loaf 面饼 canary 金丝雀
pich leverage 筹码
rage 愤怒 sorceress 女巫
dimension 次元 witch 女巫
terroist 恐怖分子 ass驴 臀部
errand 差事 差使 evacuee撤离民众 representative 代表
supervised 监督
scumbag 卑鄙的家伙
divert 绕道而行
irritate 激怒 vex 惹怒
alert 警戒 oath 誓言
surrender 投降
look like the cat that ate the canary 形容某人很满足
the worst of the worst 最臭名昭彰的恶徒
fight fire with fire 以毒攻毒
figure sth out 解决了某事
machine gun 机关枪
workplace romance 办公室恋情
sweet talking to sb 奉承某人
do for a living 专长
the finest special forces 最棒的特种部队
get personal 坠入爱河
not on my watch 不在我的掌握中
kiss ones ass 拍马屁
assist sb in any way 某人任凭差遣
Ivy league 常春藤
make any demands 讨价还价
straighten up 别闹了
he have a mouth 他说话不长眼
what a ride 多刺激
sperate way 分道扬镳
hold that thought 暂停下 等一下
copy that 收到
pep talk 鼓舞士气的讲话
mount up 增加
he looks like a monster
so they treat him like a monster
and than he became a monster
desire becomes surrender ,surrender becomes power.