

mysql> desc BUNDLE_JOBS;

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id varchar(255) NO PRI NULL
app_name varchar(255) YES NULL
app_path varchar(255) YES NULL
conf mediumblob YES NULL
created_time datetime YES MUL NULL
end_time datetime YES NULL
external_id varchar(255) YES NULL
group_name varchar(255) YES NULL
job_xml mediumblob YES NULL
kickoff_time datetime YES NULL
last_modified_time datetime YES MUL NULL
orig_job_xml mediumblob YES NULL
pause_time datetime YES NULL
pending int(11) YES NULL
start_time datetime YES NULL
status varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
suspended_time datetime YES MUL NULL
time_out int(11) YES NULL
time_unit varchar(255) YES NULL
user_name varchar(255) YES NULL
Java Entity-Mapper:

@Table(name = "BUNDLE_JOBS")
public class BundleJobBean implements Writable, BundleJob, JsonBean {

    private String id;

    @Column(name = "app_path")
    private String appPath = null;

    @Column(name = "app_name")
    private String appName = null;

    @Column(name = "external_id")
    private String externalId = null;

    @Column(name = "conf")
    private StringBlob conf;

    @Column(name = "time_out")
    private int timeOut = 0;

    @Column(name = "user_name")
    private String user = null;

    @Column(name = "group_name")
    private String group = null;

    private String consoleUrl;

    @Column(name = "status")
    private String statusStr = Job.Status.PREP.toString();

    @Column(name = "kickoff_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp kickoffTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "start_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp startTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "end_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp endTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "pause_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp pauseTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "created_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp createdTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "time_unit")
    private String timeUnitStr = BundleJob.Timeunit.NONE.toString();

    @Column(name = "pending")
    private int pending = 0;

    @Column(name = "last_modified_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp lastModifiedTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "suspended_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp suspendedTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "job_xml")
    private StringBlob jobXml;

    @Column(name = "orig_job_xml")
    private StringBlob origJobXml = null;

    private List<CoordinatorJobBean> coordJobs;

UPDATE_BUNDLE_JOB: query = "update BundleJobBean w set w.appName = :appName, w.appPath = :appPath, w.conf = :conf, w.externalId = :externalId, w.timeOut = :timeOut, w.createdTimestamp = :createdTime, w.endTimestamp = :endTime, w.jobXml = :jobXml, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.origJobXml = :origJobXml, w.startTimestamp = :startTime, w.statusStr = :status, w.timeUnitStr = :timeUnit, w.pending = :pending where w.id = :id"),
UPDATE_BUNDLE_JOB_STATUS: query = "update BundleJobBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.pending = :pending where w.id = :id"),
UPDATE_BUNDLE_JOB_STATUS_PENDING: query = "update BundleJobBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.pending = :pending where w.id = :id"),
UPDATE_BUNDLE_JOB_STATUS_PENDING_MODTIME: query = "update BundleJobBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.pending = :pending where w.id = :id"),
UPDATE_BUNDLE_JOB_STATUS_PENDING_SUSP_MOD_TIME: query = "update BundleJobBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.pending = :pending, w.suspendedTimestamp = :suspendedTime where w.id = :id"),
UPDATE_BUNDLE_JOB_STATUS_PAUSE_ENDTIME: query = "update BundleJobBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.pauseTimestamp = :pauseTime, w.endTimestamp = :endTime where w.id = :id"),
UPDATE_BUNDLE_JOB_PAUSE_KICKOFF: query = "update BundleJobBean w set w.kickoffTimestamp = :kickoffTime, w.pauseTimestamp = :pauseTime where w.id = :id"),
DELETE_BUNDLE_JOB: query = "delete from BundleJobBean w where w.id IN (:id)"),
GET_BUNDLE_JOBS: query = "select OBJECT(w) from BundleJobBean w"),
GET_BUNDLE_JOB: query = "select OBJECT(w) from BundleJobBean w where w.id = :id"),
GET_BUNDLE_JOB_STATUS: query = "select w.statusStr from BundleJobBean w where w.id = :id"),
GET_BUNDLE_JOB_ID_STATUS_PENDING_MODTIME: query = "select w.id, w.statusStr, w.pending, w.lastModifiedTimestamp from BundleJobBean w where w.id = :id"),
GET_BUNDLE_JOB_ID_JOBXML_CONF: query = "select w.id, w.jobXml, w.conf from BundleJobBean w where w.id = :id"),
GET_BUNDLE_JOBS_COUNT: query = "select count(w) from BundleJobBean w"),
GET_BUNDLE_JOBS_COLUMNS: query = "select w.id, w.appName, w.appPath, w.conf, w.statusStr, w.kickoffTimestamp, w.startTimestamp, w.endTimestamp, w.pauseTimestamp, w.createdTimestamp, w.user, w.group, w.timeUnitStr, w.timeOut from BundleJobBean w order by w.createdTimestamp desc"),
GET_BUNDLE_JOBS_RUNNING_OR_PENDING: query = "select OBJECT(w) from BundleJobBean w where w.statusStr = 'RUNNING' OR w.statusStr = 'RUNNINGWITHERROR' OR w.pending = 1 order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),
GET_BUNDLE_JOBS_NEED_START: query = "select OBJECT(w) from BundleJobBean w where w.statusStr = 'PREP' AND (w.kickoffTimestamp IS NULL OR (w.kickoffTimestamp IS NOT NULL AND w.kickoffTimestamp <= :currentTime)) order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),
GET_BUNDLE_JOBS_PAUSED: query = "select OBJECT(w) from BundleJobBean w where w.statusStr = 'PAUSED' OR w.statusStr = 'PAUSEDWITHERROR' OR w.statusStr = 'PREPPAUSED' order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),
GET_BUNDLE_JOBS_UNPAUSED: query = "select OBJECT(w) from BundleJobBean w where w.statusStr = 'RUNNING' OR w.statusStr = 'RUNNINGWITHERROR' OR w.statusStr = 'PREP' order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),
GET_BUNDLE_JOBS_OLDER_THAN: query = "select OBJECT(w) from BundleJobBean w where w.startTimestamp <= :matTime AND (w.statusStr = 'PREP' OR w.statusStr = 'RUNNING' or w.statusStr = 'RUNNINGWITHERROR')  order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),
GET_BUNDLE_JOBS_OLDER_THAN_STATUS: query = "select OBJECT(w) from BundleJobBean w where w.statusStr = :status AND w.lastModifiedTimestamp <= :lastModTime order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),
GET_COMPLETED_BUNDLE_JOBS_OLDER_THAN: query = "select w.id from BundleJobBean w where ( w.statusStr = 'SUCCEEDED' OR w.statusStr = 'FAILED' OR w.statusStr = 'KILLED' OR w.statusStr = 'DONEWITHERROR') AND w.lastModifiedTimestamp <= :lastModTime order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),
BULK_MONITOR_BUNDLE_QUERY: query = "SELECT b.id, b.appName, b.statusStr, b.user FROM BundleJobBean b"),
// Join query
BULK_MONITOR_ACTIONS_QUERY: query = "SELECT a.id, a.actionNumber, a.errorCode, a.errorMessage, a.externalId, " +
        "a.externalStatus, a.statusStr, a.createdTimestamp, a.nominalTimestamp, a.missingDependencies, " +
        "c.id, c.appName, c.statusStr FROM CoordinatorActionBean a, CoordinatorJobBean c " +
        "WHERE a.jobId = c.id AND c.bundleId = :bundleId ORDER BY a.jobId, a.createdTimestamp"),
BULK_MONITOR_COUNT_QUERY: query = "SELECT COUNT(a) FROM CoordinatorActionBean a, CoordinatorJobBean c"),
GET_BUNDLE_IDS_FOR_STATUS_TRANSIT: query = "select DISTINCT w.id from BundleActionBean a , BundleJobBean w where a.lastModifiedTimestamp >= :lastModifiedTime and w.id = a.bundleId and (w.statusStr = 'RUNNING' OR w.statusStr = 'RUNNINGWITHERROR' OR w.statusStr = 'PAUSED' OR w.statusStr = 'PAUSEDWITHERROR' OR w.pending = 1)"),
GET_BUNDLE_JOB_FOR_USER: query = "select w.user from BundleJobBean w where w.id = :id") })


mysql> desc BUNDLE_ACTIONS;

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
bundle_action_id varchar(255) NO PRI NULL
bundle_id varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
coord_id varchar(255) YES NULL
coord_name varchar(255) YES NULL
critical int(11) YES NULL
last_modified_time datetime YES NULL
pending int(11) YES NULL
status varchar(255) YES NULL
Java Entity-Mapper:

public class BundleActionBean implements Writable, JsonBean {

 @Column(name = "bundle_action_id")
 private String bundleActionId = null;

 @Column(name = "bundle_id")
 private String bundleId = null;

 @Column(name = "coord_name")
 private String coordName = null;

 @Column(name = "coord_id")
 private String coordId = null;

 @Column(name = "status")
 private String statusStr = null;

