rz -be xxx
rz -ye xxx
下面是rz 命令使用方法 详细的可以man 一下
The meanings of the available options are:
--++,, ----aappppeenndd
append received data to an existing file (ZMODEM, ASCII only).
--aa,, ----aasscciiii
Convert files to Unix conventions by stripping carriage returns
and all characters beginning with the first Control Z (CP/M end
of file).
--bb,, ----bbiinnaarryy
Binary (tell it like it is) file transfer override.
Buffer NNUUMMBBEERR bytes before writing to disk. Default ist 32768,
which should be enough for most situations. If you have a slow
machine or a bad disk interface or suffer from other hardware
problems you might want to increase the buffersize. --11 or aauuttoo
use a buffer large enough to buffer the whole file. Be careful
with this options - things normally get worse, not better, if
the machine starts to swap.
--cc,, ----wwiitthh--ccrrcc
XMODEM only. Use 16 bit CRC (normally a one byte checksum is
--CC,, ----aallllooww--rreemmoottee--ccoommmmaannddss
allow remote command execution ( iinnsseeccuurree ). This allows the
sender to execute an arbitrary command through ssyysstteemm () or
eexxeeccll (). Default is to disable this feature (?). This option is
ignored if running in restricted mode.
--DD,, ----nnuullll
Output file data to /dev/null; for testing. (Unix only)
----ddeellaayy--ssttaarrttuupp NN
Wait NN seconds before doing anything.
--ee,, ----eessccaappee
Force sender to escape all control characters; normally XON,
XOFF, DLE, CR-@-CR, and Ctrl-X are escaped.
--EE,, ----rreennaammee
Rename incoming file if target filename already exists. The new
file name will have a dot and a number (0..999) appended.
--hh,, ----hheellpp
give help screen.
--mm NN,, ----mmiinn--bbppss NN
Stop transmission if BPS-Rate (Bytes Per Second) falls below N
for a certain time (see --min-bps-time option).
--MM NN,, ----mmiinn--bbppss--ttiimmee
Used together with --min-bps. Default is 120 (seconds).
--OO,, ----ddiissaabbllee--ttiimmeeoouuttss
Disable read timeout handling code. This makes lrz hang if the
sender does not send any more, but increases performance (a bit)
and decreases system load (through reducing the number of system
calls by about 50 percent).
Use this option with care.
Open output files in synchronous write mode. This may be useful
if you experience errors due to lost interrupts if update (or
bdflush or whoever this daemon is called on your system) writes
the buffers to the disk.
This option is ignored and a warning is printed if your systems
doesn’t support O_SYNC.
--pp,, ----pprrootteecctt
(ZMODEM) Protect: skip file if destination file exists.
--qq,, ----qquuiieett
Quiet suppresses verbosity.
--rr,, ----rreessuummee
Crash recovery mode. lrz tries to resume interrupted file trans-
--RR,, ----rreessttrriicctteedd
Enter more restricted mode. lrz will not create directories or
files with a leading dot if this option is given twice.
See SSEECCUURRIITTYY for mode information about restricted mode.
--ss HHHH::MMMM,, ----ssttoopp--aatt HHHH::MMMM
Stop transmission at HHHH hours, MMMM minutes. Another variant,
using ++NN instead of HHHH::MMMM,, stops transmission in NN seconds.
--SS,, ----ttiimmeessyynncc
Request timesync packet from the sender. The sender sends its
system time, causing lrz to complain about more then 60 seconds
Lrz tries to set the local system time to the remote time if
this option is given twice (this fails if lrz is not run by
This option makes lrz incompatible with certain other ZModems.
Don’t use it unless you know what you are doing.
turn syslogging on or off. the default is set at configure time.
This option is ignored if no syslog support is compiled in.
--tt TTIIMM,, ----ttiimmeeoouutt TTIIMM
Change timeout to _T_I_M tenths of seconds. This is ignored if
timeout handling is turned of through the OO option.
----ttccpp--cclliieenntt AADDDDRREESSSS::PPOORRTT
Act as a tcp/ip client: Connect to the given port.
See ----ttccpp--sseerrvveerr for more information.
Act as a server: Open a socket, print out what to do, wait for
You will normally not want to use this option as lrzsz is the
only zmodem which understands what to do (private extension).
You might want to use this if you have to use zmodem (for which
reason whatever), and cannot use the ----ttccpp option of _l_s_z (per-
haps because your telnet doesn’t allow to spawn a local program
with stdin/stdout connected to the remote side).
If you use this option you have to start _l_s_z with the ----ttccpp--
cclliieenntt AADDDDRREESSSS::PPOORRTT option. _l_r_z _w_i_l_l _p_r_i_n_t _t_h_e _a_d_d_r_e_s_s _a_n_d _p_o_r_t
_o_n _s_t_a_r_t_u_p_.
Use of this option imposes a security risk, somebody else could
connect to the port in between. See SSEECCUURRIITTYY for details.
--UU,, ----uunnrreessttrriicctt
turn off restricted mode (this is not possible if running under
a restricted shell).
prints out version number.
--vv,, ----vveerrbboossee
Verbose causes a list of file names to be appended to stderr.
More v’s generate more output.
--wwNN,, ----wwiinnddoowwssiizzee NN
Set window size to N.
--XX,, ----xxmmooddeemm
use XMODEM protocol.
--yy,, ----oovveerrwwrriittee
Yes, clobber any existing files with the same name.
use YMODEM protocol.
--ZZ,, ----zzmmooddeemm
use ZMODEM protocol.