52004 文英美
By Don and Audrey Wood
今天抓到2个爱书的宝贝讲了这本吴敏兰推荐的Piggies。书本非常有趣,讲十根手指头,每根手指头用一只小猪来形容。讲到大拇哥是两只fat little piggies就很形象。和小宝贝们一起伸出大拇哥。Long的时候比比手指头最长的那根。最难理解的是SMART和SILLY 的手指头,我就解释了中文。之后手指头在不同场景的不同表现,会用身体语言和声音做区分。例如:Hot little piggies,做了擦汗的动作和喷水的动作。Cold、shower都做相关动作,宝贝们觉得很有趣。讲到动作不好描述的时候,就带小朋友数小猪,最后和宝贝们一起模仿小猪在脚指头跳舞。最后以两个亲吻的小猪收场。
I've got two fat little piggies,
two smart little piggies,
two long little piggies,
two silly little piggies,
and two wee little piggies,
Sometimes they're hot little piggies,
and sometimes they're cold little piggies.
Sometimes they're clean little piggies,
and sometimes they're dirty little piggies.
Sometimes they're good little piggies,
but not at bedtime.That's when they skip down my tummy,
dance on my toes,
then run away and hide.
...I put them together,all in a row,
for two fat kisses,
two smart kisses,
two long kisses,
two silly kisses,
and two wee kisses goodnight.