 @Column(name = "critical")
 private int critical = 0;

 @Column(name = "pending")
 private int pending = 0;

 @Column(name = "last_modified_time")
 private java.sql.Timestamp lastModifiedTimestamp = null;

DELETE_BUNDLE_ACTION: query = "delete from BundleActionBean w where w.bundleActionId = :bundleActionId"),
UPDATE_BUNDLE_ACTION_PENDING_MODTIME: query = "update BundleActionBean w set w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.pending = :pending where w.bundleActionId = :bundleActionId"),
UPDATE_BUNDLE_ACTION_STATUS_PENDING_MODTIME: query = "update BundleActionBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.pending = :pending where w.bundleActionId = :bundleActionId"),
UPDATE_BUNDLE_ACTION_STATUS_PENDING_MODTIME_COORDID: query = "update BundleActionBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.pending = :pending, w.coordId = :coordId where w.bundleActionId = :bundleActionId"),
GET_BUNDLE_ACTIONS_STATUS_UNIGNORED_FOR_BUNDLE: query = "select OBJECT(w) from BundleActionBean w where w.bundleId = :bundleId AND w.statusStr <> 'IGNORED'"),
GET_BUNDLE_UNIGNORED_ACTION_STATUS_PENDING_FOR_BUNDLE: query = "select w.coordId, w.statusStr, w.pending from BundleActionBean w where w.bundleId = :bundleId AND w.statusStr <> 'IGNORED'"),
GET_BUNDLE_ACTIONS: query = "select OBJECT(w) from BundleActionBean w"),
GET_BUNDLE_WAITING_ACTIONS_OLDER_THAN: query = "select w.bundleActionId, w.bundleId, w.statusStr, w.coordId, w.coordName from BundleActionBean w where w.pending > 0 AND w.lastModifiedTimestamp <= :lastModifiedTime"),
GET_BUNDLE_ACTION: query = "select OBJECT(w) from BundleActionBean w where w.bundleActionId = :bundleActionId"),
GET_BUNDLE_ACTIONS_COUNT: query = "select count(w) from BundleActionBean w"),
GET_BUNDLE_ACTIONS_COUNT_BY_JOB: query = "select count(w) from BundleActionBean w where w.bundleId = :bundleId"),
GET_BUNDLE_ACTIONS_PENDING_TRUE_COUNT: query = "select count(w) from BundleActionBean w where w.bundleId = :bundleId AND w.pending > 0"),
GET_BUNDLE_ACTIONS_NOT_EQUAL_STATUS_COUNT: query = "select count(w) from BundleActionBean w where w.bundleId = :bundleId AND w.statusStr <> :status"),
GET_BUNDLE_ACTIONS_NOT_TERMINATE_STATUS_COUNT: query = "select count(w) from BundleActionBean w where w.bundleId = :bundleId AND (w.statusStr = 'PREP' OR w.statusStr = 'RUNNING' OR w.statusStr = 'RUNNINGWITHERROR' OR w.statusStr = 'SUSPENDED' OR w.statusStr = 'SUSPENDEDWITHERROR' OR w.statusStr = 'PREPSUSPENDED' OR w.statusStr = 'PAUSED' OR  w.statusStr = 'PAUSEDWITHERROR' OR w.statusStr = 'PREPPAUSED')"),
GET_BUNDLE_ACTIONS_FAILED_NULL_COORD_COUNT: query = "select count(w) from BundleActionBean w where w.bundleId = :bundleId AND w.statusStr = 'FAILED' AND w.coordId IS NULL"),
GET_BUNDLE_ACTIONS_OLDER_THAN: query = "select OBJECT(w) from BundleActionBean w order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),
DELETE_COMPLETED_ACTIONS_FOR_BUNDLE: query = "delete from BundleActionBean a where a.bundleId = :bundleId and (a.statusStr = 'SUCCEEDED' OR a.statusStr = 'FAILED' OR a.statusStr= 'KILLED' OR a.statusStr = 'DONEWITHERROR')"),
DELETE_ACTIONS_FOR_BUNDLE: query = "delete from BundleActionBean a where a.bundleId  IN (:bundleId)")})


mysql> desc COORD_JOBS;

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id varchar(255) NO PRI NULL
app_name varchar(255) YES NULL
app_namespace varchar(255) YES NULL
app_path varchar(255) YES NULL
bundle_id varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
concurrency int(11) YES NULL
conf mediumblob YES NULL
created_time datetime YES MUL NULL
done_materialization int(11) YES NULL
end_time datetime YES NULL
execution varchar(255) YES NULL
external_id varchar(255) YES NULL
frequency varchar(255) YES NULL
group_name varchar(255) YES NULL
job_xml mediumblob YES NULL
last_action_number int(11) YES NULL
last_action datetime YES NULL
last_modified_time datetime YES MUL NULL
mat_throttling int(11) YES NULL
next_matd_time datetime YES MUL NULL
orig_job_xml mediumblob YES NULL
pause_time datetime YES NULL
pending int(11) YES NULL
sla_xml mediumblob YES NULL
start_time datetime YES NULL
status varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
suspended_time datetime YES MUL NULL
time_out int(11) YES NULL
time_unit varchar(255) YES NULL
time_zone varchar(255) YES NULL
user_name varchar(255) YES NULL
Java Entity-Mapper:

@Table(name = "COORD_JOBS")
public class CoordinatorJobBean implements Writable, CoordinatorJob, JsonBean {

    private String id;

    @Column(name = "app_path")
    private String appPath = null;

    @Column(name = "app_name")
    private String appName = null;

    @Column(name = "external_id")
    private String externalId = null;

    @Column(name = "conf")
    private StringBlob conf = null;

    @Column(name = "frequency")
    private String frequency = "0";

    @Column(name = "time_zone")
    private String timeZone = null;

    @Column(name = "concurrency")
    private int concurrency = 0;

    @Column(name = "mat_throttling")
    private int matThrottling = 0;

    @Column(name = "time_out")
    private int timeOut = 0;

    @Column(name = "last_action_number")
    private int lastActionNumber;

    @Column(name = "user_name")
    private String user = null;

    @Column(name = "group_name")
    private String group = null;

    @Column(name = "bundle_id")
    private String bundleId = null;

    private String consoleUrl;

    private List<CoordinatorActionBean> actions;

    private int numActions = 0;

    @Column(name = "status")
    private String statusStr = CoordinatorJob.Status.PREP.toString();

    @Column(name = "start_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp startTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "end_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp endTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "pause_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp pauseTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "created_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp createdTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "time_unit")
    private String timeUnitStr = CoordinatorJob.Timeunit.NONE.toString();

    @Column(name = "execution")
    private String execution = CoordinatorJob.Execution.FIFO.toString();

    @Column(name = "last_action")
    private java.sql.Timestamp lastActionTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "next_matd_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp nextMaterializedTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "last_modified_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp lastModifiedTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "suspended_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp suspendedTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "job_xml")
    private StringBlob jobXml = null;

    @Column(name = "orig_job_xml")
    private StringBlob origJobXml = null;

    @Column(name = "sla_xml")
    private StringBlob slaXml = null;

    @Column(name = "pending")
    private int pending = 0;

    @Column(name = "done_materialization")
    private int doneMaterialization = 0;

    @Column(name = "app_namespace")
    private String appNamespace = null;


UPDATE_COORD_JOB: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.appName = :appName, w.appPath = :appPath,w.concurrency = :concurrency, w.conf = :conf, w.externalId = :externalId, w.frequency = :frequency, w.lastActionNumber = :lastActionNumber, w.timeOut = :timeOut, w.timeZone = :timeZone, w.createdTimestamp = :createdTime, w.endTimestamp = :endTime, w.execution = :execution, w.jobXml = :jobXml, w.lastActionTimestamp = :lastAction, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.nextMaterializedTimestamp = :nextMaterializedTime, w.origJobXml = :origJobXml, w.slaXml=:slaXml, w.startTimestamp = :startTime, w.statusStr = :status, w.timeUnitStr = :timeUnit, w.appNamespace = :appNamespace, w.bundleId = :bundleId, w.matThrottling = :matThrottling  where w.id = :id");

UPDATE_COORD_JOB_STATUS: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.statusStr =:status, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime where w.id = :id");

UPDATE_COORD_JOB_PENDING: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.pending = :pending, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime where w.id = :id");

UPDATE_COORD_JOB_BUNDLEID: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.bundleId = :bundleId where w.id = :id");

UPDATE_COORD_JOB_APPNAMESPACE: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.appNamespace = :appNamespace where w.id = :id");

UPDATE_COORD_JOB_STATUS_PENDING: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.pending = :pending where w.id = :id");

UPDATE_COORD_JOB_BUNDLEID_APPNAMESPACE_PAUSETIME: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.bundleId = :bundleId, w.appNamespace = :appNamespace, w.pauseTimestamp = :pauseTime where w.id = :id");

UPDATE_COORD_JOB_STATUS_MODTIME: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime where w.id = :id");

