(1)6至24小时体内会通畅的排出黑色油便,宿便和毒素,味臭比平常排除的量要多3倍。 (2)排毒:10天,亮肤消痘。 (3)排油:30天纤腰收腹,减脂肪减体重。两颗果果可以解决掉1000卡路里,所以大吃大喝后只要吃上一颗果子就不用担心自己身材变形了。 (4)解酒:酒后记得更要吃上一颗,醒酒效果更厉害,扛扛的,健康又养生。 刚开始吃果果,果果里面含有酵素,会有一段时间身体会起各种反应,有的会口渴、头晕、犯困、食欲不振、失眠、脸红、便秘等反应。一般1~2个星期,这种情况就会好转,饮食上多吃一些水果蔬菜粗粮等膳食纤维高点的,也能帮助排便,还能补充体内营养,不容易出现虚脱的感觉。
Efficacy of the Four Seasons Beautiful - Share Plum 1. Within 6 ~ 24 hours, your black oily or stubborn stool and toxins will be discharged from the body, with a much stronger odor and of normally 3 times more than the usual amount. 2. Detoxification: only 10 days later, you will find your skin is brighter and your pox eliminated. 3. Reducing fat: it just needs 30 days to lose your fat and hence your weight, so that you can have a slimmer waist. As two plums can reduce 1000 calories of energy from your body, one plum after a big feast will dispel your concern to gain more weight. 4. Alleviating a hangover: Eating one Plum after drinking wine can greatly dispel the effect of alcohol, to preserve your good health. As the Plum contains enzymes, therefore, when you eat it at the beginning, your body may have some adverse reactions, like thirst, dizziness, drowsiness, loss of appetite, insomnia, flushing, constipation, etc. However, after 1 ~ 2 weeks, these reactions will subside step by step. At the meantime, you’d better eat more fruits, vegetables, and coarse grains containing high dietary fiber, which can not only help eliminate stool, but also supplement your body nutrition, so as not to have any collapse feeling.