除/取反 -v
-n 显示行号和内容
-i 不区分大小写
-v 取反或排除
-w 按照单词进行过滤