UPDATE_COORD_JOB_STATUS_PENDING_MODTIME: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.pending = :pending where w.id = :id");

UPDATE_COORD_JOB_LAST_MODIFIED_TIME: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime where w.id = :id");

UPDATE_COORD_JOB_STATUS_PENDING_TIME: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.pending = :pending, w.doneMaterialization = :doneMaterialization, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.suspendedTimestamp = :suspendedTime where w.id = :id");

UPDATE_COORD_JOB_MATERIALIZE: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.pending = :pending, w.doneMaterialization = :doneMaterialization, w.lastActionTimestamp = :lastActionTime, w.lastActionNumber = :lastActionNumber, w.nextMaterializedTimestamp = :nextMatdTime where w.id = :id");

UPDATE_COORD_JOB_CHANGE: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.endTimestamp = :endTime, w.statusStr = :status, w.pending = :pending, w.doneMaterialization = :doneMaterialization, w.concurrency = :concurrency, w.pauseTimestamp = :pauseTime, w.lastActionNumber = :lastActionNumber, w.lastActionTimestamp = :lastActionTime, w.nextMaterializedTimestamp = :nextMatdTime, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime where w.id = :id");

UPDATE_COORD_JOB_CONF: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.conf = :conf where w.id = :id");

UPDATE_COORD_JOB_XML: query = "update CoordinatorJobBean w set w.jobXml = :jobXml where w.id = :id");

DELETE_COORD_JOB:  query = "delete from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id IN (:id)");

GET_COORD_JOBS: query = "select OBJECT(w) from CoordinatorJobBean w");

GET_COORD_JOB: query = "select OBJECT(w) from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id = :id");

GET_COORD_JOB_USER_APPNAME: query = "select w.user, w.appName from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id = :id");

GET_COORD_JOB_INPUT_CHECK: query = "select w.user, w.appName, w.statusStr, w.appNamespace, w.execution, w.frequency, w.timeUnitStr, w.timeZone, w.endTimestamp from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id = :id");

GET_COORD_JOB_ACTION_READY: query = "select w.id, w.user, w.group, w.appName, w.statusStr, w.execution, w.concurrency from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id = :id");

GET_COORD_JOB_ACTION_KILL:  query = "select w.id, w.user, w.group, w.appName, w.statusStr from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id = :id");

GET_COORD_JOB_MATERIALIZE: query = "select w.id, w.user, w.group, w.appName, w.statusStr, w.frequency, w.matThrottling, w.timeOut, w.timeZone, w.startTimestamp, w.endTimestamp, w.pauseTimestamp, w.nextMaterializedTimestamp, w.lastActionTimestamp, w.lastActionNumber, w.doneMaterialization, w.bundleId, w.conf, w.jobXml, w.appNamespace, w.timeUnitStr, w.execution from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id = :id");

GET_COORD_JOB_SUSPEND_KILL:  query = "select w.id, w.user, w.group, w.appName, w.statusStr, w.bundleId, w.appNamespace, w.doneMaterialization from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id = :id");

GET_COORD_JOBS_PENDING: query = "select OBJECT(w) from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.pending = 1 order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp");

GET_COORD_JOBS_CHANGED: query = "select OBJECT(w) from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.pending = 1 AND w.doneMaterialization = 1 AND w.lastModifiedTimestamp >= :lastModifiedTime"),

GET_COORD_JOBS_COUNT: query = "select count(w) from CoordinatorJobBean w"),

GET_COORD_JOBS_COLUMNS: query = "select w.id, w.appName, w.statusStr, w.user, w.group, w.startTimestamp, w.endTimestamp, w.appPath, w.concurrency, w.frequency, w.lastActionTimestamp, w.nextMaterializedTimestamp, w.createdTimestamp, w.timeUnitStr, w.timeZone, w.timeOut from CoordinatorJobBean w order by w.createdTimestamp desc"),

//TODO need to remove.
GET_COORD_JOBS_OLDER_THAN: query = "select OBJECT(w) from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.startTimestamp <= :matTime AND (w.statusStr = 'PREP' OR w.statusStr = 'RUNNING' or w.statusStr = 'RUNNINGWITHERROR') AND (w.nextMaterializedTimestamp < :matTime OR w.nextMaterializedTimestamp IS NULL) AND (w.nextMaterializedTimestamp IS NULL OR (w.endTimestamp > w.nextMaterializedTimestamp AND (w.pauseTimestamp IS NULL OR w.pauseTimestamp > w.nextMaterializedTimestamp))) order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),

GET_COORD_JOBS_OLDER_FOR_MATERIALIZATION: query = "select w.id from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.startTimestamp <= :matTime AND (w.statusStr = 'PREP' OR w.statusStr = 'RUNNING' or w.statusStr = 'RUNNINGWITHERROR') AND (w.nextMaterializedTimestamp < :matTime OR w.nextMaterializedTimestamp IS NULL) AND (w.nextMaterializedTimestamp IS NULL OR (w.endTimestamp > w.nextMaterializedTimestamp AND (w.pauseTimestamp IS NULL OR w.pauseTimestamp > w.nextMaterializedTimestamp))) and w.matThrottling > ( select count(a.jobId) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = w.id and a.statusStr = 'WAITING') order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),

GET_COORD_JOBS_OLDER_THAN_STATUS: query = "select OBJECT(w) from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.statusStr = :status AND w.lastModifiedTimestamp <= :lastModTime order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),

GET_COMPLETED_COORD_JOBS_OLDER_THAN_STATUS: query = "select OBJECT(w) from CoordinatorJobBean w where ( w.statusStr = 'SUCCEEDED' OR w.statusStr = 'FAILED' or w.statusStr = 'KILLED') AND w.lastModifiedTimestamp <= :lastModTime order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),

GET_COMPLETED_COORD_JOBS_WITH_NO_PARENT_OLDER_THAN_STATUS: query = "select w.id from CoordinatorJobBean w where ( w.statusStr = 'SUCCEEDED' OR w.statusStr = 'FAILED' or w.statusStr = 'KILLED' or w.statusStr = 'DONEWITHERROR') AND w.lastModifiedTimestamp <= :lastModTime and w.bundleId is null order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),

GET_COORD_JOBS_UNPAUSED: query = "select OBJECT(w) from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.statusStr = 'RUNNING' OR w.statusStr = 'RUNNINGWITHERROR' OR w.statusStr = 'PREP' order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),

GET_COORD_JOBS_PAUSED: query = "select OBJECT(w) from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.statusStr = 'PAUSED' OR w.statusStr = 'PAUSEDWITHERROR' OR w.statusStr = 'PREPPAUSED' order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),

GET_COORD_JOBS_FOR_BUNDLE: query = "select OBJECT(w) from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.bundleId = :bundleId order by w.lastModifiedTimestamp"),

GET_COORD_JOBS_WITH_PARENT_ID: query = "select w.id from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.bundleId = :parentId"),

GET_COORD_COUNT_WITH_PARENT_ID_NOT_READY_FOR_PURGE: query = "select count(w) from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.bundleId = :parentId and (w.statusStr NOT IN ('SUCCEEDED', 'FAILED', 'KILLED', 'DONEWITHERROR') OR w.lastModifiedTimestamp >= :lastModTime)"),

GET_COORD_JOB_FOR_USER_APPNAME: query = "select w.user, w.appName from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id = :id"),

GET_COORD_JOB_FOR_USER: query = "select w.user from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id = :id"),

GET_COORD_JOB_STATUS: query = "select w.statusStr from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id = :id"),

GET_COORD_JOB_STATUS_PARENTID: query = "select w.statusStr, w.bundleId from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id = :id"),

GET_COORD_IDS_FOR_STATUS_TRANSIT: query = "select DISTINCT w.id from CoordinatorActionBean a, CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id = a.jobId and a.lastModifiedTimestamp >= :lastModifiedTime and (w.statusStr IN ('PAUSED', 'RUNNING', 'RUNNINGWITHERROR', 'PAUSEDWITHERROR') or w.pending = 1)  and w.statusStr <> 'IGNORED'"),

GET_COORD_JOBS_FOR_BUNDLE_BY_APPNAME_ID: query = "select w.id from CoordinatorJobBean w where ( w.appName IN (:appName) OR w.id IN (:appName) )  AND w.bundleId = :bundleId"),

GET_COORD_JOB_CONF: query = "select w.conf from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id = :id"),

GET_COORD_JOB_XML: query = "select w.jobXml from CoordinatorJobBean w where w.id = :id")


mysql> desc COORD_ACTIONS;

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id varchar(255) NO PRI NULL
action_number int(11) YES NULL
action_xml mediumblob YES NULL
console_url varchar(255) YES NULL
created_conf mediumblob YES NULL
created_time datetime YES MUL NULL
error_code varchar(255) YES NULL
error_message varchar(255) YES NULL
external_id varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
external_status varchar(255) YES NULL
job_id varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
last_modified_time datetime YES MUL NULL
missing_dependencies mediumblob YES NULL
nominal_time datetime YES MUL NULL
pending int(11) YES NULL
push_missing_dependencies mediumblob YES NULL
rerun_time datetime YES MUL NULL
run_conf mediumblob YES NULL
sla_xml mediumblob YES NULL
status varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
time_out int(11) YES NULL
tracker_uri varchar(255) YES NULL
job_type varchar(255) YES NULL
Java Entity-Mapper:

@Table(name = "COORD_ACTIONS")
public class CoordinatorActionBean implements
        Writable,CoordinatorAction,JsonBean {

    private String id;

    @Column(name = "job_id")
    private String jobId;

    @Column(name = "status")
    private String statusStr = CoordinatorAction.Status.WAITING.toString();

    @Column(name = "nominal_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp nominalTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "last_modified_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp lastModifiedTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "created_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp createdTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "rerun_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp rerunTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "external_id")
    private String externalId;

    @Column(name = "sla_xml")
    private StringBlob slaXml = null;

    @Column(name = "pending")
    private int pending = 0;

    @Column(name = "job_type")
    private String type;

    @Column(name = "action_number")
    private int actionNumber;

    @Column(name = "created_conf")
    private StringBlob createdConf;

    @Column(name = "time_out")
    private int timeOut = 0;

    @Column(name = "run_conf")
    private StringBlob runConf;

    @Column(name = "action_xml")
    private StringBlob actionXml;

    @Column(name = "missing_dependencies")
    private StringBlob missingDependencies;

    @Column(name = "push_missing_dependencies")
    private StringBlob pushMissingDependencies;

    @Column(name = "external_status")
    private String externalStatus;

    @Column(name = "tracker_uri")
    private String trackerUri;

    @Column(name = "console_url")
    private String consoleUrl;

    @Column(name = "error_code")
    private String errorCode;

    @Column(name = "error_message")
    private String errorMessage;


UPDATE_COORD_ACTION: query = "update CoordinatorActionBean w set w.actionNumber = :actionNumber, w.actionXml = :actionXml, w.consoleUrl = :consoleUrl, w.createdConf = :createdConf, w.errorCode = :errorCode, w.errorMessage = :errorMessage, w.externalStatus = :externalStatus, w.missingDependencies = :missingDependencies, w.runConf = :runConf, w.timeOut = :timeOut, w.trackerUri = :trackerUri, w.type = :type, w.createdTimestamp = :createdTime, w.externalId = :externalId, w.jobId = :jobId, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.nominalTimestamp = :nominalTime, w.slaXml = :slaXml, w.statusStr = :status where w.id = :id"),
UPDATE_COORD_ACTION_MIN: query = "update CoordinatorActionBean w set w.actionXml = :actionXml, w.missingDependencies = :missingDependencies, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.statusStr = :status where w.id = :id"),
 // Query to update the action status, pending status and last modified time stamp of a Coordinator action
UPDATE_COORD_ACTION_STATUS_PENDING_TIME: query = "update CoordinatorActionBean w set w.statusStr =:status, w.pending =:pending, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime where w.id = :id"),
 // Update query for InputCheck
UPDATE_COORD_ACTION_FOR_INPUTCHECK", query = "update CoordinatorActionBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.actionXml = :actionXml, w.missingDependencies = :missingDependencies where w.id = :id"),
 // Update query for Push-based missing dependency check
UPDATE_COORD_ACTION_FOR_PUSH_INPUTCHECK: query = "update CoordinatorActionBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime,  w.actionXml = :actionXml, w.pushMissingDependencies = :pushMissingDependencies where w.id = :id"),
 // Update query for Push-based missing dependency check
UPDATE_COORD_ACTION_DEPENDENCIES: query = "update CoordinatorActionBean w set w.missingDependencies = :missingDependencies, w.pushMissingDependencies = :pushMissingDependencies where w.id = :id"),
 // Update query for Start
UPDATE_COORD_ACTION_FOR_START: query = "update CoordinatorActionBean w set w.statusStr =:status, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.runConf = :runConf, w.externalId = :externalId, w.pending = :pending, w.errorCode = :errorCode, w.errorMessage = :errorMessage  where w.id = :id"),
UPDATE_COORD_ACTION_FOR_MODIFIED_DATE: query = "update CoordinatorActionBean w set w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime where w.id = :id"),
UPDATE_COORD_ACTION_RERUN: query = "update CoordinatorActionBean w set w.actionXml =:actionXml, w.statusStr = :status, w.externalId = :externalId, w.externalStatus = :externalStatus, w.rerunTimestamp = :rerunTime, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModifiedTime, w.createdTimestamp = :createdTime, w.createdConf = :createdConf, w.runConf = :runConf, w.missingDependencies = :missingDependencies, w.pushMissingDependencies = :pushMissingDependencies, w.errorCode = :errorCode, w.errorMessage = :errorMessage where w.id = :id"),
DELETE_COMPLETED_ACTIONS_FOR_COORDINATOR: query = "delete from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId and (a.statusStr = 'SUCCEEDED' OR a.statusStr = 'FAILED' OR a.statusStr= 'KILLED')"),
DELETE_ACTIONS_FOR_LONG_RUNNING_COORDINATOR: query = "delete from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id IN (:actionId)"),
DELETE_UNSCHEDULED_ACTION: query = "delete from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id and (a.statusStr = 'WAITING' OR a.statusStr = 'READY')"),
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_FOR_COORDINATOR: query = "select a.id from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId"),
 // Query used by XTestcase to setup tables
GET_COORD_ACTIONS: query = "select OBJECT(w) from CoordinatorActionBean w"),
 // Select query used only by test cases
GET_COORD_ACTION: query = "select OBJECT(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id"),
 // Select query used by SLAService on restart
GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_SLA:  query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.statusStr, a.externalId, a.lastModifiedTimestamp from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id"),
 // Select query used by ActionInfo command
GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_INFO: query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.actionNumber, a.consoleUrl, a.errorCode, a.errorMessage, a.externalId, a.externalStatus, a.trackerUri, a.createdTimestamp, a.nominalTimestamp, a.statusStr, a.lastModifiedTimestamp, a.missingDependencies, a.pushMissingDependencies from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id"),
 // Select Query used by Timeout and skip commands
GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_TIMEOUT: query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.statusStr, a.runConf, a.pending, a.nominalTimestamp, a.createdTimestamp from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id"),
 // Select query used by InputCheck command
GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_INPUTCHECK: query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.statusStr, a.runConf, a.nominalTimestamp, a.createdTimestamp, a.actionXml, a.missingDependencies, a.pushMissingDependencies, a.timeOut, a.externalId from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id"),
 // Select query used by CoordActionUpdate command
GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_EXTERNALID: query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.statusStr, a.pending, a.externalId, a.lastModifiedTimestamp, a.slaXml, a.nominalTimestamp, a.createdTimestamp from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.externalId = :externalId"),
 // Select query used by Check command
GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_CHECK: query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.statusStr, a.pending, a.externalId, a.lastModifiedTimestamp, a.slaXml, a.nominalTimestamp, a.createdTimestamp from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id"),
 // Select query used by Start command
GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_START: query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.statusStr, a.pending, a.createdConf, a.slaXml, a.actionXml, a.externalId, a.errorMessage, a.errorCode, a.nominalTimestamp, a.createdTimestamp from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id"),
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_FOR_JOB_FIFO: query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.statusStr, a.pending, a.nominalTimestamp, a.createdTimestamp from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.statusStr = 'READY' order by a.nominalTimestamp"),
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_FOR_JOB_LIFO:  query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.statusStr, a.pending, a.nominalTimestamp, a.createdTimestamp from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.statusStr = 'READY' order by a.nominalTimestamp desc"),
GET_COORD_RUNNING_ACTIONS_COUNT: query = "select count(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND (a.statusStr = 'RUNNING' OR a.statusStr='SUBMITTED')"),
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_COUNT_BY_JOBID: query = "select count(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId"),
GET_COORD_ACTIVE_ACTIONS_COUNT_BY_JOBID: query = "select count(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.statusStr = 'WAITING'"),
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_PENDING_FALSE_COUNT: query = "select count(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.pending = 0 AND (a.statusStr = 'SUSPENDED' OR a.statusStr = 'TIMEDOUT' OR a.statusStr = 'SUCCEEDED' OR a.statusStr = 'KILLED' OR a.statusStr = 'FAILED')"),
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_PENDING_FALSE_STATUS_COUNT:  query = "select count(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.pending = 0 AND a.statusStr = :status"),
GET_ACTIONS_FOR_COORD_JOB:  query = "select count(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId"),
 // Query to retrieve Coordinator actions sorted by nominal time
GET_ACTIONS_FOR_COORD_JOB_ORDER_BY_NOMINAL_TIME: query = "select a.id, a.actionNumber, a.consoleUrl, a.errorCode, a.errorMessage, a.externalId, a.externalStatus, a.jobId, a.trackerUri, a.createdTimestamp, a.nominalTimestamp, a.statusStr, a.lastModifiedTimestamp, a.missingDependencies, a.pushMissingDependencies, a.timeOut from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId order by a.nominalTimestamp"),
 // Query to maintain backward compatibility for coord job info command
GET_ALL_COLS_FOR_ACTIONS_FOR_COORD_JOB_ORDER_BY_NOMINAL_TIME: query = "select OBJECT(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId order by a.nominalTimestamp"),
 // Query to retrieve action id, action status, pending status and external Id of not completed Coordinator actions
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_NOT_COMPLETED: query = "select a.id, a.statusStr, a.pending, a.externalId, a.pushMissingDependencies, a.nominalTimestamp, a.createdTimestamp, a.jobId from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.statusStr <> 'FAILED' AND a.statusStr <> 'TIMEDOUT' AND a.statusStr <> 'SUCCEEDED' AND a.statusStr <> 'KILLED' AND a.statusStr <> 'IGNORED'"),
// Query to retrieve action id, action status, pending status and external Id of running Coordinator actions
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_RUNNING:  query = "select a.id, a.statusStr, a.pending, a.externalId, a.nominalTimestamp, a.createdTimestamp from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId and a.statusStr = 'RUNNING'"),
// Query to retrieve action id, action status, pending status and external Id of suspended Coordinator actions
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_SUSPENDED", query = "select a.id, a.statusStr, a.pending, a.externalId, a.nominalTimestamp, a.createdTimestamp from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId and a.statusStr = 'SUSPENDED'"),
// Query to retrieve count of Coordinator actions which are pending
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_PENDING_COUNT", query = "select count(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.pending > 0"),
 // Query to retrieve status of Coordinator actions
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_STATUS_UNIGNORED", query = "select a.statusStr, a.pending from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.statusStr <> 'IGNORED'"),
// Query to retrieve status of Coordinator actions
GET_COORD_ACTION_STATUS", query = "select a.statusStr from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id = :id"),
GET_COORD_ACTION_FOR_COORD_JOB_BY_ACTION_NUMBER", query = "select a.id from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.actionNumber = :actionNumber"),
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_BY_LAST_MODIFIED_TIME", query = "select a.jobId from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.lastModifiedTimestamp >= :lastModifiedTime"),
//Used by coordinator store only
GET_RUNNING_ACTIONS_FOR_COORD_JOB", query = "select OBJECT(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.statusStr = 'RUNNING'"),
GET_RUNNING_ACTIONS_OLDER_THAN", query = "select a.id from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.statusStr = 'RUNNING' AND a.lastModifiedTimestamp <= :lastModifiedTime"),
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_WAITING_SUBMITTED_OLDER_THAN", query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.statusStr, a.externalId, a.pushMissingDependencies from CoordinatorActionBean a where (a.statusStr = 'WAITING' OR a.statusStr = 'SUBMITTED') AND a.lastModifiedTimestamp <= :lastModifiedTime"),
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_FOR_RECOVERY_OLDER_THAN", query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.statusStr, a.externalId, a.pending from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.pending > 0 AND (a.statusStr = 'SUSPENDED' OR a.statusStr = 'KILLED' OR a.statusStr = 'RUNNING') AND a.lastModifiedTimestamp <= :lastModifiedTime"),
 // Select query used by rerun, requires almost all columns so select * is used
GET_TERMINATED_ACTIONS_FOR_DATES", query = "select OBJECT(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND (a.statusStr = 'TIMEDOUT' OR a.statusStr = 'SUCCEEDED' OR a.statusStr = 'KILLED' OR a.statusStr = 'FAILED' OR a.statusStr = 'IGNORED') AND a.nominalTimestamp >= :startTime AND a.nominalTimestamp <= :endTime"),
 // Select query used by log
GET_TERMINATED_ACTION_IDS_FOR_DATES", query = "select a.id from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND (a.statusStr = 'TIMEDOUT' OR a.statusStr = 'SUCCEEDED' OR a.statusStr = 'KILLED' OR a.statusStr = 'FAILED') AND a.nominalTimestamp >= :startTime AND a.nominalTimestamp <= :endTime"),
 // Select query used by rerun, requires almost all columns so select * is used
GET_ACTION_FOR_NOMINALTIME", query = "select OBJECT(a) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND a.nominalTimestamp = :nominalTime"),
GET_ACTIVE_ACTIONS_FOR_DATES", query = "select a.id, a.jobId, a.statusStr, a.externalId, a.pending, a.nominalTimestamp, a.createdTimestamp from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId AND (a.statusStr = 'WAITING' OR a.statusStr = 'READY' OR a.statusStr = 'SUBMITTED' OR a.statusStr = 'RUNNING'  OR a.statusStr = 'SUSPENDED') AND a.nominalTimestamp >= :startTime AND a.nominalTimestamp <= :endTime"),
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_COUNT", query = "select count(w) from CoordinatorActionBean w"),
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_COUNT_RUNNING_FOR_RANGE", query = "select count(w) from CoordinatorActionBean w where w.statusStr = 'RUNNING' and w.jobId= :jobId and w.id >= :startAction AND w.id <= :endAction"),
GET_COORD_ACTIONS_MAX_MODIFIED_DATE_FOR_RANGE", query = "select max(w.lastModifiedTimestamp) from CoordinatorActionBean w where w.jobId= :jobId and w.id >= :startAction AND w.id <= :endAction"),
GET_READY_ACTIONS_GROUP_BY_JOBID", query = "select a.jobId, min(a.lastModifiedTimestamp) from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.statusStr = 'READY' group by a.jobId having min(a.lastModifiedTimestamp) < :lastModifiedTime"),
GET_ACTIVE_ACTIONS_IDS_FOR_SLA_CHANGE", query = "select a.id, a.nominalTimestamp, a.createdTimestamp, a.actionXml  from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.id in (:ids) and (a.statusStr <> 'FAILED' AND a.statusStr <> 'KILLED' AND a.statusStr <> 'SUCCEEDED' AND a.statusStr <> 'TIMEDOUT'  AND a.statusStr <> 'IGNORED')"),
GET_ACTIVE_ACTIONS_JOBID_FOR_SLA_CHANGE", query = "select a.id, a.nominalTimestamp, a.createdTimestamp, a.actionXml  from CoordinatorActionBean a where a.jobId = :jobId and (a.statusStr <> 'FAILED' AND a.statusStr <> 'KILLED' AND a.statusStr <> 'SUCCEEDED' AND a.statusStr <> 'TIMEDOUT'  AND a.statusStr <> 'IGNORED')")


mysql> desc WF_JOBS ;

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id varchar(255) NO PRI NULL
app_name varchar(255) YES NULL
app_path varchar(255) YES NULL
conf mediumblob YES NULL
created_time datetime YES NULL
end_time datetime YES MUL NULL
external_id varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
group_name varchar(255) YES NULL
last_modified_time datetime YES MUL NULL
log_token varchar(255) YES NULL
parent_id varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
proto_action_conf mediumblob YES NULL
run int(11) YES NULL
sla_xml mediumblob YES NULL
start_time datetime YES NULL
status varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
user_name varchar(255) YES NULL
wf_instance mediumblob YES NULL
Java Entity-Mapper:

@Table(name = "WF_JOBS")
public class WorkflowJobBean implements Writable, WorkflowJob, JsonBean {

    private String id;

    @Column(name = "proto_action_conf")
    private StringBlob protoActionConf;

    @Column(name = "log_token")
    private String logToken = null;

    @Column(name = "external_id")
    private String externalId = null;

    @Column(name = "status")
    private String statusStr = WorkflowJob.Status.PREP.toString();

    @Column(name = "created_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp createdTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "start_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp startTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "end_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp endTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "last_modified_time")
    private java.sql.Timestamp lastModifiedTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "wf_instance")
    private BinaryBlob wfInstance ;

    @Column(name = "sla_xml")
    private StringBlob slaXml;

    @Column(name = "app_name")
    private String appName = null;

    @Column(name = "app_path")
    private String appPath = null;

    @Column(name = "conf")
    private StringBlob conf;

    @Column(name = "user_name")
    private String user = null;

    @Column(name = "group_name")
    private String group;

    @Column(name = "run")
    private int run = 1;

    @Column(name = "parent_id")
    private String parentId;

    private String consoleUrl;

    private List<WorkflowActionBean> actions;


UPDATE_WORKFLOW: query = "update WorkflowJobBean w set w.appName = :appName, w.appPath = :appPath, w.conf = :conf, w.group = :groupName, w.run = :run, w.user = :user, w.createdTimestamp = :createdTime, w.endTimestamp = :endTime, w.externalId = :externalId, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModTime,w.logToken = :logToken, w.protoActionConf = :protoActionConf, w.slaXml =:slaXml, w.startTimestamp = :startTime, w.statusStr = :status, w.wfInstance = :wfInstance where w.id = :id");
UPDATE_WORKFLOW_MODTIME: query = "update WorkflowJobBean w set w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModTime where w.id = :id");
UPDATE_WORKFLOW_STATUS_MODTIME: query = "update WorkflowJobBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModTime where w.id = :id");
UPDATE_WORKFLOW_PARENT_MODIFIED: query = "update WorkflowJobBean w set w.parentId = :parentId, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModTime where w.id = :id");
UPDATE_WORKFLOW_STATUS_INSTANCE_MODIFIED: query = "update WorkflowJobBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.wfInstance = :wfInstance, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModTime where w.id = :id");
UPDATE_WORKFLOW_STATUS_INSTANCE_MOD_END: query = "update WorkflowJobBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.wfInstance = :wfInstance, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModTime, w.endTimestamp = :endTime where w.id = :id");
UPDATE_WORKFLOW_STATUS_INSTANCE_MOD_START_END:  query = "update WorkflowJobBean w set w.statusStr = :status, w.wfInstance = :wfInstance, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModTime, w.startTimestamp = :startTime, w.endTimestamp = :endTime where w.id = :id");
UPDATE_WORKFLOW_RERUN: query = "update WorkflowJobBean w set w.appName = :appName, w.protoActionConf = :protoActionConf, w.appPath = :appPath, w.conf = :conf, w.logToken = :logToken, w.user = :user, w.group = :group, w.externalId = :externalId, w.endTimestamp = :endTime, w.run = :run, w.statusStr = :status, w.wfInstance = :wfInstance, w.lastModifiedTimestamp = :lastModTime where w.id = :id");
DELETE_WORKFLOW: query = "delete from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id IN (:id)");
GET_WORKFLOWS: query = "select OBJECT(w) from WorkflowJobBean w order by w.startTimestamp desc");
GET_WORKFLOWS_COLUMNS: query = "select w.id, w.appName, w.statusStr, w.run, w.user, w.group, w.createdTimestamp, w.startTimestamp, w.lastModifiedTimestamp, w.endTimestamp, w.externalId, w.parentId from WorkflowJobBean w order by w.createdTimestamp desc");
GET_WORKFLOWS_COUNT: query = "select count(w) from WorkflowJobBean w");
GET_COMPLETED_WORKFLOWS_OLDER_THAN: query = "select w from WorkflowJobBean w where w.endTimestamp < :endTime");
GET_COMPLETED_WORKFLOWS_WITH_NO_PARENT_OLDER_THAN: query = "select w.id from WorkflowJobBean w where w.endTimestamp < :endTime and w.parentId is null");
GET_COMPLETED_COORD_WORKFLOWS_OLDER_THAN: query = "select w.id, w.parentId from WorkflowJobBean w where w.endTimestamp < :endTime and w.parentId like '%C@%'");
GET_WORKFLOW: query = "select OBJECT(w) from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id = :id");
GET_WORKFLOW_STARTTIME:  query = "select w.id, w.startTimestamp from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id = :id");
GET_WORKFLOW_START_END_TIME: query = "select w.id, w.startTimestamp, w.endTimestamp from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id = :id");
GET_WORKFLOW_USER_GROUP: query = "select w.user, w.group from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id = :id");
GET_WORKFLOW_SUSPEND: query = "select w.id, w.user, w.group, w.appName, w.statusStr, w.parentId, w.startTimestamp, w.endTimestamp, w.logToken, w.wfInstance  from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id = :id");
GET_WORKFLOW_RERUN: query = "select w.id, w.user, w.group, w.appName, w.statusStr, w.run, w.logToken, w.wfInstance, w.parentId from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id = :id");
GET_WORKFLOW_DEFINITION: query = "select w.id, w.user, w.group, w.appName, w.logToken, w.wfInstance from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id = :id");
GET_WORKFLOW_ACTION_OP: query = "select w.id, w.user, w.group, w.appName, w.appPath, w.statusStr, w.run, w.parentId, w.logToken, w.wfInstance, w.protoActionConf from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id = :id");
GET_WORKFLOW_KILL: "select w.id, w.user, w.group, w.appName, w.appPath, w.statusStr, w.parentId, w.startTimestamp, w.endTimestamp, w.logToken, w.wfInstance, w.slaXml from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id = :id");
GET_WORKFLOW_RESUME: query = "select w.id, w.user, w.group, w.appName, w.appPath, w.statusStr, w.parentId, w.startTimestamp, w.endTimestamp, w.logToken, w.wfInstance, w.protoActionConf from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id = :id");
GET_WORKFLOW_FOR_UPDATE: query = "select OBJECT(w) from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id = :id");
GET_WORKFLOW_FOR_SLA: query = "select w.id, w.statusStr, w.startTimestamp, w.endTimestamp from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id = :id");
GET_WORKFLOW_ID_FOR_EXTERNAL_ID: query = "select  w.id from WorkflowJobBean w where w.externalId = :externalId");
GET_WORKFLOWS_COUNT_WITH_STATUS: query = "select count(w) from WorkflowJobBean w where w.statusStr = :status");
GET_WORKFLOWS_COUNT_WITH_STATUS_IN_LAST_N_SECS: query = "select count(w) from WorkflowJobBean w where w.statusStr = :status and w.lastModifiedTimestamp > :lastModTime");
GET_WORKFLOWS_WITH_WORKFLOW_PARENT_ID: query = "select w.id from WorkflowJobBean w where w.parentId = :parentId");
GET_WORKFLOWS_WITH_COORD_PARENT_ID:  query = "select w.id from WorkflowJobBean w where w.parentId like :parentId");
GET_WORKFLOWS_BASIC_INFO_BY_PARENT_ID: query = "select w.id, w.statusStr, w.endTimestamp from WorkflowJobBean w where w.parentId = :parentId");
GET_WORKFLOWS_BASIC_INFO_BY_COORD_PARENT_ID: query = "select w.id,  w.statusStr, w.endTimestamp from WorkflowJobBean w where w.parentId like :parentId");
GET_WORKFLOW_FOR_USER: query = "select w.user from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id = :id");
GET_WORKFLOW_STATUS: query = "select w.statusStr from WorkflowJobBean w where w.id = :id");
GET_WORKFLOWS_PARENT_COORD_RERUN: query = "select w.id, w.statusStr, w.startTimestamp, w.endTimestamp from WorkflowJobBean w where w.parentId = :parentId order by w.createdTimestamp")})


mysql> desc WF_ACTIONS;

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id varchar(255) NO PRI NULL
conf mediumblob YES NULL
console_url varchar(255) YES NULL
created_time datetime YES NULL
cred varchar(255) YES NULL
data mediumblob YES NULL
end_time datetime YES NULL
error_code varchar(255) YES NULL
error_message varchar(500) YES NULL
execution_path varchar(1024) YES NULL
external_child_ids mediumblob YES NULL
external_id varchar(255) YES NULL
external_status varchar(255) YES NULL
last_check_time datetime YES NULL
log_token varchar(255) YES NULL
name varchar(255) YES NULL
pending int(11) YES NULL
pending_age datetime YES MUL NULL
retries int(11) YES NULL
signal_value varchar(255) YES NULL
sla_xml mediumblob YES NULL
start_time datetime YES NULL
stats mediumblob YES NULL
status varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
tracker_uri varchar(255) YES NULL
transition varchar(255) YES NULL
type varchar(255) YES NULL
user_retry_count int(11) YES NULL
user_retry_interval int(11) YES NULL
user_retry_max int(11) YES NULL
wf_id varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
Java Entity-Mapper:
@Table(name = "WF_ACTIONS")
public class WorkflowActionBean implements Writable, WorkflowAction, JsonBean {
    private String id;

    @Column(name = "wf_id")
    private String wfId = null;

    @Column(name = "created_time")
    private Timestamp createdTimeTS = null;

    @Column(name = "status")
    private String statusStr = WorkflowAction.Status.PREP.toString();

    @Column(name = "last_check_time")
    private Timestamp lastCheckTimestamp;

    @Column(name = "end_time")
    private Timestamp endTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "start_time")
    private Timestamp startTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "execution_path", length = 1024)
    private String executionPath = null;

    @Column(name = "pending")
    private int pending = 0;

    @Column(name = "pending_age")
    private Timestamp pendingAgeTimestamp = null;

    @Column(name = "signal_value")
    private String signalValue = null;

    @Column(name = "log_token")
    private String logToken = null;

    @Column(name = "sla_xml")
    private StringBlob slaXml;

    @Column(name = "name")
    private String name = null;

    @Column(name = "cred")
    private String cred = null;

    @Column(name = "type")
    private String type = null;

    @Column(name = "conf")
    private StringBlob conf;

    @Column(name = "retries")
    private int retries;

    @Column(name = "user_retry_count")
    private int userRetryCount;

    @Column(name = "user_retry_max")
    private int userRetryMax;

    @Column(name = "user_retry_interval")
    private int userRetryInterval;

    @Column(name = "transition")
    private String transition = null;

    @Column(name = "data")
    private StringBlob data;

    @Column(name = "stats")
    private StringBlob stats;

    @Column(name = "external_child_ids")
    private StringBlob externalChildIDs;

    @Column(name = "external_id")
    private String externalId = null;

    @Column(name = "external_status")
    private String externalStatus = null;

    @Column(name = "tracker_uri")
    private String trackerUri = null;

    @Column(name = "console_url")
    private String consoleUrl = null;

    @Column(name = "error_code")
    private String errorCode = null;

    @Column(name = "error_message", length = 500)
    private String errorMessage = null;


UPDATE_ACTION: query = "update WorkflowActionBean a set a.conf = :conf, a.consoleUrl = :consoleUrl, a.data = :data, a.stats = :stats, a.externalChildIDs = :externalChildIDs, a.errorCode = :errorCode, a.errorMessage = :errorMessage, a.externalId = :externalId, a.externalStatus = :externalStatus, a.name = :name, a.cred = :cred , a.retries = :retries, a.trackerUri = :trackerUri, a.transition = :transition, a.type = :type, a.endTimestamp = :endTime, a.executionPath = :executionPath, a.lastCheckTimestamp = :lastCheckTime, a.logToken = :logToken, a.pending = :pending, a.pendingAgeTimestamp = :pendingAge, a.signalValue = :signalValue, a.slaXml = :slaXml, a.startTimestamp = :startTime, a.statusStr = :status, a.wfId=:wfId where a.id = :id");
UPDATE_ACTION_FOR_LAST_CHECKED_TIME: query = "update WorkflowActionBean a set a.lastCheckTimestamp = :lastCheckTime where a.id = :id");
UPDATE_ACTION_START: query = "update WorkflowActionBean a set a.startTimestamp = :startTime, a.externalChildIDs = :externalChildIDs, a.conf = :conf, a.errorCode = :errorCode, a.errorMessage = :errorMessage, a.startTimestamp = :startTime, a.externalId = :externalId, a.trackerUri = :trackerUri, a.consoleUrl = :consoleUrl, a.lastCheckTimestamp = :lastCheckTime, a.statusStr = :status, a.externalStatus = :externalStatus, a.data = :data, a.retries = :retries, a.pending = :pending, a.pendingAgeTimestamp = :pendingAge, a.userRetryCount = :userRetryCount where a.id = :id");
UPDATE_ACTION_CHECK: query = "update WorkflowActionBean a set a.userRetryCount = :userRetryCount, a.stats = :stats, a.externalChildIDs = :externalChildIDs, a.externalStatus = :externalStatus, a.statusStr = :status, a.data = :data, a.pending = :pending, a.errorCode = :errorCode, a.errorMessage = :errorMessage, a.lastCheckTimestamp = :lastCheckTime, a.retries = :retries, a.pendingAgeTimestamp = :pendingAge, a.startTimestamp = :startTime where a.id = :id");
UPDATE_ACTION_END: query = "update WorkflowActionBean a set a.stats = :stats, a.errorCode = :errorCode, a.errorMessage = :errorMessage, a.retries = :retries, a.endTimestamp = :endTime, a.statusStr = :status, a.pending = :pending, a.pendingAgeTimestamp = :pendingAge, a.signalValue = :signalValue, a.userRetryCount = :userRetryCount, a.externalStatus = :externalStatus where a.id = :id");
UPDATE_ACTION_PENDING: query = "update WorkflowActionBean a set a.pending = :pending, a.pendingAgeTimestamp = :pendingAge, a.executionPath = :executionPath where a.id = :id");
UPDATE_ACTION_STATUS_PENDING: query = "update WorkflowActionBean a set a.statusStr = :status, a.pending = :pending, a.pendingAgeTimestamp = :pendingAge where a.id = :id");
UPDATE_ACTION_PENDING_TRANS: query = "update WorkflowActionBean a set a.pending = :pending, a.pendingAgeTimestamp = :pendingAge, a.transition = :transition where a.id = :id");
UPDATE_ACTION_PENDING_TRANS_ERROR: query = "update WorkflowActionBean a set a.pending = :pending, a.pendingAgeTimestamp = :pendingAge, a.transition = :transition, a.errorCode = :errorCode, a.errorMessage = :errorMessage where a.id = :id");
DELETE_ACTION: query = "delete from WorkflowActionBean a where a.id IN (:id)");
DELETE_ACTIONS_FOR_WORKFLOW: query = "delete from WorkflowActionBean a where a.wfId IN (:wfId)");
GET_ACTIONS: query = "select OBJECT(a) from WorkflowActionBean a");
GET_ACTION: query = "select OBJECT(a) from WorkflowActionBean a where a.id = :id");
GET_ACTION_ID_TYPE_LASTCHECK: query = "select a.id, a.type, a.lastCheckTimestamp from WorkflowActionBean a where a.id = :id");
GET_ACTION_FAIL: query = "select a.id, a.wfId, a.name, a.statusStr, a.pending, a.type, a.logToken, a.transition, a.errorCode, a.errorMessage from WorkflowActionBean a where a.id = :id");
GET_ACTION_SIGNAL: query = "select a.id, a.wfId, a.name, a.statusStr, a.pending, a.pendingAgeTimestamp, a.type, a.logToken, a.transition, a.errorCode, a.errorMessage, a.executionPath, a.signalValue, a.slaXml, a.externalId from WorkflowActionBean a where a.id = :id");
GET_ACTION_CHECK: query = "select a.id, a.wfId, a.name, a.statusStr, a.pending, a.pendingAgeTimestamp, a.type, a.logToken, a.transition, a.retries, a.userRetryCount, a.userRetryMax, a.userRetryInterval, a.trackerUri, a.startTimestamp, a.endTimestamp, a.lastCheckTimestamp, a.errorCode, a.errorMessage, a.externalId, a.externalStatus, a.externalChildIDs, a.conf from WorkflowActionBean a where a.id = :id");
GET_ACTION_END: query = "select a.id, a.wfId, a.name, a.statusStr, a.pending, a.pendingAgeTimestamp, a.type, a.logToken, a.transition, a.retries, a.trackerUri, a.userRetryCount, a.userRetryMax, a.userRetryInterval, a.startTimestamp, a.endTimestamp, a.errorCode, a.errorMessage, a.externalId, a.externalStatus, a.externalChildIDs, a.conf, a.data, a.stats from WorkflowActionBean a where a.id = :id");
GET_ACTION_COMPLETED: query = "select a.id, a.wfId, a.statusStr, a.type, a.logToken from WorkflowActionBean a where a.id = :id");
GET_ACTION_FOR_UPDATE: query = "select OBJECT(a) from WorkflowActionBean a where a.id = :id");
GET_ACTION_FOR_SLA: query = "select a.id, a.statusStr, a.startTimestamp, a.endTimestamp from WorkflowActionBean a where a.id = :id");
GET_ACTIONS_FOR_WORKFLOW: query = "select OBJECT(a) from WorkflowActionBean a where a.wfId = :wfId order by a.startTimestamp");
GET_ACTIONS_OF_WORKFLOW_FOR_UPDATE: query = "select OBJECT(a) from WorkflowActionBean a where a.wfId = :wfId order by a.startTimestamp");
GET_PENDING_ACTIONS: query = "select a.id, a.wfId, a.statusStr, a.type, a.pendingAgeTimestamp from WorkflowActionBean a where a.pending = 1 AND a.pendingAgeTimestamp < :pendingAge AND a.statusStr <> 'RUNNING' AND a.createdTimeTS >= :createdTime");
GET_RUNNING_ACTIONS: query = "select a.id from WorkflowActionBean a where a.pending = 1 AND a.statusStr = 'RUNNING' AND a.lastCheckTimestamp < :lastCheckTime");
GET_RETRY_MANUAL_ACTIONS: query = "select OBJECT(a) from WorkflowActionBean a where a.wfId = :wfId AND (a.statusStr = 'START_RETRY' OR a.statusStr = 'START_MANUAL' OR a.statusStr = 'END_RETRY' OR a.statusStr = 'END_MANUAL')");
GET_ACTIONS_FOR_WORKFLOW_RERUN: query = "select a.id, a.name, a.statusStr, a.endTimestamp, a.type from WorkflowActionBean a where a.wfId = :wfId order by a.startTimestamp") });


mysql> desc SLA_SUMMARY;

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
job_id varchar(255) NO PRI NULL
actual_duration bigint(20) YES NULL
actual_end datetime YES NULL
actual_start datetime YES NULL
app_name varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
app_type varchar(255) YES NULL
created_time datetime YES NULL
event_processed tinyint(4) YES MUL NULL
event_status varchar(255) YES NULL
expected_duration bigint(20) YES NULL
expected_end datetime YES NULL
expected_start datetime YES NULL
job_status varchar(255) YES NULL
last_modified datetime YES MUL NULL
nominal_time datetime YES MUL NULL
parent_id varchar(255) YES MUL NULL
sla_status varchar(255) YES NULL
user_name varchar(255) YES NULL
Java Entity-Mapper:

 * Class to store all the SLA related details (summary) per job
public class SLASummaryBean implements JsonBean {

    @Column(name = "job_id")
    private String jobId;

    @Column(name = "parent_id")
    private String parentId;

    @Column(name = "app_name")
    private String appName;

    @Column(name = "app_type")
    private String appType;

    @Column(name = "user_name")
    private String user;

    @Column(name = "created_time")
    private Timestamp createdTimeTS = null;

    @Column(name = "nominal_time")
    private Timestamp nominalTimeTS = null;

    @Column(name = "expected_start")
    private Timestamp expectedStartTS = null;

    @Column(name = "expected_end")
    private Timestamp expectedEndTS = null;

    @Column(name = "expected_duration")
    private long expectedDuration = -1;

    @Column(name = "actual_start")
    private Timestamp actualStartTS = null;

    @Column(name = "actual_end")
    private Timestamp actualEndTS = null;

    @Column(name = "actual_duration")
    private long actualDuration = -1;

    @Column(name = "job_status")
    private String jobStatus;

    @Column(name = "event_status")
    private String eventStatus;

    @Column(name = "sla_status")
    private String slaStatus;

    @Column(name = "event_processed")
    private byte eventProcessed = 0;

    @Column(name = "last_modified")
    private Timestamp lastModifiedTS = null;

UPDATE_SLA_SUMMARY_FOR_SLA_STATUS: query = "update  SLASummaryBean w set w.slaStatus = :slaStatus, w.eventStatus = :eventStatus, w.eventProcessed = :eventProcessed, w.lastModifiedTS = :lastModifiedTS where w.jobId = :jobId"),
UPDATE_SLA_SUMMARY_FOR_STATUS_ACTUAL_TIMES: query = "update SLASummaryBean w set w.slaStatus = :slaStatus, w.eventStatus = :eventStatus, w.eventProcessed = :eventProcessed, w.jobStatus = :jobStatus, w.lastModifiedTS = :lastModifiedTS, w.actualStartTS = :actualStartTS, w.actualEndTS = :actualEndTS, w.actualDuration = :actualDuration where w.jobId = :jobId"),
UPDATE_SLA_SUMMARY_FOR_ACTUAL_TIMES: query = "update SLASummaryBean w set w.eventProcessed = :eventProcessed, w.actualStartTS = :actualStartTS, w.actualEndTS = :actualEndTS, w.actualEndTS = :actualEndTS, w.actualDuration = :actualDuration, w.lastModifiedTS = :lastModifiedTS where w.jobId = :jobId"),
UPDATE_SLA_SUMMARY_FOR_EXPECTED_TIMES: query = "update SLASummaryBean w set w.nominalTimeTS = :nominalTime, w.expectedStartTS = :expectedStartTime, w.expectedEndTS = :expectedEndTime, w.expectedDuration = :expectedDuration , w.lastModifiedTS = :lastModTime where w.jobId = :jobId"),
UPDATE_SLA_SUMMARY_EVENTPROCESSED: query = "update SLASummaryBean w set w.eventProcessed = :eventProcessed where w.jobId = :jobId"),
UPDATE_SLA_SUMMARY_LAST_MODIFIED_TIME: query = "update SLASummaryBean w set w.lastModifiedTS = :lastModifiedTS where w.jobId = :jobId"),
UPDATE_SLA_SUMMARY_ALL: query = "update SLASummaryBean w set w.jobId = :jobId, w.appName = :appName, w.appType = :appType, w.nominalTimeTS = :nominalTime, w.expectedStartTS = :expectedStartTime, w.expectedEndTS = :expectedEndTime, w.expectedDuration = :expectedDuration, w.jobStatus = :jobStatus, w.slaStatus = :slaStatus, w.eventStatus = :eventStatus, w.lastModifiedTS = :lastModTime, w.user = :user, w.parentId = :parentId, w.eventProcessed = :eventProcessed, w.actualDuration = :actualDuration, w.actualEndTS = :actualEndTS, w.actualStartTS = :actualStartTS where w.jobId = :jobId"),
GET_SLA_SUMMARY: query = "select OBJECT(w) from SLASummaryBean w where w.jobId = :id"),
GET_SLA_SUMMARY_RECORDS_RESTART: query = "select OBJECT(w) from SLASummaryBean w where w.eventProcessed <= 7 AND w.lastModifiedTS >= :lastModifiedTime"),
GET_SLA_SUMMARY_EVENTPROCESSED: query = "select w.eventProcessed from SLASummaryBean w where w.jobId = :id"),
GET_SLA_SUMMARY_EVENTPROCESSED_LAST_MODIFIED: query = "select w.eventProcessed, w.lastModifiedTS from SLASummaryBean w where w.jobId = :id")



Field Type Null Key Default Extra
job_id varchar(255) NO PRI NULL
app_name varchar(255) YES NULL
app_type varchar(255) YES NULL
created_time datetime YES NULL
expected_duration bigint(20) YES NULL
expected_end datetime YES NULL
expected_start datetime YES NULL
job_data varchar(255) YES NULL
nominal_time datetime YES MUL NULL
notification_msg varchar(255) YES NULL
parent_id varchar(255) YES NULL
sla_config varchar(255) YES NULL
upstream_apps varchar(255) YES NULL
user_name varchar(255) YES NULL

Java Entity-Mapper:

public class SLARegistrationBean implements JsonBean {

    @Column(name = "job_id")
    private String jobId;

    @Column(name = "parent_id")
    private String parentId = null;

    @Column(name = "app_name")
    private String appName = null;

    @Column(name = "app_type")
    private String appType = null;

    @Column(name = "created_time")
    private Timestamp createdTimeTS = null;

    @Column(name = "nominal_time")
    private Timestamp nominalTimeTS = null;

    @Column(name = "expected_start")
    private Timestamp expectedStartTS = null;

    @Column(name = "expected_end")
    private Timestamp expectedEndTS = null;

    @Column(name = "expected_duration")
    private long expectedDuration = -1;

    @Column(name = "user_name")
    private String user = null;

    @Column(name = "upstream_apps")
    private String upstreamApps = null;

    @Column(name = "job_data")
    private String jobData = null;

    @Column(name = "sla_config")
    private String slaConfig = null;

    @Column(name = "notification_msg")
    private String notificationMsg = null;

    private Map<String, String> slaConfigMap;

    private MessageType msgType;

UPDATE_SLA_REG_ALL: query = "update SLARegistrationBean w set w.jobId = :jobId, w.nominalTimeTS = :nominalTime, w.expectedStartTS = :expectedStartTime, w.expectedEndTS = :expectedEndTime, w.expectedDuration = :expectedDuration, w.slaConfig = :slaConfig, w.notificationMsg = :notificationMsg, w.upstreamApps = :upstreamApps, w.appType = :appType, w.appName = :appName, w.user = :user, w.parentId = :parentId, w.jobData = :jobData where w.jobId = :jobId"),
UPDATE_SLA_CONFIG: query = "update SLARegistrationBean w set w.slaConfig = :slaConfig where w.jobId = :jobId"),
UPDATE_SLA_EXPECTED_VALUE: query = "update SLARegistrationBean w set w.expectedStartTS = :expectedStartTime, w.expectedEndTS = :expectedEndTime , w.expectedDuration = :expectedDuration  where w.jobId = :jobId"),
GET_SLA_REG_ON_RESTART: query = "select w.notificationMsg, w.upstreamApps, w.slaConfig, w.jobData from SLARegistrationBean w where w.jobId = :id"),
GET_SLA_REG_ALL: query = "select OBJECT(w) from SLARegistrationBean w where w.jobId = :id"),
GET_SLA_CONFIGS: query = "select w.jobId, w.slaConfig from SLARegistrationBean w where w.jobId IN (:ids)"),
GET_SLA_EXPECTED_VALUE_CONFIG: query = "select w.jobId, w.slaConfig, w.expectedStartTS, w.expectedEndTS, w.expectedDuration, w.nominalTimeTS from SLARegistrationBean w where w.jobId = :id"),
GET_SLA_REG_FOR_PARENT_ID: query = "select w.jobId, w.slaConfig from SLARegistrationBean w where w.parentId = :parentId")


mysql> desc SLA_EVENTS;

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
event_id bigint(20) NO PRI NULL auto_increment
alert_contact varchar(255) YES NULL
alert_frequency varchar(255) YES NULL
alert_percentage varchar(255) YES NULL
app_name varchar(255) YES NULL
dev_contact varchar(255) YES NULL
group_name varchar(255) YES NULL
job_data text YES NULL
notification_msg text YES NULL
parent_client_id varchar(255) YES NULL
parent_sla_id varchar(255) YES NULL
qa_contact varchar(255) YES NULL
se_contact varchar(255) YES NULL
sla_id varchar(255) YES NULL
upstream_apps text YES NULL
user_name varchar(255) YES NULL
bean_type varchar(31) YES MUL NULL
app_type varchar(255) YES NULL
event_type varchar(255) YES NULL
expected_end datetime YES NULL
expected_start datetime YES NULL
job_status varchar(255) YES NULL
status_timestamp datetime YES NULL

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